Unit 1


Unit 1                            INTRODUCTIONS

Grammar base



I.                  A/an/the

Ex.1. Write a or an.

1.    an old book                6. a horse                     11. an airport

2.    a window                    7. an hour                    12. a taxi driver

3.    a bracket                      8. a car                         13. an electrician

4.    an umbrella                 9. a university              14. a young man

5.    a new house                 10. a good job             15. a hotel


Ex.2. Change the wrong article into the correct one if necessary.

Model: a orangean orange

1.  a chair – +            5. a table – +                9. a William –  (-)

2.  a apple – an          6. an bucket – a           10. an engineer –  +

3.  an element –  +    7. a notebook – +        11. an Englishman – +

a planets –           8. an university – a     12. an hour – +


Ex.3. Use a / an, the or (–) no article.

1. a, an.          6. the.                           11. the.     

2. ().              7. The, (-).                    12. (-), the.

3. a, the.          8. a.                               13. the, (-)?

4. ()?             9. (-), the, the.              14. (-).

5. a.                 10. The, the, (-).          15. the, an.


Ex.4. a) Put this or these in the gaps.

1.    this?                    4. these.

2.    this?          5. these.

3.    these.


b) Put that or those in the gaps.

1.    those.         3. That       5. Those

2.    those.         4. That

II.               Pronouns

Ex.5. Fill in the blanks with subject pronouns. The words in bold type you can look at in the box below.

1. It.                                                 8. They.

2. We / You / They.                         9. She.

3. He / She / It.                               10. They.

4. She.                                             11. It.

5. We / You / They.                         12. I.

6. It.                                                 13. I.

7. We / They / You.


Ex.6. Open the brackets. Change subject pronouns into object ones.

1.    them.                   6. us.

2.    me.                      7. him, me.

3.    him.                    8. you.

4.    it.                         9. them?

5.    her.                      10. us.


Ex.7. Put in possessive pronouns (mine, his, hers and etc.). The words in bold type you can look up in the tinted box above.

1.    It’s mine.            4. It’s yours

2.    It’s ours              5. It’s hers

3.    It’s his                6. It’s theirs


III.           Present Simple Active & to be

Ex.8. Put in the adverbs of frequency.

1. Students are always present in Ancient History classes. 2. I am generally at work on time. 3 My friends are often on holiday in Turkey. 4. They are frequently in country side at the weekend. 5. I seldom have two cups of coffee per day. 6. I occasionally travel by plane. 7. At weekends I commonly meet up with my friends in the pub. 8. I usually use my PC for several hours a day. 9. Shawn is never in the cafe alone. 10. I sometimes have my friends for dinner.


Ex.9. Choose the correct words.

1) Vendee sings in a jazz club. 2) She drives to work. 3) It takes her 25 minutes to get to work. 4) I often watch old films on weekends. 5) I start work at 9 a.m. 6) They rarely take a taxi to work. 7) Once a month she has her co-workers for dinner. 8) I occasionally walk two or three miles per day. 9) Elsa is a medical assistant in a maternity hospital. 10) She works at a hospital all day. 11) I get up at six o’clock in the morning. 12) I spend an hour and a half to get to my job in the health centre. 13) Mary wants to have her room done over (äåëàòü ðåìîíò â êîìíàòå). 14) My friends go to the gym three times a day. 15) My brother Fillip is a shop assistant in a computer shop. 16) It often rains much in October.


Ex.10. Describe Jordan’s day in 3-rd person singular.

1. On weekdays he wakes up early in the morning. 2. He sets his alarm at 6:30 a.m. to be on time at work. 3. He has a shower at 6:40 a.m. every morning. 4. He has breakfast at 7 o’clock. 5. He gets dressed before breakfast. 6. He always wears casual clothes to work. 7. He leaves home at 7:45 a.m. to catch an 8 o’clock minibus. 8. He’s hardly ever late for work. 9. He always starts work at 8:30 a.m. 10. He usually has lunch in the nearest cafe at about 13:00 p.m. 11. Sometimes he has much work to do on computer. 12. He writes and answers a lot of emails every day. 13. He finishes work at 18:00 p.m. 14. He likes to walk home after work. He thinks it is very useful for our health. 15. He lives a bit far from my work, that’s why it takes him 30 minutes to get home. 16. He has a bike and time to time he cycles to work. 17. Sometimes he cooks something tasty in the evening and he has his friends for dinner. 18. He usually goes to bed at midnight and falls asleep straightaway. 19. At weekends he is generally up late. 20. On Saturday evening he goes to a pub with his friends.


