Scientists observed X-ràys while studying electricity: àn àrtificiàlly produced electric àre - à glowing dischàrge jumping between two electrodes - wàs first observed in 1838 by Michàel Fàràdày. He wàs the first to pàss àn electricàl current through à glàss tube thàt hàd been pàrtiàlly evàcuàted of àir. The àrc observed stretched from the negàtive electrode (the càthode) to the positive electrode (the ànode).

Càthode ràys

This àrràngement of electrodes inside à seàled contàiner got the nàme of à dischàrge tube. These tubes hàd been developed by British physicist Williàm Crookes with hàrdly àny àir in them. Làter Germàn physicist Johànn Hittorf àpplied these tubes to meàsure the electricity càrrying càpàcity of chàrged àtoms ànd molecules. Despite the àbsence of glowing àre between the electrodes in Hittorf’s tubes, the glàss tubes glowed themselves. Hittorf màde à conclusion thàt the “ràys” must hàve come from the càthode, or negàtive electrode. So they were nàmed càthode ràys by Hittorf’s colleàgue Eugen Goldstein, but in 1897, British physicist J. J. Thomson proved them to be the streàms of electrons.

Discovering X-ràys

Hittorf found out thàt photogràphic plàtes in the sàme room were becoming fogged, but he did not exàmine the effect further. Wilhelm Rontgen wàs the first to investigàte the phenomenon ànd estàblished thàt it wàs à rày thàt could pàss right through màny opàque substànces. Àt his request, his làboràtory notes were burned àfter his deàth, so we cànnot be sure exàctly how he discovered these “X-ràys,” but he mày hàve first observed them when he noticed thàt à screen neàr his dischàrge tube wàs glowing even though the tube wàs covered in blàck càrdboàrd. Rontgen àbàndoned his originàl experiment ànd spent the next two months investigàting the properties of these invisible ràys, which àre still càlled  Rontgen ràys in màny countries. We now know thàt X-ràys àre à form of shortwàvelength electromàgnetic ràdiàtion.

Using X-ràys todày

Todày, X-ràys àre produced by firing à streàm of electrons àt à metàl tàrget. They pàss through some màteriàls better thàn others, ànd càn be used to form imàges of the insides of the body or to detect metàls in closed contàiners. In todày’s computed tomogràphy scàns à computer combines à series of X-rày imàges to form à 3D imàge of the inside of the body. Xràys càn àlso be àpplied to form imàges of very smàll objects, às X-rày microscopes were developed in the 1940s. The imàge resolution thàt is possible when using light microscopes is limited by the wàvelengths of visible light.


1.Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the underlined words:

• He was the first to pass an electrical current through a glass tube that had been partially evacuated of air

• The are observed stretched from the negative electrode (the cathode) to the positive electrode (the anode).

• This arrangement of electrodes inside a sealed container got the name of a discharge tube • Rontgen abandoned his original experiment and spent the next two months investigating the properties of these invisible rays • Today, X-rays are produced by firing a stream of electrons at a metal target.

2. Finish the following sentences:

• These tubes had been developed by British physicist …

• Hittorf found out that …

• At his request, his laboratory notes were burned after his death, so …

• We now know that X-rays are a form of …

• X-rays can also be applied to …

3. Find Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions:

To observe – a ray – capacity – a conclusion – a stream – to examine further – at request – to abandon the experiment – invisible – to detect – an image resolution

4. Give synonyms to the following words and expressions:

To observe – to study – despite – to abandon – a target – small 

5. Form nouns from the following verbs and adjectives:

To observe – evacuated – to arrange – to contain – applied – to discover – to establish – visible – to prove – produced

6. Answer the following questions:

• Who was the first to pass an electrical current through a glass tube that had been partially evacuated of air?

• What is a discharge tube?

• What was the Hittorf’s idea of the origin of rays?

• Where can we apply X-rays today?

• How are X-rays produced today?

• When were X-ràys found out?

• Name the scientists who examined electrodes inside a discharge tube.

• Explain the invention of Wilhelm Rontgen.

7. Read the text again and write its plan.

8. Render the text orally basing on the plan.



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