


a)                        Learn how to make polite requests from manners expert Rebecca:

0:03 hi we all want people to be polite to ask

0:07 that sometimes we forget how to be a polite way towards others

0:11 my name is Rebecca and today's lesson

0:14  I'm going to show you how to be polite to others

0:18 and how to make requests politely so that people are more likely to do

0:23 what you asked and to do cocaine let's look at the board have written a number

0:27 of expressions that you can use

0:29 for these purposes okay

0:32 so here are some of they

0:35 many expressions that you can use the first of course is with the word

0:40 for the by itself I you could say please

0:44 do some alright the

0:47 next expression could you please this is actually my favorite because you can use

0:52 this and

0:53 any context handed always works could you please and we're going to see

0:58 exactly what you could add actions

1:01 you could also say would you the

1:05 and you could also say 10 you but

1:09 in my opinion can you is not as polite as

1:12 could chill alright can you is very casual

1:16 and could you you could use in a business situation

1:19 or a net formal situation okay now

1:23 one last one I expression would you

1:27 my now would you mind its special

1:31 because when you ask somebody would you mind

1:35 opening the window that answer to the question is really there

1:40 do you have any problem with opening the window

1:44 or do you have any objection to opening the window

1:47 right so if you don't have any objection

1:50 than what you should say it no so

1:54 would you mind opening the window no no problem I'll open the window

1:58 so in fact here when you say no

2:02 you're saying yes to all the other ones could you please open the window

2:06 yes I'll open the window so to all other

2:09 the you can just say yet at the answer

2:13 and to this one a positive answer it I'll

2:17 now alright effective use in the room

2:21 just forget about it alright there are many good expression

2:24 that you can use but you should also understand when

2:28 other people are speaking to you what you should K

2:31 so the strike with this one hey let's see what happens when we

2:35 look at different context when people don't use

2:39 a little something to make a polite request

2:42 let's say you're at the bank and someone says to you

2:45 fill in this form I'll out that gonna make you feel

2:48 not very nice so it would be much nicer if they

2:52 that could you please fill out this form

2:55 or would you feel it this car right

2:58 if you're in a restaurant and you say to the waiter

3:02 bring us some water okay you course

3:06 the waiter will bring you the water but it's not have

3:09 very nice way to treat other human beings so it's much nicer to say

3:14 would you bring up some water please could you please bring up some water

3:18 or please bring up some water okay

3:22 next run let's suppose you work in a call center

3:25 and you have to ask people for information now of course you want to

3:30 to use all the diplomacy you can and you want to be as polite as you can because

3:34 sometimes your job is are not

3:36 so you don't want to say something like give me your name

3:40 give me your address give me your phone number now

3:43 much nicer to say could you please give me your phone number

3:48 would you give me or phone number please

3:51 cetera okay texting

3:54 and office situation you say to someone

3:57 send them an email hey person sounds like you're angry

4:01 and you don't want to sound angry around people you work with all the time

4:06 so much nicer to say could you please send them until now

4:09 would you send them an email please alright or

4:13 would you mind sending them an email

4:16 another thing that happens when we use would you mind

4:20 it that this bird have to change would you mind

4:24 filling in this form would you mind green not

4:28 some water would you mind giving me your name

4:32 would you mind sending them any okay

4:35 so remember that little change if you're using the last four

4:39 but only for the last one next one

4:42 if you're in a hotel and your asking them to send you some

4:46 you need some work towels in Euro so it wouldn't be very nice

4:50 they send me some towels it would be much nicer to say

4:54 could you please have someone send up some house

4:57 or could you please send me somehow

5:00 okay or could you please send some tiles to my room

5:04 any of those as long as you're saying could you please

5:07 it's going to be much nicer and you're gonna get the desired effect

5:11 okay next on the fall that if they knew someone speak a little louder

5:16 a could you please speak a little louder

5:20 I'm afraid I can't hear you okay his little

5:23 words and expressions that the add-on make

5:26 live a lot kinder okay

5:29 next at Hall also it's really important to be kind

5:34 to the people that we're we live with them that we say we love

5:37 so we don't want to give them orders all the time you know what to say

5:41 pass all turn off the TV close the door

5:44 we should say could you please email

5:48 turn off the TV marash's a

5:51 the motorcyclist going by on his bike summer's day could you please

5:55 passes quickly as possible

5:58 alright so at home could you please turn off the TV

6:03 could you please close the door could you please pass the potatoes

6:07 alright also ways to be polite at Whole shoe

6:11 and let's say you're in public and you need to tell someone something

6:15 also use one of these expressions would you switch off your cell phone

6:19 the could you switch of yourself whole

6:22 okay so remember next time when you're making a request

6:27 do so politely the world on a personal level

6:30 your world will be probably in kinder play

6:34 and on a global level will make are existence here on the planet

6:38 a much better more pleasant experience

6:39 luck with your English!!!



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