Ex.11.Complete the sentences with don’t or doesn’t.

1. Julie doesn’t.                    8. We don’t

2. She doesn’t.                      9. He doesn’t.

3. They don’t                        10. They don’t

4. John doesn’t.                             11. We don’t

5. The children don’t.          12. I don’t

6. I don’t.                              13. They don’t

7. He doesn’t.                       14. He doesn’t.            15. … don’t


Ex.12. Make Yes / No questions.

1.    Do you have dinner and see a film together?

2.    Does she play the guitar?

3.    Does he rarely study on Sunday?

4.    Do they go to the cinema every weekend?

5.    Do you usually stay in at weekends?

6.    Does he often take her out to the restaurant?

7.    Do you always order things from the supermarket?

8.    Does she fall asleep as soon as she goes to bed?


Ex.13. Ask Wh-questions. Put in missing words do or does.

1.    Where does she usually meet up with her friends?        

2.    What do they do in their free time?

3.    Why does he rarely have a shower?

4.    What programs does your father watch on TV in the evening?

5.    Why do bombs go off?

6.    What kind of books do you often read?                                                                   

7.    What time does plane take off?

8.    Why do criminals make off but then return to the scene of the crime?

9.    What foreign countries do you know?

10.   What room does your grandpa usually like to nod off after lunch?


Reading skills



Ex.14. Dialogue ‘Small talk. Read and listen. (EfL.Pre-inter.S.b.Tr.1.1)

 Open task.


Ex.15. Listen. Mickael introduces a woman to Zofia. Choose the correct answers. (EfL.Pre-inter.S.b.Tr.1.2)

1.    She’s                  b) his wife         

2.    Her name is       a) Mia                

3.    She’s                  c) Chinese


Ex.16. Listen to Ang and Tereza have a conversation. Tick the topics they talk about. (Real listening&Speaking1.CD1.Unit1.Tr.5.)

1.    home town         4. sport      7. weather


Ex.17. Listen. Write the countries. (EfL.Pre-inter.S.b.Tr.1.3)


Ex.18. Listen. What’s their nationality? (EfL.Pre-inter.S.b.Tr.1.4)

2. Her name’s Effie. She’s Greek.

3. His name’s Akira. He’s Japanese.

4. Her name’s Kate. She’s American.

5. His name’s Ahmed. He’s Egyptian.

6. Her name’s Olga. She’s Russian.


Ex.19. Listen and complete the questions. (Real listening & Speaking1.CD1.Unit1.Tr.6.)

a.     Where are from?

b.    What do you do?

c.     Are you married?

d.    Do you have any children?

e.     Do you enjoy your job?

f.      Do you have any plans for the weekend?






Personal information

Ex.20. Choose the correct words in the questions. Answer the questions with information about your like in the model answers.

1.    What is your name?           – …

2.    What’s your last name?              – …

3.    Where are you from?                   – …

4.    What is your nationality? – …

5.    Where were you born?                 – …

6.    When is your birthday?               – …

7.    Do you have any siblings? – …

8.    Are you married or single? – …

9.    Do you have any children?         – ...

10.   What do you do?                        – ...

11.   Where do you work (study)?    – …

12.   Where do you live?                    – …

13.   What is your address?               – …

14.   What’s your email address (mobile number)?                                                   

                          vanessa87@gmail.com; (+99357844702)







Ex.21. The sentences are not correct. Put in a / an or the where necessary.

