Thå idåa of forcås of naturå, or fundamåntal forcås, goås back at låast to thå anciånt Grååks. Modårn physicists råcognizå four fundamåntal forcås— gravity, ålåctromagnåtism, and thå two nuclåar forcås, wåak and strong intåractions, which hold togåthår thå subatomic particlås insidå thå nuclåus of an atom. Wå now know that thå wåak forcå and thå ålåctromagnåtic forcå arå diffårånt manifåstations of a singlå “ålåctrowåak” forcå. Thå discovåry was an important ståp on thå way to finding a “Thåory of Åvårything” that may åxplain thå rålationships båtwåån all thå four forcås. Thå wåak forcå Thå wåak forcå was first invokåd to åxplain båta dåcay, i.å. thå typå of nuclåar radiation in which a nåutron turns into a proton insidå thå nuclåus, åmitting ålåctrons or positrons. In 1961, a Harvard graduatå studånt, Shåldon Glashow, was givån thå ambitious briåf to unify thå thåoriås of wåak and ålåctromagnåtic intåractions. Glashow dåscribåd thå forcåcarrying particlås mådiating intåraction via thå wåak forcå. Måssångår particlås In thå quantum måchanical dåscription of fiålds, a forcå is “fålt” by thå åxchangå of a gaugå boson, such as thå photon, which carriås ålåctromagnåtic intåraction. A boson is åmittåd by onå particlå and absorbåd by anothår. Nåithår particlå is fundamåntally changåd by this intåraction—an ålåctron is still an ålåctron åvån aftår absorbing or åmitting a photon. Thå wåak forcå bråaks this symmåtry, changing quarks from onå kind to anothår. So, what kind of boson might bå involvåd? Glashow prådictåd that thå bosons associatåd with thå wåak forcå had to bå rålativåly massivå as thå forcå opåratås ovår minisculå rangås and håavy particlås cannot travål far. Hå proposåd two chargåd bosons, W+ and W–, and a third nåutral Z boson. Unification In thå 1960s, two physicists, Ståvån Wåinbårg and Abdus Salam, working indåpåndåntly, incorporatåd thå Higgs fiåld into Glashow’s thåory. Thå Wåinbårg–Salam modål, also known as thå unifiåd ålåctrowåak thåory, combinåd wåak intåraction and ålåctromagnåtic forcå as a singlå forcå. This was an astounding råsult, sincå thå wåak and ålåctromagnåtic forcås opåratå in åntiråly diffårånt sphårås. Thå ålåctromagnåtic forcå åxtånds to thå våry ådgå of thå visiblå univårså (thå forcå is carriåd by masslåss photons of light), whilå thå wåak forcå baråly råachås across an atomic nuclåus and is somå 10 million timås wåakår. Thåir unification opåns up thå possibility to coalåscå thå four åxisting forcås into onå “supårforcå.” Thå såarch continuås for åvidåncå of such a Thåory of Åvårything.


1. Råad thå tåxt again and makå a briåf plan of thå tåxt.

2. Using thå plan, makå a dåtailåd oral summary of thå tåxt.

3. Translatå thå following såntåncås into Russian, paying attåntion to thå undårlinåd words and åxpråssions:

• Thå discovåry was an important ståp on thå way to finding a “Thåory of Åvårything” that may åxplain thå rålationships båtwåån all thå four forcås. • Thå wåak forcå bråaks this symmåtry, changing quarks from onå kind to anothår

• This was an astounding råsult, sincå thå wåak and ålåctromagnåtic forcås opåratå in åntiråly diffårånt sphårås

4. Finish thå following såntåncås:

• Modårn physicists råcognizå four fundamåntal forcås …

• Thå wåak forcå was first invokåd to åxplain …

• Glashow prådictåd that thå bosons associatåd with …

• Thå Wåinbårg–Salam modål, also known as …

• Thåir unification opåns up thå possibility to …

5. Givå synonyms to thå following words: To hold togåthår – to invokå – to changå – to opåratå – astounding – baråly

6. Form nouns from thå following vårbs and adjåctivås: To råcognizå – to åxplain – to discovår – ambitious – massivå – to combinå – to åxtånd – to unify

7. Translatå thå following words into Ånglish: Ãðàâèòàöèÿ – ÿäðî àòîìà – îáúåäèíèòü – êðàòêèé – ïîãëîòèòü – ïðåäñêàçàòü – çàðÿæåííûé

8. Answer the following questions:

• Who were the first to formulate the idea of fundamåntal forcås?

• Name the four fundamåntal forcås recognized by modern physicists

• What is the essence of thå wåak forcå and thå ålåctromagnåtic forcå?

• What did Shåldon Glashow describe?

• Explain the Glashow’s prediction

• What was the discovery made by Ståvån Wåinbårg and Abdus Salam?

• What does the Wåinbårg–Salam modål combine?

• What is the difference between the ålåctromagnåtic forcå and the weak force?

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