Chapter 11 The night drive


Chapter 11

Before listening


1.  feel years younger  looking or behaving in a way that makes you seem as if you are younger than you really are.

2. good-looking – beautiful, smart

3. have an accident – a  crash  involving cars, trains, planes

4. mile – unit for measuring distance or length, equal to 1609 meters.

5. smile (v) –  to look very happy and to behave in a friendly way

6. dance(v) – to move your feet  and body in a way that matches the style and speed of music.


Ex. I. Pronounce the words correctly.  

mile – smile            left – felt                     few – Drew – fuel

night – might          bag – back                   stole – phone – alone

dust – must             care – dare                   quite – quiet


Ex. II. Before you listen to Chapter 11 can you guess? Underline the correct answer.

1. What were the results of the tests in the laboratory?

a)  Drew and Karen were a little radioactive.      

b)  Drew and Paola were all right.       

c)   Drew, Paola and Karen were radioactive.     

d)  Drew, Paola and Karen were not radioactive.

2. Why did Karen rush back to Oklahoma the next day after the tests?

a) there was a meeting with an estate agent to buy a new house  

b) there was a Union meeting at the factory           

c) there was an interview on TV

d)  she was scared for Susan and her children

3. Why did Karen never arrive at the meeting with Drew, Pete and the journalist from the New York Times?

a)   She had an accident.                                 

b)   She couldn’t find the way.                       

c)   She felt bad and got into the hospital

d)   Karen’s car was broken.


While listening

Ex. III. Listen to Chapter 11. Tick (Y) the correct answer.

Part I

1. What did the doctors say Karen about her health?

a) She would be all right.   

b) The consequences were unknown.  

c) There was nothing to worry about.

d) She was absolutely healthy.

2. How did Karen feel after the testing?

a) She felt years younger.              c) She was going to die.          

b) She was upset.                           d) She felt tired.

3. Whom was Karen going to see the next day?

a) doctors from the factory       

b) factory workers

c) factory managers   

d) Pete and the journalist

4. Where was the Union meeting held?

         a) at the airport                               c) in Los Alamos

         b) at the factory                              d) at Karen’s house

5. Why did Karen go to her house?

         a) to say goodbye to it                      c) to see her neighbours

         b) to take something from it             d) to switch something off

6. What did Karen have in her bag?

         a) negatives in the envelope         

         b) a magazine                              

c) photos of Drew and Paola

d) a microphone

7. Why could everybody see the brown envelope in Karen’s bag?

a)  the envelope was red                        

b) Karen wanted to show it to everybody     

c) there was a big hole in her bag

d) It was too big for her bag.


Part II

a)     Why didn’t Karen want to speak to anyone?

a)  She had to go to another meeting.                 

b) She was afraid of the people at the meeting.          

c)  She wanted to tell nothing about the last few days

d) She didn’t like to answer the questions.

2.    How was Karen going to get to another meeting that day?

a) by bus            b) by metro        c) by train           d) by car

3.    Why did Karen refuse Bob to go by his car?

a)    Bob’s car was not fast.                          

b)   Karen had her own car there.                         

c)    Bob couldn’t drive well.

d)   Because she couldn’t trust Bob.

4.    How did Karen die?

a)    She died from radiation.                       

b)   She committed suicide                             

c)    Factory managers killed her.       

d)   She had an accident.

5.    Where did Karen have an accident?

a)    a few miles to Washington                   

b)   on the bridge over a river                      

c)    by a wall near a river

d)   at the factory

6.    What happened to the brown envelope after the accident?

a)    Someone stole it from Karen’s bag.     

b)   It was lost after the accident.                

c)    The river took it away.

d)   Karen gave it to Bob before leaving the factory.






After listening

Ex. IV. Imagine that Drew came to the scene of the disaster to ask the policeman about it. Match their questions and answers. Act out the dialogue.



A policeman

1.    But we were going to meet. She had some important papers with her.

2.    Has it happened here?

3.    Was something wrong with Karen’s car. She couldn’t asleep, she was a good driver.

4.    How is Karen? Where is she?

5.    You mean that she’s dead? How it could happen?

6.    Is she all right?

1. An ambulance car took her to the hospital.

2. Yes, we found her car here near the bridge wall.

3. I’m sorry it was too late.

4. There was nothing important in her car. We didn’t find any papers.

5. May be she was tired and probably felt asleep while she was driving.

6. I’m sorry. Probably she was blinded by the headlights of oncoming cars.


Ex. V. Complete the sentences using the words from the box. Some words can be used several times.

smile        good-looking        look younger   

dance             mile               accident 


1.    I’m afraid of travelling by air. There have been a lot of plane …………….lately.

2.    Joanna’s………………was fascinating.

3.    You are a ……………..fellow.

4.    Let’s ………………… more time. It is my lovely music.

5.    You …………………… Have you bought a new dress?

6.    Her father got into an automobile …………….

7.    How many ……… …….is your town away from the capital?


Ex.VI. What do you think was the true reason for the Karen’s accident? Try to explain your point of view. Perhaps:

1.    Karen drove very fast on the slippery road.

2.    It was dark and Karen was blinded by the headlights of oncoming cars.

3.    A man hit Karen’s car and took the brown envelope.

4.    Your choice.








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