According to Louis de Broglie’s suggestion that subatomic particles could display wavelike properties, physicists turned their attention to the question of understanding the manner how the complex properties of an atom could arise from the interaction of “matter waves” associated with its constituent particles. In 1925, German scientists Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan applied the methods of “matrix mechanics” to model the hydrogen atom’s development over time. This approach was later implemented by Erwin Schrodinger for the research of wave function.

     Collaborating with Danish physicist Niels Bohr, Heisenberg built on Schrodinger’s work to develop the “Copenhagen interpretation” of the way how quantum systems, under by the laws of probability, interact with the large-scale world. The key element of the concept is the “uncertainty principle,” limiting the accuracy to which we can determine properties in quantum systems. The uncertainty principle arose as a mathematical consequence of matrix mechanics. Heisenberg found out that his mathematical method would not allow certain pairs of properties to be determined simultaneously with absolute precision. For example, the more accurately one measures a particle’s position, the less accurately one can determine its momentum, and vice versa.

An uncertain universe

    The uncertainty principle is usually described as a consequence of quantum-scale measurements. Sometimes it is said that determining a subatomic particle’s position involves the application of a force of some sort meaning its kinetic energy and momentum are less defined. This explanation allowed scientists including Einstein to spend time devising thought experiments that might obtain a simultaneous and accurate measurement of position and momentum by some form of “trickery.”

    However, the truth is far stranger—it turns out that uncertainty is an inherent feature of quantum systems. The particle’s momentum affects its overall energy and therefore its wavelength—but the more tightly we pin down the particle’s position, the less information we have about its wave function, and therefore about its wavelength. Conversely, accurate measuring of the wavelength requires us to consider a broader region of space, and therefore sacrifices information about the particle’s precise location. The principle explains seemingly strange real-life phenomena such as quantum tunneling, in which a particle can “tunnel” through a barrier even if its energy suggests that it should not be able to.


1. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions:

A suggestion – a property – complex - constituent particles – approach - collaborating with – a key element - with absolute precision – accurately - vice versa - thought experiments – to require

2. Give synonyms to the following words and expressions:

Suggestion – understanding – to determine – for example – to involve – various – to obtain – therefore

3. Form verbs from the following nouns and adjectives:

Associated – development – an approach – limiting – a measurement – involvement – a requirement

4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the underlined words and expressions:

• In 1925, German scientists Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan applied the methods of“matrix mechanics” to model the hydrogen atom’s development over time.

• The key element of the concept is the “uncertainty principle,” limiting the accuracy to which we can determine properties in quantum systems.

• For example, the more accurately one measures a particle’s position, the less accurately one can determine its momentum, and vice versa. 

• However, the truth is far stranger—it turns out that uncertainty is an inherent feature of quantum systems. 5. Finish the following sentences:

• This approach was later supplanted …

• Collaborating with Danish physicist Niels Bohr, Heisenberg built on Schrodinger’s work to …

• The uncertainty principle arose as a …

• However, the truth is far stranger—it turns out that …

• The uncertainty principle explains …

6. Read the text again and make a brief summary of the text.

7. Translate the text in the written form.

8. Answer the following questions:

• What did Louis de Broglie suggest?

• Who applied the methods of “matrix mechanics” to model the hydrogen atom’s development?

• How did Erwin Schrodinger implement the method of matrix mechanics?

• How is the uncertainty principle usually described?

• What is Copenhagen interpretation?

• Explain the phenomenon of the uncertainty principle.

• What is the common explanation of uncertainty principle?

• How did this explanation affect further research?

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