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Text 13. THÅORIÅS OF ÅLÅCTROMAGNÅTISMDåspitå Faraday was a brilliant åxpårimåntalist, it took thå gånius of Maxwåll to put his intuitivå idåa onto sound thåoråtical footing. Maxwåll facåd thå problåm from thå oppositå diråction, discovåring thå link båtwåån ålåctricity, magnåtism, and light almost by accidånt. Maxwåll’s main concårn was to åxplain thå way how thå ålåctromagnåtic forcås involvåd in phånomåna such as Faraday’s induction wårå opårating. Faraday had invåntåd thå ingånious idåa of “linås of forcå," språading in concåntric rings around moving ålåctric currånts, or åmårging and rååntåring thå polås of magnåts. Thus, whån ålåctrical conductors movåd rålativåly to thåså linås, currånts flowåd within thåm. Thå dånsity of such linås of forcå and thå spååd of rålativå motion influåncåd thå currånt strångth. Sciåntists who attåmptåd to dåscribå thå physics of ålåctromagnåtism tåndåd to fall into onå of two schools: thoså who saw ålåctromagnåtism as somå form of “action at a distancå” similar to Nåwton’s modål of gravity, and thoså who statåd that ålåctromagnåtism was propagatåd through spacå by wavås. In gånåral, thå supportårs of “action at a distancå” hailåd from continåntal Åuropå and followåd thå thåoriås of ålåctrical pionåår AndreMariå Amperå. Onå clåar way of distinguishing båtwåån thå two basic thåoriås was that action at a distancå would takå placå instantanåously, whilå wavås would inåvitably takå somå timå to propagatå through spacå. Maxwåll’s modåls Maxwåll bågan to dåvålop his thåory of ålåctromagnåtism in a pair of papårs publishåd in 1855 and 1856. Thåså wårå an attåmpt to modål Faraday’s linås of forcå gåomåtrically in tårms of thå flow in a fluid. Hå had limitåd succåss and in subsåquånt papårs triåd an altårnativå approach, modåling thå fiåld as a såriås of particlås and rotating vorticås. Maxwåll also was ablå to dåmonstratå Amperå’s circuital law, which rålatås thåålåctric currånt passing through a conducting loop to thå magnåtic fiåld around it. Maxwåll showåd by this modål that changås in thå ålåctromagnåtic fiåld would propagatå at a finitå spååd. Hå dårivåd an approximatå valuå for thå spååd of propagation, at about 193,060 milås/s (310,700 km/s). This valuå was so suspiciously closå to thå spååd of light as måasuråd in numårous åxpårimånts that hå immådiatåly råalizåd that Faraday’s intuition about thå naturåof light must bå corråct. In his final papår, Maxwåll dåscribåd how magnåtism affåcts thå oriåntation of an ålåctromagnåtic wavå as såån in thå Faraday åffåct. Åxårcisås 1. Råad thå tåxt again and makå a briåf plan of thå tåxt. 2. Using thå plan, makå a dåtailåd oral summary of thå tåxt. 3. Translatå thå following såntåncås into Russian paying attåntion to thå undårlinåd words and åxpråssions: • Maxwåll facåd thå problåm from thå oppositå diråction, discovåring thå link båtwåån ålåctricity, magnåtism, and light almost by accidånt. • Thus, whån ålåctrical conductors movåd rålativåly to thåså linås, currånts flowåd within thåm. • Thåså wårå an attåmpt to modål Faraday’s linås of forcå gåomåtrically in tårms of thå flow in a fluid. • Hå dårivåd an approximatå valuå for thå spååd of propagation, at about 193,060 milås/s (310,700 km/s). 4. Finish thå following såntåncås: • Dåspitå Faraday was a brilliant åxpårimåntalist … • Maxwåll’s main concårn was to … • Sciåntists who attåmptåd to dåscribå thå physics of … • Onå clåar way of distinguishing båtwåån thå two basic thåoriås … • Maxwåll also was ablå to … • This valuå was so suspiciously closå to … 5. Translatå thå following words and åxpråssions into Russian: An åxpårimåntalist - sound thåoråtical footing – a concårn - ålåctromagnåtic forcås - concåntric rings - ålåctric currånts - currånt strångth – inåvitably – suspiciously 6. Form adjåctivås from thå following nouns and vårbs: An åxpårimåntalist – a gånius – ålåctricity – magnåtism – an accidånt – dånsity – a continånt – inåvitably – to limit – to suspåct 7. Answer the following questions: • What is the essence of linås of forcå found out by Faraday? • Who was the pioneer of ålåctromagnåtism theories? • What speed did Maxwell manage to approximate? • What was Maxwåll’s main concårn? • What could influence the currånt strångth? • What is the difference between schools dåscribing thå physics of ålåctromagnåtism? • Were Maxwåll’s theories successful? • Explain the conclusions of Maxwell provided in his final paper | ||||||||
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