Test. Answer keys


Progress test 1                     Introductions                       

Date: __________    

Name: _________                        Total scores: ____   (58/100%)


I. Listening. Exchange personal information. Listen to Daniela, Joshua and Shizuka talk about themselves. Complete the chart.



is from …

is a …

lives in …



a nurse




a sales manager




a teacher




I.    Put a / an , the or (-) in the gaps.




a doctor.                                                          7. a difficult exam.

2.       an umbrella.                          8. (-) Elbrus, the North Caucasus.

3.       The Urals, (-) Europe, (-) Asia.                     9. in the evening.

4.       in the kitchen.                                                 10. play the piano.

5.       (-) Africa.                         11. The British Museum, (-) London.

6.       the River Neva.                            12. (-) Reykjavik, (-) Iceland.



III. Complete the sentences with am/is/are in positive or negative form.




am. 2. is. 3. are, am. 4. Are, are. 5. is. 6. are.         


IV. Write short answers for the questions. Use correct forms of verb to be.

1.       – No, I am not.

2.       – Yes, They are.

3.       – No, it isn’t.

4.       – Yes, she is.




– No, it isn’t.

6.       – Yes,  I am.


V. Underline the correct word.

1. These. 2. me. 3.  His. 4. She. 5. Those. 6. yours.





VI. Define nationality.
















Brazilian / Spanish



VII. Underline the correct verb for the sentence.

1. get up. 2. go. 3. plays. 4. look. 5. wins. 6. does.


VIII. Choose don’t, or doesn’t to fill in the blanks.



1. His children don’t stay. 2. Mary and me don’t go. 3. He doesn’t like. 4. She doesn’t tidy up. 5. Ann’s husband doesn’t like. 6. I don’t like.  


IX. Write the way you say the email.



Katrina-126@hotmail.comKatrina hyphen one two six at hotmail dot com



V – 2



Progress test 1                     Introductions                       

Name: _________               Total scores: ____   (58/100%)


I. Listening. Exchange personal information. Listen to Daniela, Joshua and Shizuka talk about themselves. Complete the chart.



is from …

is a …

lives in …



a nurse




a sales manager




a teacher




II. Put a / an, the or (-) in the gaps.



1. the cinema. 2. (-) Trafalgar Square, (-)London. 3. an Italian businessman. 4. The River Amazon, the widest river, in the world. 5. an hour. 6. a house. 7. plays the guitar. 8. (-) Edinburgh, (-) Scotland. 9. (-) New York, the most beautiful, the USA. 10. (-) Scotland, the British Isles. 11. The UK, the European continent, the English Channel. 12. The longest mountain, the world, the Andes.                           



III. Complete the sentences with am /is/are in a positive or negative form.

1)   Are you Egyptians? – Yes, we are.

2)   Is this your mobile? – No, it is Tim’s.

3)   Karen is in Canada. She is my full sister.

4)   Are Robert and Sally any kin to you? – No, they aren’t.

5)   This is my friend, Mario. – Is he married or single?

6)   Sorry, I am late for the lesson.





IV. Write short answers for the questions.

1.       – No, I’m not.            4. – No, they aren’t.

2.       – Yes, he is.               5. – Yes, she is. 

3.       – No, it isn’t.



                     6. – Yes, I am.


V. Underline the correct word.

1. Those. 2. me.  3. your. 4. that. 5.



 it’s great. 6. hers


VI. Define nationality.

















VII. Underline the correct verb for the sentence.

1.  goes. 2. tidies up. 3. walk. 4. gets up. 5. buy. 6.





VIII. Choose, or doesn’t to fill in the blanks.



1. don’t . 2 doesn’t. 3. doesn’t. 4. don’t. 5. doesn’t. 6. don’t.


