Progress test 5


Basic operations & phone conversations                      

Name: _______          Total scores: ____ (40/90%)


I.                  Listen to each conversation. What is each call about? Underline the correct answer. (Un.19 – 4.p.76.Tactics for listening. Basic)

1.    a.   an apology for missing a movie

a.     an invitation to a movie

b.    a cancellation of a movie

2.    a.   a suggestion about a stereo

a.     a request to borrow a stereo

b.    a complaint about a stereo

3.    a.   a complaint about a date

a.     an invitation to go on a date

b.    a cancellation of a date

4.    a.   a request to change a meeting time

a.     an offer to change a meeting time

b.    a promise to change a meeting time

5.    a.   a suggestion about where to have dinner

a.     an apology for missing dinner

b.    a complaint about dinner

6.    a.   a complaint about helping Becky move

b.   an invitation to help Becky move



c.   a promise to help Becky move


II.               Complete the collocations in the sentences.

1.  Once out in Holland, I'll put pen _______, and write the truth about the Civil War.

2.  I was neglectful of (íåâíèìàòåëåí) my friend, taking him for ______.

3.  I must have hurt her feelings without being aware ____ it.

4.  I can _____ without baccy (òàáàê), but never water.

5.  If you are in the ________ about something, especially something that is not known about or understood by many people, you have information about it.

6.  All the messages were _______ off in time.

7.   ‘I am used _________ working in the old way’, he said.




I just can't _________ over seeing you again.


III.           Give English equivalents of the following Russian words.

1.  âû÷èòàåìîå ________________________

2.  ðàçíîñòü___________________________

3.  âû÷èòàòü èç…______________________





5.  ïðîèçâåäåíèå _______________________


IV.           Complete the dialogue: “Phone conversation”.

Gabriella: Hello. Could I (1) _______ to Maggie Jones?

Billy: Hi. I’m sorry. She’s (2) _______ now to pick up our children from school. Would you like to leave (3) ________?

Gabriella: Yes, please. My name’s Gabriella Jackson, Maggie’s co-worker. Could you (4) _______ her to phone the police as soon as (5) ___________? They found her car in Brook Road.

Billy: Oh, really? Yes, of (6) _______. Did they leave a (7) _________?

Gabriella:      Yes. Hold (8) ____ _____, please. It’s on the answer phone. Write down, please, it’s 202 943 8226.



Billy: That’s 202 943 8226. Thank you, Mrs. Jackson.

Gabriella: Not at all.


V.              Form adjectives.

1.       invention – ___________________

2.    continent – ___________________

3.    happiness – ___________________

4.    difference – ___________________




nature –  ___________________

6.    democracy –  ___________________


VI.           Fill in the sentences. Use words from the box. Be careful, there is an extra word you don’t need to use.

round               to                  pass                speak                  

              up              leave              pick                  on 

1.    He finally got through _____ Anny on her mobile.

2.    Could you _______ up a bit? I can't hear you. 

3.    Could you hold _______ a moment, please?

4.    Don’t worry. As soon as he is back, I’ll ______ the message on.

5.    The trip is cancelled. Ring _______ and let everyone know. 

6.    I tried his home number but he didn't _______ up




After I hung _____ I remembered what I’d wanted to say.

V – 2


Progress test 5  Basic operations & phone conversations            

Name: _______          Total scores: ____ (40/90%)


I. Listen to each conversation. What is each call about? Underline the correct answer. (Un.19 – 4.p.76.Tactics for listening. Basic)

1.      a) an apology for missing a movie

b) an invitation to a movie

c) a cancellation of a movie

2.      a) a suggestion about a stereo

b) a request to borrow a stereo

c) a complaint about a stereo

3.      a) a complaint about a date

b) an invitation to go on a date

c) a cancellation of a date

4.      a) a request to change a meeting time

b) an offer to change a meeting time

c) a promise to change a meeting time

5.      a) a suggestion about where to have dinner

b) an apology for missing dinner

c) a complaint about dinner

     6.      a) a complaint about helping Becky move

b) an invitation to help Becky move



c) a promise to help Becky move


II. Complete the collocations in the sentences.

1.  Laura just got married to Jake and took it ______ granted that they and their kids would then live happily.

2.  They weren’t a________ of the seriousness of the situation.

3.  If they think they can do _________ me, well, let them get on with it.

4.  He was probably more ______ the know than anybody else, judging by what he says.

5.  When you send _____ a letter or package, you email it or send it somewhere by post.

6.  Keep ________ from the fire!

7.  After several hours they were ______ to hard work.




I can't get _____ your news, I would never have thought it possible!


III.      Give English equivalents of the following Russian words.

1.  ìíîæèìîå__________________________

2.  óìíîæàòü íà – _______________________

3.  äåëèìîå – __________________________

4.  îñòàòîê – ___________________________




ðàâíÿåòñÿ – _________________________                                                                                                       

IV.      Complete the dialogue: “Phone conversation”.

Mark:            Hello. (1) _______ I speak to Jan, please?

Mrs. Villas:   Hi. May I (2) _______ who is calling?

Mark:            It’s Mark, Jan’s group mate.

Mrs. Villas:   Hold (3) _____, Mark. I’ll (4) ______ him for you.

Jan:               Hi, Mark. How are things? 

Mark:   Hi, dude (ïðèÿòåëü, ÷óâàê). Fine, thanks. Listen. Rob and I are going out (5) ____ a drink tonight. Do you (6) _______ to come?

Jan: Sure. But I have something to get through (= finish). Let me get (7) _______ to you in a few minutes.

Mark: No problem. If I’m not in, (8) ________ a message.



Jan: Sure thing.


V.     Form adjectives.

1.      interest – ___________________

2.      hope – ___________________

3.      addition – ___________________

4.      arithmetic – ___________________




comfort – ___________________

6.      inform – ___________________


VI.      Fill in the sentences. Use words from the box. Be careful, there is an extra word you don’t need to use.

 through        hung              make         cut

                 put            hold             get              breaking                                                                    

1.      I can’t ________ out what you’re saying.

2.      I can’t believe that she _______ up on me!

3.      Ok, I’ll _______ back when I come home.

4.      Could you put me __________to the manager, please?

5.      I talked to Jane a bit, and then she ______Sam on.

6.      _____ on. I’ll be back for a moment.




Sorry, you are ________ up. I didn’t hear that very well.

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