

  • Match the comments by people from different countries with the questions:



How many jobs do most workers have in your country?


If you had to leave your home in an emergency, what would you try to take with you?


Would you ever lend money or borrow money from someone?


If you had a lot of money, what would you do or buy?


What is the average wage in your country?


Is how much you earn important for your job satisfaction?



The average wage is the equivalent of one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars a month.”                   Amir from Algeria


I'd travel – well, first I'd buy my house, a normal one, not an expensive one. And I don't know about a car because I don't know how to drive, so I'd think about that, and travel a lot. And then help my family and my friends.”

Marianela from Argentina


Especially now, one job isn't enough. To survive, you have to do two jobs. Right now I'm working with computers and I'm driving.”

Hasman from Malaysia


My brother, my personal papers, my passport, my qualification papers to allow me to work somewhere else.”

Monica from Mexico


Most people quite like to have a good wage, but also the satisfaction of knowing that you're helping whatever company or whoever you're working for, if you are a good worker.”

Seb from the UK


Whenever we need some money, or we're short of money, we just ask our family or friends or people we work with in the office, and we're willing to help each other that way. We know that when we get paid, we can return the money and we just think of it as normal, and other people just do the same thing too.  But I have some foreign friends here and sometimes when they need money and I offer to lend them money, they are really reluctant to accept that. They aren't used to borrowing money from other people, but it's something very common and normal in Vietnam.”

Mai from Vietnam


I have a vision of helping other people, particularly children who are in school who need education. I think that would be my first priority.”

Thabo from South Africa



  •  Work in pairs and answer the questions. Do you have the same opinion like the representatives of these countries?




  • Try to answer the questions and discuss them:


1. How much money would you like to earn?

2. What would you do if you won $ 1,000,000?

3. How much do you spend on clothes every month?

4. Is it better to have a job you like or job that pays a lot?

5. Do you want to be rich? Why/why not?

6. How many jobs do most workers have in your country?

7. Do you buy designer goods?

8. Is money the most important thing in life? If not, what is?

9. If you had a lot of money, what would you do or buy?

10. Do you think one day you will be rich?

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