Unit III



This unit looks at etiquette, which is how you behave with people in social situations.


I. Make a list of as many expressions connected with “etiquette” as you can:



II. Read the advice on etiquette. Which advice can you see on the pictures?



Ask before you take a photo of someone you don't know.” Ramir from Algeria


 No one arrives for meetings or parties on time. It's OK to arrive half an hour or more late.” Sheila from Mexico


Having name cards is essential. Make sure they don't get damaged, and when you give or receive them, use both hands. Read any card you receive very carefully.” Li-Soo from Japan


 We use the African handshake with people of all races. It shows solidarity and a commitment to nonracial politics. You shake hands in the Western way, then without letting go, you link your thumbs, then return to the Western handshake.” Yacine from South Africa


I always feel uncomfortable in East Asia because people don't look you in the eye. In my culture, it's important to do so, to show you're being honest.” Alex from Romania


Don't point. It's rude.” Matt from the UK


Always cover your mouth when you yawn.” Sheila from Mexico


III. Work in pairs and talk about the answers to II.


IV. Work in pairs. Discuss your answers to these questions:



Do people ever have conversations with people they don't know? If so, where?


Which topics of conversation are acceptable?


Do people ever give up their seat in a bus or train for others? If so, for whom?


Do people great people they don't know?


Do people ever talk about how much they earn?


When someone sits down at a table, does anyone pull out the chair for them?


When someone comes into a room, do people stand up?

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