IX. Write the way you say the email address.

susan_wilt@tmail.co.uk susan underscore at tmail dot co dot uk




V – 1


Progress test 2                     Relationships

Name: _________               Total scores: ____   (50/100%)


I. Listen. Are the statements true or false? (Tr.20.1.EfL.Elem.St.b)

1. Jordan hasn’t got a date with Lucy.        _T_

2. Sarah goes to yoga on Mondays.            _F_

3. Jordan and Sarah have noodles in a cafe. _T_

4. Sarah has got 2 siblings.                          _T_

5. Sarah is married.                                       _F_



6. Sarah is from Singapore.                         _T_


II. Correct the wrong plural forms. Tick (v) the correct ones.

Model: some boxs – boxes 

1. two feet                   4. white mice

2. three children          5. green tomatoes



3. my sandwiches        6. two oxen


III. Fill in the gaps with can, may, or must.

1.  Can you hear me at the back of the hall?

2.  May I go out for some minutes?

3.  Can you lend me your pencil?

4.  She can speak Japanese.




You must wear a uniform in the office. It’s a rule.

6.  All taxi-drivers must have drive licenses.               

IV. Fill in the gaps with Have or Has.

1.       Has. 2. Has. 3. Have. 4. Has. 5. Have. 6. Has. 7. Have. 8. Have.




V. Make the sentences negative.



1. haven’t got. 2. doesn’t have. 3. don’t have. 4. don’t have a sleep. 5. don’t have a bath. 6. hasn’t got. 7. doesn’t have a meal. 8. don’t have an argument. 9. hasn’t got.


VI. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and collocations.

1.  ïîäâîäèòü êîãî-ëèáîlet sb down

2.  ñîçäàâàòü ñâîþ ñåìüþset up own family

3.  ïîññîðèòüñÿfall out

4.  ïîìèðèòüñÿmake up

5.  âñòðå÷àòüñÿ ñ (ïàðíåì èëè äåâóøêîé) go out with sb

6.  óçíàòü ïîáëèæå êîãî-ë. get to know sb

7.  ïîæåíèòüñÿget married




ïîäðóæèòüñÿmake friends


VII. Complete the sentences with proper words from the box to make phrases or phrasal verbs about problems in relationships. Be careful, there is an extra phrase you don’t need to use.

finished             marriage              drift                 live                down          

           let                           out                off                  up




1. drift apart. 2. break up. 3. A marriage of convenience. 4. let me down.  5. live down your mistake. 6. I've finished with Tom. 7. settle down. 8. missed out.



V – 2


Progress test 2                     Relationships

Name: _________               Total scores: ____   (50/100%)


I. Listen. Are the statements true or false? (Tr.20.1.EfL.Elem.St.b)

1. Jordan hasn’t got a date with Lucy.        _T_

2. Sarah goes to yoga on Mondays.            _F_

3. Jordan and Sarah have noodles in a cafe. _T_

4. Sarah has got 2 siblings.                          _T_

5. Sarah is married.                                       _F_



6. Sarah is from Singapore.                         _T_


I.    Correct the wrong plural form. Tick (v) the correct one.

1. four sheep            3. baby teeth               5. dull knives

2. China dishes        4. colour dresses         6. big families




II.Fill in the gaps with can, may, or must.

1.    You must arrive for lessons on time.

2.    I’m cold. Can you close the window?

3.    Students must attend all classes. It’s important.

4.    Can you lend me your dictionary, please?

5.    What can I do for you?




May I borrow your camera for tomorrow?                                                  

III.  Fill in the gaps with have or has.

1. Have. 2. Has. 3. Have. 4. Have. 5. Has. 6. Has. 7. have. 8. have.




V. Make the sentences negative.




hasn’t got. 2. doesn’t have a problem. 3. don’t have lunch. 4. don’t have. 5.  doesn’t have a shower. 6.  haven’t got. 7. don’t have. 8. hasn’t got.


VI. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and collocations.

1.      óçíàòü ïîáëèæå êîãî-ëèáîget to know sb

2.      ñòàòü äðóçüÿìè become friends

3.      ïðèñòàâàòü ê êîìó-ëèáî – molest sb

4.      ïîìèðèòüñÿ – make up

5.      õîðîøî ëàäèòü ñ êåì-ë.  – get on well with sb

6.      áûòü ðàçâåäåííûì –  be divorced

7.      íàäåæíûé äðóã – a reliable friend




ïîäðóæèòüñÿ – make friends


VII. Complete the sentences with proper words from the box to make phrases or phrasal verbs about problems in relationships. Be careful, there is an extra phrase you don’t need to use.


break              out                    row                 split                down          

           proposal         wrong                losing                  in


1.      going wrong.

