Unit 1


(Daniela = Italian; Joshua=Canadian; Shizuka=Japanese)

Tom: So, Daniela. Where are you from?

Daniela: I’m from Italy.

Tom: Great. What do you do there?

Daniela: I’m a nurse.

Tom: Really? And where do you live?

Daniela: In Rome. It’s the capital.


Tom: Nice to meet you, Joshua. So, where are you from?

Joshua: I’m from Canada.

Tom: Oh, yes? What do you do there?

Joshua: I’m a sales manager for a small computer company.

Tom: I see. And where do you live?

Joshua: In Vancouver. It’s a great place. You should visit sometime.


Tom: Hello Shizuka. Are you from Thailand?

Shizuka: No, actually I’m from Japan.

Tom: Oh, sorry. Japan. What do you do there?

Shizuka: I’m a teacher. I teach science.

Tom: That’s great. So do you live in Tokyo?

Shizuka: Yes, that’s right.



Unit 2

(Tr.20.1.EfL.Elem.St.b) – test

Sarah: Hi, Jordan. Have you got a date with Lucy this evening?

Jordan: No, I haven’t. She goes to yoga on Mondays. She needs it, too. She doesn’t like her boss, Olive Green.

Sarah: Yes, I know. Well, I’m on my own, too. Why don’t we go for a meal?

Jordan: Good idea. Let’s have a pizza. Or how about Chinese?

Sarah: Yes, Ok.


Sarah: Mmm. These noodles are very good. My grandmother makes wonderful noodles.

Jordan: Do you come from a big family, Sarah?

Sarah: No, not really. I’ve only got a brother and a sister.

Jordan: Are they both married?

Sarah: Yes, they are. And they’ve both got children. So, I’ve got nieces and nephews, too.

Jordan: But their Auntie Sarah is still single.

Sarah: Yes, as everyone in my family tells me all the time.

Jordan: Oh, sorry. Have you got a boyfriend back in Singapore?

Sarah: Well, yes and no. There’s a boy there. He works with my father. My parents like him. And that’s important in Singapore. So …



Unit 3


Rafael: Dr. Gupta.

Dr. Gupta: Yes?

Rafael: Er, I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can hand the mid-term report in on time.

Dr. Gupta: I see. Why not?

Rafael: I’ve been ill this week and I couldn’t do any work. But I’m better now.

Dr. Gupta: So, when do you think you can do?

Rafael: Well, I’ll start today. I have the reading list. I’ll go to the library this afternoon after class.

Dr. Gupta: It will take you a bit of time to do all the reading. Well, what about next Friday?

Rafael: You mean Friday 27th?

Dr. Gupta: Yes. Can you do it by then?

Rafael: That sound be OK. Thanks a lot.


Unit 4

(Infotech.St.b.Un.3.Task 5.) – test

… as you can see on the diagram, a PC system consists of two parts: software and hardware. Software is the programs that enable a computer to perform a specific task; this includes the operating system and application software such a graphics package and a web browser.

         Hardware is any electronic and mechanical part. The basic structure of a computer system is made up of three main hardware sections: one, the central processing unit – or CPU – two, the main memory, and three, the peripherals.

         The CPU is a processor chip which executes program instructions and coordinates the activities of all the other components. In order to improve the computer’s performance, the user can add expansion cards for video, sound and networking.

         The main memory holds the instructions and the data which are currently being processed by the CPU. This internal memory is made up of ROM and RAM chips. RAM, or random access memory, is volatile, so it loses the stored data when the electricity – or power – is turned off. ROM, or read-only memory, is non-volatile.

The peripherals are the physical units attached to the computer. They include input, output and storage devices. Input devices, for example the keyboard and the mouse, enable us to present information to the computer. Output devices allow us to extract the results from the computer. For instance, we can see the output on the monitor or in printed form. Storage devices are used to store information permanently. For example, we use hard disks, DVDs or flash drives to store large amounts of information.



Unit 5                             

(Un.19 – 4.p.76.Tactics for listening. Basic) – test


Jenny:  Hello.

David:  Hi, Jenny. This is David. How are things?

Jenny: Pretty good. Thanks.

David:  Listen. I was wondering if you were doing anything on Sunday.

Jenny:  No, I don’t think so.

David:  Great. Would you like to see a movie with me?

Jenny:  Oh. Yeah. That sounds great. Thanks.


Tony:    Hello.

Bob:     Hi, Tony. This is Bob.

Tony:    Hi, Bob. What’s up?

Bob:     Oh. Nothing much. But I have a favour to ask. Would it be OK for me to borrow your stereo on Sunday? Mine isn’t working very well and I have some new CDs I’d like to listen to.

Tony:    Er… well…OK. I guess that’s all right.

Bob:     Thanks. See you tomorrow.

Tony:    Yeah. Bye.

Clair:    Who’s that?

Tony:    Oh, it’s Bob. He wants to borrow my stereo again.

Clair:    Not again.


John:    Hello.

Rida:    Hi, John. This is Rida.

John:             Hi. How’s it going?

Rida:    Well. Okay. But I’m afraid I have to cancel our date. Remember, we were going to see a play together.

John:    Yeah. I’ve already bought the tickets.

Rida:    Oh, I’m so sorry. But I have to drive my Dad to the airport.

John:    Oh. Well… I’ll see if I can get someone else to go with me.

Rida:              Yeah. Sorry about that.


David:  Hello.

Paul:    Hello, David. This is Paul.

David:  Oh. Hi.

Paul:    Listen. I know you know we’re supposed to meet at 6 tonight for dinner.

David:  Yeah. Is there a problem?

Paul:    No, but can we meet at 7 o’clock instead? I think I’m going to be late.

David: No problem. Actually that’s better for me, too.

Paul:    Great. See you at 7 o’clock.

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