1.    I haven’t got an email today.                                            

2.    What is the name of this street?                                        

3.    Can you tell me the time, please?                            

4.    Excuse me, where’s the nearest bank?                            

5.    Sydney is a very big city.                                        

6.    What is the largest city in Brazil?                                    

7.    Send me a postcard when you get Paris.                          

8.    It’s a nice morning. Let’s go for a walk.                          

9.    Sandy lives with two friends in a tiny apartment. 

10.   Sorry, can you repeat the question? – Sure.                           


Ex.22. Choose the correct alternatives.

1.    Look! This letter’s from John.

2.    Kate, this is my friend Phillip. Phillip, this is / Kate.

3.    Look at that man over there! (âîí òàì)

4.    Who’s that guy with Julia?

5.    Are these your keys, Charlie?

6.    – Hi, Suzan. – Hi, Tomas. How are you? These are my children, Tim and Maggie

7.    Anna, this / these parcel’s for you. 8. Is that Maria in that car?


Ex.23. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Use my, his, her, your, our, their or mine, his, hers, yours, ours, theirs.

1.    These pens are mine (ìîè). 2. That’s their (èõ) money. 3. This bike is ours (íàø). 4. That ruler is hers (åå). 5. This is our (íàøà) car. 6. Those are their (èõ) sandwiches. 7. Is this bag yours (âàøà)? 8. Those photos are his (åãî). 9. This is my (ìîé) camera. 10. Is this … (âàøè) watch?


Ex.24. Translate from Russian into English.

my ruler, his bicycle, our sandwiches, her camera, their nurse, this laptop, these folders, that garage, my dictionary, this bookstore, my eraser and a pencil, that watch, your bag, his roommate, these keen-readers.


Ex.25. Make sentences negative.

1. Julie doesn’t go. 2. He doesn’t walk. 3. They don’t work. 4. She doesn’t take. 5. I usually don’t listen. 6. She doesn’t make. 7. I don’t share. 8. We don’t cook. 9. She doesn’t sing. 10. They don’t clean.


Ex.26. Write short answers.

1. – Yes, he does.        3. No, she doesn’t.   5.– Yes, they do.

2. – No, they don’t.     4.– Yes, she does.       6.– No, I don’t.


Reading skills:

Ex.27. Give English equivalents of the Russian phrases.

1.    Ïðèÿòíî ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ âàìè – Nice/Pleased/Glad to meet you.

2.    Îòêóäà âû? – Where are you from?

3.    À âû? – And you? / What about you?

4.    Òî÷íåå? À èìåííî? – Whereabouts?

5.    Ýòî èíòåðåñíî – That’s interesting

6.    Êàê çàìå÷àòåëüíî! – That’s amazing!

7.    Î, ïðàâäà? – Oh, really?


Language lexis:

Ex.28. Write nationalities.

1.     – Argentinean                     7. – German      

2.    – Brazilian                            8. – Greek

3.    – English                               9.  – Irish  

4.    – Chinese                              10. – Polish       

5.    – Egyptian                                      11. – Spanish

6.     – French                               12. – American




Ex.29. Look at a paragraph about Maria. Change the words in bold with your personal information. Make up a dialogue.

My name’s Marie and my last name is Valery. I’m from Italy. I’m married. I was born in Naples and my birthday is on 12 March. I have two sisters and a brother. I live outside Naples with my husband and two children. I’m a secretary and I work in an office. At weekends I go jogging with my friend.




A:     Hello. What’s your name?

B:     My name’s Marie Valery.

A:     Glad to meet you, Marie. My name’s David. Where are from?

B:     Italy

A:     Whereabouts in Italy?

B:     Naples.

A:     Oh, really? That’s interesting.

B:     Are you married or single?

A:     Married and I have 2 children.

B:     Do you have any siblings?

A:     Two sisters and a brother.

B:     Nice. And what do you do?

A:     I work as a secretary in an office.

B:     Do you like your job?

A:     No so much but I hope to change it a bit later.

B:     And how do you spend your weekends?

A:     I like jogging.

B:     That’s amazing! Me too.

A:     Let’s go jogging together while we are here.

B:     Of course!


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