2.      have in common.

3.      falling out with everyone.

4.      break up.

5.      split up.

6.      have a row with each other.

7.      regrets losing contact.

8.      Turn him down.







V – 1


Progress test 3                     Extra-mural education

Date: __________    

Name: _________                        Total scores: ____   (51/100%)


I. Listen to Rafael speaking to his supervisor, Dr. Gupta. Choose the correct answer. (R.42.Un.16.CD-2.RL&Sp.-1.)

1.  Rafael can’t hand in his report on time.

2.  Rafael has been ill this week.

3.  Rafael has got the reading list.

4.  Rafael will go to the library after class.




Dr. Gupta set a deadline on the 27th of Friday for Rafael.


II. Translate the following words and collocations into Russian.

1.    to skip lecturesïðîïóñêàòü ëåêöèè 

2.    to get a degree in IT – ïîëó÷èòü ñòåïåíü ïî èíôîðìàòèêå

3.    to attend lectures – ïîñåùàòü çàíÿòèÿ      

4.    a tuition fee – ïëàòà çà îáó÷åíèå

5.    a Bachelor of Science – áàêàëàâð åñò. íàóê        

6.    a credit-test – çà÷åò

7.    an undergraduate – ñòóäåíò-áàêàëàâð       

8.    to give a grade to a student – ïîñòàâèò îöåíêó ñòóäåíòó




III. Write infinitive of the verbs.

1.       rode – ride                               6. broke – break

2.       enrolled – enroll                      7. studied up – study up

3.       gave –give                                8. dropped out – drop out

4.       turned on – turn on                 9. ran – run




screwed up – screw up            10. paid for – pay for


IV. Complete the sentences using the correct Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.




didn’t go. 2. started. 3. studied. 4. lived. 5.  wasn’t. 6. didn’t have. 7. talked. 8. were. 9. wrote. 10. sent. 11. marked. 12. came.


V. Circle the correct preposition of time.



1. in winter. 2. at breakfast. 3. at eleven o’clock, on Saturday morning. 4.  Last December. 5. at night. 6. – every, on the summer. 7. every Christmas. 8. at weekends?

VI. Match the words to make collocations.

1.       take out – a)                    a) a loan in a bank

2.       do – e)                             b) for a Master’s degree

3.       work – g)                         c) in exams

4.       get ready – h)                  d) Spanish

5.       take – f)                           e) research for a PhD

6.       fail – d)                            f) an exam in History

7.       do well – c)                     g) hard




continue – b)                            h) for a credit test




V – 2


Progress test 3                     Extra-mural education

Name: _________               Total scores: ____   (51/100%)


I. Listen to Rafael speaking to his supervisor, Dr. Gupta. Choose the correct answer. (R.42.Un.16.CD-2.RL&Sp.-1.)

1.  Rafael can’t hand in his report on time.

2.  Rafael has been ill this week.

3.  Rafael has got the reading list.

4.  Rafael will go to the library after class.




Dr. Gupta set a deadline on the 27th of Friday for Rafael.


II. Translate the following words and collocations into Russian.

to do a first courseó÷èòüñÿ äëÿ ïîëó÷åíèÿ 1-îé ñòåïåíè 

a graduateáàêàëàâð (ñ äèïëîìîì).

to do researchïðîâîäèòü èññëåäîâàíèÿ                    

to do very well in exams – õîðîøî ñäàòü ýêçàìåíû

do Mathsèçó÷àòü ìàòåìàòèêó               

fee-paying education ïëàòíîå îáðàçîâàíèå

to resit an exam – ïåðåñäàâàòü ýêçàìåí                        

to drop out of a university – áðîñèòü óíèâåðñèòåò




III. Write infinitive of the verbs.

1.  skipped – skip              6. got off – get off

2. wrote – write                7. trained – train

3. left – leave                    8. went on – go on

4. knocked – knock          9. lent (money) – lend



5. studied – study             10. attended – attend

IV. Complete the sentences using the correct Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.




went. 2. was. 3. had. 4. checked. 5. wore. 6. weren’t. 7. didn’t obey. 8. made. 9. stayed. 10. laughed. 11. punished. 12. forced.


