Chapter 5 The new union official


Chapter 5

Before listening


1. bar – a place where people can buy and have alcoholic drinks and sometimes food.

2. expensive – costing a lot of money; (syn)overpriced, costly, pricey

3. husband – a married man; one of the spouses

4. improve – to make something better; (syn) to refine, enhance

5. Union Committee – a group of people who are chosen to protect rights and interests of its members.

6. reply to s.t.– to say, write or do s.t as an answer to s.t; (syn) to write back to; to respond s.t

7. safety – freedom from harm and danger; the state of being out of danger.

8. vote – to make an official choice for or against s.o or s.t. by marking a ballot paper, raising your hand or speaking your choice aloud.


Ex. I. Before you listen to Chapter 5, take a bet on whether you are right or not. (One point for a good guess)

1. Who wanted to stop working at the factory?

a) Susan              b) her husband            c) Karen

2. Who decided to change things at the factory?   

a) managers                 b) Drew              c) Karen

3. Who voted for Karen to be on the Union Committee?        

a) nobody           b) most of the women          c) only Susan




While listening

Ex. II. Listen to Chapter 5 and underline the phrases appropriate to the Chapter.

1.      Is the following statement true or false?

After the shower Susan looked quiet and laughed very often. ______

2.    The factory managers care about ………

a)    danger            c) safety             

b)   money            d) Committee

3.    How many children does Susan have?

a)     3                                                c) 4

b)   2                                                 d) 1

4.    Suzan’s husband is …………….

a)    an unemployment                     c) dead

b)   a drunkard (alcoholic)              d) retired

5.    Drew is also thinking ……………

a)    about leaving the factory        

b)   to be a Union official

c)    about working 24 hours          

d)   to propose marriage to Karen

6.    Karen decided ..………………at the factory

a)    to stop working              

b)   to improve safety           

c)    to become a manager

d)   to check Laboratory 16 carefully

7.    Who asked Karen to be a Union official?

a)    Drew                                 c) women in Laboratory 16

b)   Suzan                                d) Bob in Laboratory 16

8.    When the workers had to vote for the new Committee…

a)    everyone agreed to vote for Drew             

b)   most of workers voted for Karen              

c)    only women voted for Karen

d)   the alarm rang all over the factory


After listening

Ex. III. Write the sentences about these people using the appropriate words from the box. Join your sentences with and where possible.

a big and strong                     about forty years old

a little fat                                    a thin smile                        

three children                          a younger brother         

twenty-eight years old               a cold voice

a friendly smile                            a manager                    

pretty                                         the Union official               


1. Karen is………………………………………………

   Karen has ………………………………………………

2. Drew is…………………………………………………

   Drew has ………………………………………………

3. Susan is ………………………………………………

    Susan has ………………………………………………

4. Mr. Bailey is ……………………………………………

Mr. Bailey has …………………………………………


Ex. IV. Replace the phrases in italics using the words with similar meanings.

1.  Houses in the village are now too pricey for local people to afford

2.  The images can be refined using digital technology.

3.  He never writes back to any of my letters.

4.  She showed up with her spouse at the party.

5.  She didn't answer my question.

6.  We were looking for any place for a cocktail after work.

7.  I think the designer clothes are ridiculously overpriced.

8.  Most people raised their hands against the proposal.

9.  We now offer much enhanced services to our customers.

10.      The climbers were roped together for being out of danger.


Ex. V. Game “Check your memory”. Let your group mates check how many words and the definitions from the glossary have been stamped on your memory.

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