Chapter 4 The shower


Chapter 4

Before listening


1.      carefully – by trying very hard not to make mistakes ; by paying attention to details; (syn) scrupulously

2.      to be afraid of –  to be frightened by s.t or nervous about s.t;(syn.) to be scared

3.      to pull s.b – to cause s.o. that you are holding to move with you as you go in a particular direction

4.      to scream – to cry out or say s.t in a loud and high voice because of pain, surprise, or fright

5.      to shake – of parts of your body making a short quick movements that you can’t control (~ with cold)( syn.) to shiver, to tremble.

6.      to shout – to say s.t very loudly; (syn.) to scream


Ex. I. Before you listen to Chapter 4, take a guess whether you are right or not about the following…

1.    Who was taking a shower?

a) Drew     b) Susan    c) Karen

2.    Why did one of the staff have to be showered?

a) staffer’s clothes were in dust     

b) staffer’s hands were so dirty

c) staffer’s body was “hot”

3.    Why did Susan get afraid?

a) there was a blow at the factory                            

b) Mr. Baily called for her angrily  

c) she could be radioactive from inside.                                                                                                                                             


While listening

Ex. II. Listen to Chapter 4 twice and choose a correct answer by using a tick (Y).

      1. When did the alarm make a terrible noise?

a)    when Drew was checking his hands in front of the scanner

b)   when Ms. Phillips put her hands in front of the scanner

c)    when Karen pushed a red button on the wall of the laboratory

d)   when the door of the laboratory suddenly closed



Who took Susan by the arms and pulled her through the door?

a)    Karen and Drew

b)   Two workers of the factory

c)    Two doctors from the medical center             

d)   Mr. Bailey and his assistant

3.    Where did they take her away so rapidly?

a)    to the swimming pool          c) to the shower room

b)   to the special laboratory               d) to the medical center

4.    How did Susan feel in the shower room?

a)    She was laughing because the water tickled her body

b)   She was pushing the door by trying to rush out of the room

c)    She was crying because the water hurt her body

d)   Being shocked she could do or say anything

5.    How soon did they stop the shower?


a)    in 15 minutes

b)   ten minutes later

c)    when Susan began shaking with cold

d)   after half an hour

6.    Why did Susan have to get a medical test?

a)    because she could be hot from inside

b)   because her face was as white as snow

c)    because it was a common rule at the factory

d)   because Susan wanted it

7.    What did “Hot” mean at the nuclear factory?

a)    extremely careful

b)   a sexual girl

c)    a high temperature

d)   radioactive


After listening


Ex. III. After checking ex. II, point out the mistakes made by the students.


Ex. IV. Give English equivalents to the following Russian phrases according to Chapter 4. Learn them by heart.

1.      выходить из лаборатории – ……………………………………

2.      проверять руки перед сканером – ……………………………

3.      ужасный шум – ……………………………………………..…

4.      слышать звон по всему заводу – ………………………………

5.      дверь распахнулась – …………………………………………

6.      они схватили Сюзен за руки – …………………………………

7.      они потащили ее через дверь – ………………………………

8.      выбежать из лаборатории – …………………………………

9.      они вымыли ее с головы до ног – ……………………………

10. вода била ее тело словно камнями – …………………………

11. … крикнул в ответ один из мужчин – ………………………

12. лицо было бледным как полотно – ……………………………

13. дрожать от холода – ……………………………………………

14. пора пройти медицинское обследование – …………………..

15. выглядеть маленькой и напуганной – ………………………...



Ex. V. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the glossary. Some words can be used twice.

1.      He covered her mouth to stop her from…………………

2.      Why are you trembling? There's nothing to be …………………

3.      On hearing the news he started ………………………with anger.

4.      Don't be ………………………… to ask if you don't understand.     

5.      …………………………the chair nearer to the table.                             

6.      Lights flashed and sirens ……………………………….

7.      She took his arm and ……………………him along roughly.  


Ex.VI. Role-play. Hand out print-outs of the listening scripts for the students to act out the events described in Chapter 4. There should be 3 participants of the performance acting for:

a)   Karen                 b) Susan            c) a worker

The beginning of the performance :‘Ten minutes later they stopped the shower and left. Susan’s face was white as snow and she was shaking with cold.’


Susan:      They say I’m clean. ………………………………………

Karen:      Hot? ………………………………………………….…..

The end of the performance: ‘Don’t worry about me. And thank you.’


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