V. Choose the correct preposition of time.

1.  on my birthday, in March.

2.  last Wednesday.

3.  after lunch.

4.  every Friday.

5.  at the weekend.

6.  on January 10th.

7.  in February.




on time.


VI. Match the words to make collocations.

1.  get a grade “A”            a) in French

2.  pass                              b) all exams

3.  start                              c) university

4.  graduate                       d) from university

5.  take                               e) a degree in Physics

6.  write                             f) a lot of essays

7.  screw                            g) up Chemistry




study                            h) up for an exam




V – 1


Progress test 4           Math’s symbols & Computing

Name: _________                        Total scores: ____   (47/97%)


I. Listen to the teacher explaining the diagram to her students and complete the diagram. (Infotech.St.b.Un.3.Task 5.)

1.    software             6. input device

2.    hardware            7. storage device

3.    CPU                   8. mouse






peripherals         9. monitor

5.    RAM                  10. hard drive             


II. Rewrite the active sentences into passive ones.

1.    This engine was made by Korea

2.    The car was designed on computer with a GAD program by students.

3.    I put through to Dr. Margulies by secretary very soon.

4.    Computers are infected by a new virus for several minutes.

5.    The agreement won’t be signed by Helen.

6.    Secret disks and papers were put away by her.

7.    Maths’ competitions are usually won by Claude.




The report will be printed out for tomorrow.


II.               Put the verbs in brackets into passive form.

1.   is played

2.   was stolen

3.   are connected

4.   was received 

5.   is devoted

6.   were rescued.

7.   are cleaned

8.   was invented

9.   will be paid.




III.           Complete the sentences.

1.    screen                       6. dot

2.    laptop                      7. approximately

3.    copy                          8. by

4.    hard                         9. parentheses

5.    mat                           10. and so on to sixty



IV.           What do these abbreviations stand for?

1.    RAM – Random Access Memory

2.    MHz – Megahertz

3.    PC – Personal Computer




Mac OS – Macintosh Operating System

5.    ROM – Read Only Memory


V.              Fill in the verbs from the box in the correct form. Be careful there is an extra verb you don’t need to use.


1. turn on. 2. log in. 3. plug in. 4. shut down. 5. power up.







V – 2


Progress test 4           Math’s symbols & Computing

Name: __________            Total scores: ____   (47/97%)


I.    Listen to the teacher explaining the diagram to her students and complete the diagram. (Infotech.St.b.Un.3.Task 5.)

1.  software                   6. input device

2.  hardware                  7. storage device

3.  CPU                          8. Mouse






peripherals               9. Monitor

5.  RAM                        10. hard drive   


II.Rewrite the active sentences into passive ones.

1.      This church was set up by people in 1737.

2.      These files were attached by me to the email.

3.      These microchips are made by the Japanese.

4.      Math’s symbols will be used by me in my essay.

5.      The post isn’t delivered by them on Sundays.

6.      An interesting I-Tech shop was showed to me by his friend me.

7.      My scanner was broken by my nephew.




Foreign languages are easily picked up by her.

III.                Put the verbs in brackets into passive form.

1.      was asked.

2.      will be tested. 

3.      was developed.

4.      are generally mark.

5.      are always woken.

6.      will be fixed.

7.      was found.




were discovered.

9.      will be introduced.


IV.               Complete the sentences.

1.    deduction  

2.    braces

3.    is not equal to.

4.     is more/ greater than”.

5.    printouts / hard copies.

6.    disk, a memory card

7.    printer .

