Chapter 8 A 'hot' home


Chapter 8

Before listening


1.  ‘The New York Times’ – is an American daily newspaper founded and continuously published in New York City since 1851.

2. fridge– (n)  a kind of cupboard for keeping food cold.

3. immediately – (adv)  without delay, syn. at once, as soon as possible.

4. thief (plthieves) – (n)someone who steals things especially without using violence,syn. burglar, robber.

5.  hurt (past hurt) – (v) if a part of your body hurts, you feel pain in it, to cause physical pain to someone, a feeling of great unhappiness.

6. pull into – (v)to take smb to somewhere.

7. push into – (v) to take smb roughly, to put into with an effort.

8. pull out – (v) to get out of a bad situation or dangerous place, or order someone else to do so.


Ex. I. Pronounce the words correctly.

our – shower                west – best               hole – wall

make – take                  last – past                 shook – took – look


Ex. II. Before you listen to Chapter 8 can you guess?

1. Did Karen leave her work like Drew did?

a)   Yes, she did                    c)   later than Drew         

b) No, she didn’t                  d) earlier than Drew

2. Why did Karen’s home become ‘hot’?

a)  She stole uranium from the factory.         

b) She didn’t have the shower.               

c) The brown envelope hidden in her house was radioactive. 

d) There was a fire in her house.                                                              

3. What was the ‘hottest’ in Karen’s house?

a)   Drew’s photo        c) a sandwich

b) her clothes               d) a kitchen        


While listening

Ex. III. When listening to Chapter 8, pick up the appropriate answer.

Part I

1.  Why didn’t Karen want to leave the factory?

a)  She didn’t gather all necessary information.     

b) She liked her job very much.

c) Drew didn’t ask her to leave the factory.                     

d) She wanted to meet the journalist.

2. What happened with Karen on the evening of November the 6th?

a) The scanner alarm sounded at her.

b) She met the journalist of the New York Times.  

c) She left her notebook in the cafe.

d) She didn’t go to the factory.

3. The next morning November 7th when Karen got to the laboratory the scanner alarm

a) was broken                       

b) waswrong                                 

c) was repaired

d) sounded again.

4. Why was Karen showered again?

a) It was the manager’s order                

b) Her house was “hot”                

c) There were traces of radiation on her body.

d) She wasn’t showered in the previous evening.

5. What address did the men in white ask Karen for?

a)the New York Times journalist’s address             

b) her address             

c) her parents’ address                                    

d) a bank address


Part II

1. How did the men in white get into Karen’s house?

a) they broke the door                  

b) they opened the door with Karen’s key

c) they opened the door with their own keys

d) they got inside from the window.

2. What was the most radioactive in Karen’s house?

a) a sandwich from the fridge in her kitchen     

b) the brown envelope                                   

c) Drew’s photo

d) the bedroom and the bathroom

3.  How did the men in white investigate Karen’s house?

a) They only tested her clothes and shoes.  

b) They tested dust in the house.                

c) They used scanners to test everything in her house.

d) They only asked her neighbors for some questions.                                                                                                                           

4. Why did the men in white consider Karen’s house radioactive?

a) because she stole the uranium.                            

b) …. she stole negatives.                                        

c) …. she stole the sandwich.

d) …. she stole the brown envelope.

5. Is the statement true (T) or false (F)?

The men in white set Karen’s house on fire because it was radioactive.   __________


After listening

Ex. IV. Describe the behaviour of the doctors and the men in white when they discovered Karen to be radioactive. Use the words from the box in the appropriate tense form. Make your own sentences using extra words.

stupid questions     to drive               to shout              

to steal                    to ask the address            a  thief     

to shower           to wear           to hurt     

to pull out               to hold scanners               to push into     

a stupid girl            noise from the scanner     


1.    They thought she was a….

2.    They…Karen…of the room.

3.    Someone…Karen…a big white car.

4.    They… to Karen’s home.

5.    The men in white … Karen.

6.    They didn’t want her to ask….

7.    They didn’t answer questions from….

8.    Karen’s body…from the shower.

9.    The men… white clothes and hats to protect their faces and bodies.

10.                      When the men opened the fridge…was very loud.


Ex. V. Make an instruction for the people which might get into a radiation zone. What should they do? What is not allowed to do? How can they protect themselves or minimize the harmful influence of radiation? What are the warnings of it?

1.    Put on…

2.    Don’t touch…

3.    Close…

4.    Be sure…

5.    Take away…

6.    Try to…

7.    Call …

8.    Go to…

9.    Keep away from…

10.                      Put off…

11.                      Make…

12.                      Drink…


Ex. VI. Which of the following warning signs show the danger of radiation? Guess what do the other signs mean?





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