Progress test 3


Extra-mural education

Date: __________    

Name: _________                        Total scores: ____   (51/100%)


I. Listen to Rafael speaking to his supervisor, Dr. Gupta. Choose the correct answer. (R.42.Un.16.CD-2.RL&Sp.-1.)

1.       Rafael can’t / can hand in his report on time.

2.       Rafael has been away / ill this week.

3.       Rafael has got the reading / writing list.

4.       Rafael will go to the laboratory / library after class.




Dr. Gupta set a deadline on the 27th / 17th of Friday for Rafael.


II. Translate the following words and collocations into Russian.

1.    to skip lectures – …………………………….…  

2.    to get a degree in IT – ………………….…

3.    to attend lectures – …………………….……….. 

4.    a tuition fee – …………………………..…………

5.    a Bachelor of Science – …………………….……

6.    a credit-test – ……………………….…………

7.    an undergraduate – …………………………….   

8.    to give a grade to a student – ……………………….………




III. Write infinitive of the verbs.

*walked – walk

1.  rode – ……….                      6. broke – …………….

2.  enrolled – ……….               7. studied up – ………..

3.  gave – ……….                     8. dropped out – ……..

4.  turned on – ………             9. ran – …………..




screwed up – ……..             10. paid for – ………...


IV. Complete the sentences using the correct Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1.       I ……………….1 (not / go) to school at 6 years old.

2.       I …………….2 (start) university twelve years old.

3.       I ……………3 (study) at home with my brother.

4.       We ……………..4 (live) on a very big sheep farm in Australia.

5.       There ……………5 (not / be) any school in the village.

6.       We ……………6 (have) lessons for five or six hours every day in our dining room.

7.       We ……………7(talk) to the teacher and other students by the radio.

8.       My favourite subjects ………..8 (be) Literature and Science.

9.       My brother and I…………….9 (write) many essays.

10. We ……….10 (send) our homework to the school center.

11. The teacher …………….11 (mark) our tests.




She …………12 (come) to see us once a month.


V. Circle the correct preposition of time.

1.    I normally go to the south of France on / in winter.

2.    He drank two cups of coffee on / at breakfast.

3.    They left for Oxford at / in eleven o’clock in / on Saturday morning.

4.    On / Last December I couldn’t go to Texas because I had a resit.

5.    She doesn’t eat in / at night before she goes to bed.

6.    They played golf on /– every Tuesday in/on the summer.

7.    He went home every Christmas / at every Christmas.




Did he work in weekends / at weekends?


VI. Match the words to make collocations.

1.    take out                        a) for a credit test

2.    do                                 b) for a Master’s degree

3.    work                             c) in exams

4.    get ready                      d) Spanish

5.    take                              e) research for a PhD

6.    fail                                f) an exam in History

7.    do well                         g) hard




continue                       h) a loan in a bank






V – 2


Progress test 3                     Extra-mural education

Date: __________    

Name: _________                        Total scores: ____   (51/100%)


I. Listen to Rafael speaking to his supervisor, Dr. Gupta. Choose the correct answer. (R.42.Un.16.CD-2.RL&Sp.-1.)

1.    Rafael can’t / can hand in his report on time.

2.    Rafael has been away / ill this week.

3.    Rafael has got the reading / writing list.

4.    Rafael will go to the laboratory / library after class.




Dr. Gupta set a deadline on the 27th / 17th of Friday for Rafael.


II. Translate the following words and collocations into Russian.

1.    to do a first course – ………………………………                

2.    a graduate – …………………………………………….

3.    to do research – …………………………………                    

4.    to do very well in exams – …………………………

5.    do Maths – …………………………….                

6.    fee-paying education– …………………………….

7.    to resit an exam – …………………………………….                     

8.    to drop out of a university – …………………………..




III. Write infinitive of the verbs.

Model: walked – walk

1.  skipped – …….               6. got off – ………

2. wrote – ……..                  7. trained – …………

3. left – ………….               8. went on – ………………

4. knocked – …….              9. lent (money) – …………



5. studied – ……                 10. attended – ………….


IV. Complete the sentences using the correct Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1.      I …………1(go) to school in the 1930s.

2.      It …………….2 (be) very strict.

3.      We …………….3(have) to wear a uniform.

4.      The head teacher always …………….4(check) our clothes.

5.      We even …………..5 (wear) the uniform to church on Sundays.

6.      We ……………..6(not/be) allowed to talk to the girls at the school next to ours.

7.      But we …………………..7 (not/obey) that rule.

8.      The teacher …………..8 (make) us work very hard.

9.      We often …………………9(stay) after school in the evenings to do four or five hours’ homework.

10. One day I ……………10(laugh) during a test.

11. The teacher ………….11 (punish) us.

12. He ……………12 (force) to write 20 more tests.



V. Choose the correct preposition of time.

1.    I went to Buenos-Aires on / in my birthday on / in March.

2.    The head of the department visited our lesson – / last Wednesday.

3.    He swam in the sea after / in lunch.

4.    She has a seminar in Philosophy every / in Friday.

5.    They were going sailing at / in the weekend.

6.    He was calling me in / on January 10th.

7.    In Dagestan it often snows in February / on February.




The plane took off in time / on time.


VI. Match the words to make collocations.

1.    get a grade “A”            a) up Chemistry

2.    pass                              b) from university

3.    start                              c) a degree in Physics

4.    graduate                       d) up for an exam

5.    take                              e) university

6.    write                             f) in French

7.    screw                            g) all exams




study                            h) a lot of essays





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