Chapter 2 The new job


Chapter 2

Before listening


1.    alarm – a loud sound of a bell which tells people there is danger;

2.    danger – the possibility that you will be hurt or killed; (syn) risk

3.    fuel rods – metal tubes which contain uranium

4.    identity card – a card with your photo on it showing who you are

5.    immediately – about s.t happening without delay; (syn) at once

6.    nuclear – a kind of energy made by breaking the central part of an atom into two pieces

7.    pretty – nice-looking, lovely

8.   to protect – to keep s.o. or smth safe; (syn) to defend, secure

9.   radioactive dust – very small pieces of broken atoms which come from nuclear materials

10.  to wear gloves – to put on covers for the hands that have separate parts for each finger

11.  uranium – a heavy grey metal that sends out radioactive waves, and is used to make nuclear energy


Ex. I. Before listening to Chapter 2, look over the words in the glossary and make a guess:

1.    What factory does Karen go to get a new job?

a)    to the chocolate factory               

b)   to the nuclear factory

c)    to the chemical factory

2.    Why do you think a scanner is mentioned in the chapter?

a)    because it is used for checking every worker’s body     

b)   ………………….for cleaning every worker’s gloves    

c)    ………………….for checking every new visitors’ identity card

3.    Why do you think the workers need wearing gloves at the factory?

a)    because it’s very cold at the factory

b)   because radioactive dust can get on their hands

c)    to protect their hands from insects’ bites

While listening

Ex. II. Listen to Chapter 2 twice and choose the correct answer.

Part I

1.    When did Karen Silkwood take a new job at a factory?

a)    in 1967

b)   in 1972

c)    in 1982

d)   in 1970

2.    What state of the USA was the factory placed in?

a)    Ohio          c) Oklahoma

b)   Arkansas            d) Idaho

3.    What did Karen do before getting the job at the factory?

a)    she worked in a patient office

b)   she worked as a secretary

c)    she was an unemployed

d)   she worked as a waitress in a coffee bar

4.    Why did she decide to change her previous job?

a)    she wanted to work with her friends at the factory

b)   the factory was very close to her house, it would take just 10 min to get there

c)    she got tired of her previous job

d)   because she disliked her ex-boss

5.    What did Karen like at the advert about the job at the factory?

a)    work at the factory was much easier than her former job

b)   the payment was much higher than that one she got before

c)    she could meet interesting and well-qualified people there

d)   she could be promoted1 very soon

6.    How did she know about the job?

a)    on TV

b)   in a newspaper

c)    from one of the factory workers

d)   her neighbors recommended it

7.    What was Mr. Bailey?

a)    one of the workers

b)   the manager

c)    the head of the factory

d)   Karen’s neighbor

8.    In her new job at the nuclear factory what did Karen have to wear?

a)    special warm socks              c) special mask

b)   special glasses                       d) special clothes

9.    What else did Karen need to have to get into the factory every morning?

a)    an identity card                              c) a PIN number

b)   an identification number              

d) a brown envelope

10.  Why did Karen dislike Mr. Bailey?    

a)    for his thin smile

b)   for his huge red nose

c)    for his small rat’s2 eyes

d)   because he always tried to touch her

11.  How soon did Karen have to start her work at the factory?

a)    the next day                 c) on the first day of November

b)   immediately                d) the next week

12.   Why did Mr. Bailey call Mrs. Phillips?

a)    to take Karen round the factory

b)   to take Karen to the medical center

c)    to take Karen’s photograph

d)   to take Karen away from the factory



1. be promoted – áûòü ïðîäâèíóòûì ïî ñëóæáå

2. rat – êðûñà

Part II



1. How did Mrs. Phillips look like?

a)    she was a young woman in her thirtieth

b)   ……….an afraid woman with a tired look

c)    ……….an old fat woman with a wrinkled1face

d)   ……….a little fat woman in her fortieth

2.    Where did Mrs. Phillips and Karen go to?

a)    the factory cafe        

b)   the worker’s shower-room

c)    the laboratory            

d)   the manager’s room

3.    How many people were there working in the laboratory?

a)    16 or 17             b) 6 or 8             c) 6 or 7              d) 60 or 70

