Chapter 1 The accident


Chapter 1

Before listening


1.    accident – unpleasant event, especially in a vehicle, that happens unexpectedly and causes injury or damage.

2.    below – to a lower place

3.    bridge – a structure built over a river so that people or vehicles can get across

4.    envelope – a paper cover in which you put a letter

5.    fall asleep – to begin sleeping

6.    garage – a building in which a car is kept; a shop where vehicles are repaired.

7.    journalist – a person who writes for newspapers

8.    look for s.t – to try to find s.t or s.b; to search s.t or s.b

9.    Union official – someone who does important work for a union or a government


Ex. I. Before you listen to Chapter 1 take a bet on whether you are right or not about the following. Circle a possibly correct answer.

1.    What kind of accident it was?

a) a factory accident       

b) a traffic accident        

c) a climbing accident

2.    Where could it happen?

a)    on the road                 

b)   b) in the air                 

c)    c) at the sea

3.    Who was in the car?

a)    Karen and Susan

b)   Karen on her own

c)    Karen and her boyfriend

4.    Could be any link between words ‘look for’ and ‘envelope’?

a)    YES                            

b)   NO


While listening

Ex. II. Look at the questions and the possible answers before listening to Chapter 1. Get ready to tick the correct answer.


1.    When did the accident happen?

a)    in November 13th, 1974

b)   in November 30th, 1974

c)    in November 24th, 1974

d)   in November 13th, 1972

2.    What was found by the bridge that day?

a)    a brown envelope                

b)   a small white cat

c)    a small white car                  

d)   a big brown box

3.    Who was inside the car?

a)    Karen and her cat

b)   Karen and her boyfriend

c)    Karen and Susan

d)   Karen on her own

4.    How old was Karen when the accident happened?

a)    29 years old                

b)   28 years old

c)    22 years old                

d)   24 years old

5.    What did the police think about the accident?

a)    The police thought that Karen was drunk while she was driving

b)   ……Karen was weary1 after a long day and slept

c)    ……Karen fell asleep and didn’t see a caribou2 crossing the road.

d)   ……the road was very slippery that rainy day and Karen could lose control of her car.

6.    Who took Karen’s body to the hospital?

a)    Karen’s boyfriend

b)   a hitch-hiker3 passing by

c)    the police

d)   a car driver following Karen’s car

7.    Who was waiting for Karen on the very night?

a)    her mother

b)   members of the Committee

c)    three men

d)   Ms. Phillips

8.    What was there in the brown envelope?

a)    some papers and some photos

b)   some drawing

c)    some photographic records

d)   a photographic film

9.    Who found the envelope?

a)    the police

b)   a man hidden under the bridge

c)    nobody could find it

d)   a journalist from the New York Times



1. be weary of smth / smb – áûòü óñòàëûì, èçíóð¸ííûì, óòîìë¸ííûì; syn: tired

2. caribou – American deer

3. hitch-hiker – òóðèñò, ïóòåøåñòâóþùèé àâòîñòîïîì

4. pass by – ïðîõîäèòü ìèìî; syn: go by


Ex. III. Try to complete the sentences while listening twice to Chapter 1.

1.    The small …………… car (1) was found on its side by the ……..…… (2).

2.    Inside the car was a ………………  (3) ………………… (4).

3.    How did the car ………….……. (5) off the road?

4.    There was nothing …………..….… (6) with the car.

5.    Karen Silkwood was a good ………………… (7).

6.    The police thought Karen was tired after a long day, so she …………..   …….……. (8) while she was driving.

7.    They took ……………   …………… (9) to a hospital.

8.    These ……………   …………… (10) were waiting ……… Karen (11) on the night of the accident.

9.    She was bringing them some ……………… (12) and some ………………….…(13) in a big brown envelope.

10.   When they ……………. (14) about the accident, the men looked for the brown envelope at once.

11.   ……………… (15) ever found that brown envelope.

After listening

Ex. IV. After checking ex. III, point out the mistakes made by the students.

Ex. V. Complete the sentences using the words from the box. Some words can be used twice.

below               garage                fall asleep              

accident            bridge look for            


1.    She ………………………………..during the movie.

2.    It is the first fatal …………………… to have occurred at the factory.

3.    They hope to build …………………….connecting the island to the mainland.

4.    I heard voices calling from ………………………………...…….

5.    I woke up and I couldn’t ……………….back ……………………

6.    My car was making a strange noise, so I brought it to the …………………………….

7.    We had to wait while he was …………………….for his keys.

8.    We had a car………………………two hours ago.



Ex. VI. Play game “Check your memory”. Skip the glossary of Chapter 1 for 5 minutes and tell the definitions of the words from memory.

Ex.VII. Write the Chapter summary.







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