Progress test 2



Date: __________    

Name: _________                        Total scores: ____   (50/100%)


I. Listen. Are the statements true or false? (Tr.20.1.EfL.Elem.St.b)

1. Jordan hasn’t got a date with Lucy.   ___

2. Sarah goes to yoga on Mondays.       ___

3. Jordan and Sarah have noodles in a cafe. ___

4. Sarah has got 2 siblings.                    ___

5. Sarah is married.                                 ___



6. Sarah is from Singapore.                    ___


II. Correct the wrong plural forms. Tick (v) the correct ones.

Model: some boxs – boxes 

1. two feets – …………..              4. white mouses – ………..

2. three childrens – ……….         5. green tomatos – ………..



3. my sandwiches – …………      6. two oxen – …………….


III. Fill in the gaps with can, may, or must.

1.    … you hear me at the back of the hall?

2.    … I go out for some minutes?

3.    … you lend me your pencil?

4.    She … speak Japanese.




You … wear a uniform in the office. It’s a rule.

6.    All taxi-drivers … have drive licenses.         

IV. Fill in the gaps with Have or Has.

1.    ………….. your half-brother got a house?

2.    ………. she got siblings?

3.    ………….. you got an email address?

4.    ……….. he got a girlfriend?

5.    ………….. they got a new car?

6.    ………….. her niece got a room in the hostel? 




We ……… a nice time in Rome.

8.    Can she ………. a talk with you?                    

V. Make the sentences negative.

1.  We have got a small garden in front of the house. ___________________________________________

2.  She has a party this weekend. ___________________

3.  Children have a sleep in the afternoon.____________________

4.  I have a bath every day. _____________________________

5.  My friend has got a bike. ____________________________

6.  In summer my granny has a meal in the patio.


7.  They have an argument about a trip next week. _________________________________________________

8.  Martha has got a job in the supermarket. _________________________________________________





VI. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and collocations.

1.    ïîäâîäèòü êîãî-ëèáî – ______________________________________

2.    ñîçäàâàòü ñâîþ ñåìüþ – _________________________________

3.    ïîññîðèòüñÿ – ____________________________________

4.    ïîìèðèòüñÿ – ____________________________________

5.    âñòðå÷àòüñÿ ñ (ïàðíåì èëè äåâóøêîé)– _________________________

6.    óçíàòü ïîáëèæå êîãî-ë. – ____________________________

7.    ïîæåíèòüñÿ – ________________




 ïîäðóæèòüñÿ – ______________________________


VII. Complete the sentences with proper words from the box to make phrases or phrasal verbs about problems in relationships. Be careful, there is an extra phrase you don’t need to use.

finished             marriage              drift                 live                down          

           let                           out                off                  up


1.       After ten years of friendship Lewis and his girlfriend begin to _______ apart.

2.       Their jazz band is going to break _____.

3.       A _________ of convenience is not based on love.

4.       He is a reliable friend, he never _______ me down.  

5.       Try to speak to Carol and ________ down your mistake.

6.        – I've _______ with Tom,' Gloria said. – Why? What’s up?

7.       They start living a quiet life in the country side. They decided to settle _____.

8.       She wants to leave the party as she feels missed ______.




V – 2


Progress test 2                     Relationships

Date: __________    

Name: _________                        Total scores: ____   (50/100%)


I. Listen. Are the statements true or false? (Tr.20.1.EfL.Elem.St.b)

1. Jordan hasn’t got a date with Lucy.   ___

2. Sarah goes to yoga on Mondays.       ___

3. Jordan and Sarah have noodles in a cafe. ___

4. Sarah has got 2 siblings.                     ___

5. Sarah is married.                                 ___



6. Sarah is from Singapore.                    ___


I.    Correct the wrong plural form. Tick (v) the correct one.

Model: some boxs – boxes 

1. four sheeps – …………            4. colour dresses – ………

2. China dishs – …………           5. dull knifes – …………

3. baby tooths – …………           6. big families – …………




II.Fill in the gaps with can, may, or must.

1.  You …… arrive for lessons on time.

2.  I’m cold. ……you close the window?

3.  Students …… attend all classes. It’s important.

4.  …… you lend me your dictionary, please?

5.  What ……. I do for you?




…….. I borrow your camera for tomorrow?                                                 

III.  Fill in the gaps with have or has.

1.    ……….. you got a bike?

2.    ………. your sister got children?

3.    …………. you got a mobile phone with you?

4.    ………… your parents got a DVD player?

5.    ………….. she got a laptop (a small computer)?                                           

6.    ………… his friend got grandparents?




Can I ………. the bill, please?    

8.    She doesn’t ……….. a car.


V. Make the sentences negative.

1.       Ricardo has got two sons. __________________________

2.       She has a problem with her boss. ____________________

3.       They often have lunch in the cafe. ___________________

4.       My parents have a swimming pool in the house. ___________________________________________

5.       He always has a shower before going out for work. ___________________________________________

6.       Students have got a lot of exams this term. ____________________________________________

7.       I have a house in the suburbs. _________________________

8.       She has got two children. _____________________________





VI. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and collocations.

1.    óçíàòü ïîáëèæå êîãî-ëèáî – ______________________________________

2.    ñòàòü äðóçüÿìè ñòàòü äðóçüÿìè – _________________________________

3.    ïðèñòàâàòü ê êîìó-ëèáî – ____________________________________

4.    ïîìèðèòüñÿ – ____________________________________

5.    õîðîøî ëàäèòü ñ êåì-ë.– _________________________________

6.    áûòü ðàçâåäåííûì – ____________________________

7.    íàäåæíûé äðóã – ______________________________




 ïîäðóæèòüñÿ – ______________________________


VII. Complete the sentences with proper words from the box to make phrases or phrasal verbs about problems in relationships. Be careful, there is an extra phrase you don’t need to use.

break              out                    row                 split                down          

           proposal         wrong                losing                  in


1.       What can I do to prevent things going _______?

2.       Let’s discuss the things we have ______ common.

3.       He has a knack (äàð) of falling ______ with everyone.

4.       I ______ up with my boyfriend last year.

5.       After two months of close relationships they decided to ____ up.

6.       My younger brothers often have a ______ with each other.

7.       He regrets ______ contact with his friend.

8.       He can’t understand why girls always turn him ______ .





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