4.    What was there in big glass boxes?

a)   beer                     b) chocolate      

b)   uranium               d) dust

5.    What kind of work did the workers do?

a)    they were making chocolate

b)   they were fixing the scanner

c)    they were putting uranium into the fuel rods

d)   they were getting uranium from the fuel rods

6.    What machine checked staffers’ hands before leaving the laboratory?

a)   radio-metal locator1

b)   scanner

c)    metal detector2

d)   xerography

7.    What usually happened when there was radioactive dust on someone’s hands?

a)    the worker had to be showered

b)   the worker had to be fired

c)    the worker had to take off his gloves and thoroughly3 wash his hands

d)   the worker had to be taken to the hospital

8.    How did Karen feel when she went home after a long day at the factory?

a)    she felt very good

b)   she was tired

c)    she was happy

d)   she didn’t think she was happy



1. wrinkled – ìîðùèíèñòûé

2. radio-metal-locator – ìåòàëëîäåòåêòîð

3. metal detector – ìåòàëëîèñêàòåëü

4. thoroughly  – òùàòåëüíî


Ex. III.  Complete the sentences while listening to Chapter 2.

1.    She took a ……….. ………… (1) at a nuclear factory (1) in Oklahoma in 19…. (2).

2.    She looked in the ……………………… (3) and saw there was a job at the factory.

3.    The pay was much ……………… (4) than a secretary’s pay, and the work was …………  ………………… (5).

4.    She went to see Mr. Baily, the ………………… (6) of the factory and she was surprised and ………………… (7) when he gave her the job ………………….. (8).

5.    On her ……………… (9) day at the factory Karen learnt a lot.

6.    Mr. Baily told her that she had to wear a …………… ………….. (10) coat, some special …….............. (11) and a white …………... (12).

7.    These clothes ……………… (13) you from radioactive …………….. (14).

8.    You need an identity ………………… (15) to get into the factory ……………… …….…………. (16).

9.    He smiled.  Karen ………….. ……………… (17) that smile.

10.    ‘Why do …………… (18) always think that ……………  ………… (19) are stupid?’

11.     ‘I’ll call Mrs. Phillips. The manager there will ……….………… (20) the job to you.’

12.    Mrs. Phillips was about …………… (21) years old and a ………………… (22) fat.

13.     ‘Usually if he calls me, he wants to shout ………… …….... (23) about something.’

14.      They walked down a ……………  ……………… (24) with heavy ……………. (25) on both sides.

15.       Karen saw ……… or ……… (26) people in the room.

16.       There were holes in the side of box – just big ……………… (27)  for ……………(28).

17.         ‘What’s in the box?’ Karen …………. (29) Susan.

18.         We ………… (30) uranium into the ……………… (31) rods.

19.         And when you ……………. (32) the laboratory, always remember to take off your ………………. (33) and check your hands in front of the ………………… (34).

20.         ‘If there’s any ……………………………  …………… (35) on your hands, the scanner knows at once’

21.          You can ……………… ………. (36) your clothes and have a ……………. (37) with lots of water.            

22.           It …………… (38) happen very often.


After listening

Ex. IV. Complete the sentences by using the words from the box. Some words can be used several times.

alarm              immediately           scanner               

glove                   protect                 danger  


1.  Children's lives are in……………………….every time they cross this road.

2.  They huddled together to ………………………themselves from the wind.

3.  A car …………………..went off in the middle of the night.

4.  She answered my question almost …………………………...

5.  ………………..sounded to warn everyone in the city that an attack was coming.                      

6.  The paint helps ………………………against rust.

7.  Doctors said she is now out of …………………………………                               

8.  There are different types of …………………such as winter…………….,work……………………,boxing…………………..,cricket………………., baseball…………………and ice hockey ……………


Ex. V. Play game “Check your memory”. Skip the glossary of Chapter 2 for 5 minutes and tell the definitions of the words from memory.

Ex.VI. What do you remember about Susan. Describe the way she looks.

Ex. VII. Complete the conversation between Susan and Karen (‘Susan is taking Karen round the factory to show its laboratories’). Practice the conversation with your partners.

Susan:                This is our _______________ .

Karen saw six or seven people in the room. Wearing white gloves their hands were inside big glass boxes.

Karen:               What’s in the __________?

Everyone laughed.

One worker:               ___________ a chocolate.

Another worker:       Or _________

Susan:                Don’t __________ to them. It’s fuel rods and ____________. We _____  uranium into the fuel rods. That’s why you must always wear your ______ _________.

One worker:      And when we leave the _____________, always remember to take ______ your gloves and check your hands ____________ the scanner.    

Susan:                If there’s any _____________________ dust on your hands, the scanner knows at once. An alarm rings all  _________    ____________ . 

Another worker:       And when the alarm rings, the ___________ begins.

Karen:               Party?

Another worker:       You can ________ off all your clothes and have a __________ with lots of water.

Susan:                He means they _________ you in a shower. It doesn’t ____________ very often.




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