8.    CPU .





10.                     Peripherals.


2.    What do these abbreviations stand for?

1.    GB – Gigabytes

2.    CD-ROM – Compact Disk Read Only Memory

3.    BIOS – Basic Input Output System

4.    Unix OS – Unix Operating System




ROM – Read Only Memory


3.    Fill in the verbs from the box in the correct form. Be careful there is an extra verb you don’t need to use.

log           turn         print        type          go          plug      

1.  I log on to my bank account every week to check my balance.

2.  His scanner didn’t work because he forgot to plug it in to a socket.

3.  If you want to print out the document, boot up the computer.

4.  When my PC went down I had to reboot it to go on working.

5.  If you want to get into the club, type in your personal code.



V – 1


Progress test 5  Basic operations & phone conversations                      

Name: _______          Total scores: ____ (40/90%)


I. Listen to each conversation. What is each call about? Underline the correct answer. (Un.19 – 4.p.76.Tactics for listening. Basic)

1.    – b. an invitation to a movie

2.     – b. a request to borrow a stereo

3.     – c. a cancellation of a date

4.     – a.   a request to change a meeting time




 – b. an apology for missing dinner

6.     – c. a promise to help Becky move


II. Complete the collocations in the sentences.

1.       put pen to a paper.

2.       taking him for granted.

3.       being aware of it.

4.       can do without.

5.       in the know about.

6.       sent off.




am used to working.

8.       can't get over seeing you.


III. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words.

1.       âû÷èòàåìîå - subtrahend

2.       ðàçíîñòü- difference

3.       âû÷èòàòü èç… - subtract from




ñëàãàåìûå - summands

5.       ïðîèçâåäåíèå - product


IV. Complete the dialogue: “Phone conversation”.

(1)  Speak

(2)  off

(3)  a message

(4)  ask

(5)  possible

(6)  course

(7)  number




the line


V. Form adjectives.

1.    invention – intentional

2.    continent – continental

3.    happiness – happy

4.    difference – different




nature –  natural

6.    democracy –  democratic


VI. Fill in the sentences. Use words from the box. Be careful, there is an extra word you don’t need to use.

1.       He finally got through to Anny on her mobile.

2.       Could you speak up a bit? I can't hear you. 

3.       Could you hold on a moment, please?

4.       As soon as he is back, I’ll pass the message on.

5.       Ring round and let everyone know. 

6.       I tried his home number but he didn't pick up




After I hung up I remembered what I’d wanted to say.



V – 2


Progress test 5  Basic operations & phone conversations            

Name: _______          Total scores: ____ (40/90%)


I. Listen to each conversation. What is each call about? Underline the correct answer. (Un.19 – 4.p.76.Tactics for listening. Basic)

1.    – b. an invitation to a movie

2.     – b. a request to borrow a stereo

3.     – c. a cancellation of a date

4.    – a.   a request to change a meeting time




– b. an apology for missing dinner

6.     – c. a promise to help Becky move


II. Complete the collocations in the sentences.

1.    Laura just got married to Jake and took it for granted that ….

2.    They weren’t aware of the seriousness of the situation.

3.    If they think they can do without me, well, let them get on with it.

4.    He was probably more in the know than anybody else, …

5.    When you send off a letter or package, ...

6.    Keep away from the fire!




After several hours they were used to hard work.

8.    I can't get over your news, …!


III. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words.

1.    ìíîæèìîå – multiplicand

2.    óìíîæàòü íà – multiply by

3.    äåëèìîå – dividend




îñòàòîê – remainder

5.    ðàâíÿåòñÿ – is equal to                                                                                                      

IV. Complete the dialogue: “Phone conversation”.

(1)  Can                           5) for

 (2) ask                           6) want



 (3) on                            7) back

 (4) get                           8) leave


V. Form adjectives.

1.      interest – interesting

2.      hope – hopeful

3.      addition – additional

4.      arithmetic – arithmetical




comfort – comfortable

6.      inform – informative


VI. Fill in the sentences. Use words from the box. Be careful, there is an extra word you don’t need to use.

1.      I can’t make out what you’re saying.

2.      I can’t believe that she hung up on me!

3.      Ok, I’ll get back when I come home.

4.      Could you put me through to the manager, please?

5.      I talked to Jane a bit, and then she put Sam on.

6.      Hold on. I’ll be back for a moment.

7.      Sorry, you are breaking up. I didn’t hear that very well.





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