Department of the English Language for Faculties of Natural Sciences


Branches of biology


Ex.5. Read some information about essential branches of biology.

When you begin to study a new subject, two questions may arise in your mind. First, what is the subject about? Secondly, what good will it do for us if we study it?


It will help you to understand what biology is if you know how the word originated. Two noted scientists Lamark, a French scientist, and Trevirans, a German scientist, first used the term biology in 1802. They made up the word from two Greek words: bios, meaning life, and logos, meaning a study. By combining these two words, they made the word biology. What does it mean? In its broadest sense, general biology includes the study of all facts relating to living organisms.

Can you imagine the scope of biology? It is definite but knowledge of it requires a certain familiarity with other sciences as well. Basic to it are mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Biology is subdivided into sub sciences on the basis of their nature of organisms or the methods of their study.

Does biology study animals or plants? Both. The study of plant life is Botany, the study of animals life is Zoology. There are three subdivisions based upon the study of organisms, as individuals. Morphology, the study of the structures of organisms, reflects a static viewpoint. It is further subdivided into Anatomy, the study of gross structures-organs; Histology, the study of tissues; and Cytology, the study of cells.

Because it is the study of functions Physiology involves the dynamic or kinetic viewpoint. Organisms and organs are considered from the standpoint of their activities. Embryology is the study of development. It is dynamic in a point of view, for it deals with changes in form, but structures are studied at definite points in development as if they were static.

There are the groups of subdivisions based upon the study of organisms in group relations. Taxonomy is the science of animal and plant classification. With hundred of thousands of different kinds of plants and animals, the biologist must for convenience, classify them in different groups to indicate different kinds and degrees of similarity or relationship. Ecology is the study of the relations between organism and environment. Genetic is the study of biological inheritance, the degrees of similarity and difference existing between parents and offspring and the factors that control the similarity and differences. Organic evolution is the term applied to the progressive development of more complex forms of life from simplest ones. The principles that govern inheritance must, of necessity, also be involved in evolution.

Ex.6. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. What is biology? 2. Does the word “biology” come from Greek or Latin? 3. What science is biology connected with? 4. What lies in the basis of subdivision of biology into substances? 5. Is botany the study of animal life? 6. What does botany study? 7. The study of animal life is zoology, isn’t it? 8. Which branch of biology reflects a static point of view? 9. How do we call the branch of biology that studies the activities of organism? 10. Do you know the subdivision of biology that studies development? 11. What is the term “organic evolution” applied to? 12. What branch  of biology  are the principles that govern inheritance involved in?

Ex.7. What are questions to the given answers?

1. …? The term “biology” was first used in 1801. 2. …? It was introduced by Lamark and Treviranus. 3. …? Yes, general biology includes the study of all facts relating ot living organisms. 4. …? Basic to biology are mathematics, physics, and chemistry. 5. …or …?  Zoology is the study of animal life. 6. … ? The 3 subdivisions based upon the study of organisms as individuals are morphology, physiology and embryology. 7. …? No, it does not. Physiology involves a kinetic viewpoint. 8. …. isn’t it? Yes, it is; morphology is subdivided into anatomy, histology and cytology. 9. …? Physiology does. Physiology considers organisms and organs from the standpoint of their activities. 10. …? Embryology studies structures at definite points in development as if they were static. 11. …, isn’t it? Yes, taxonomy is the science of animal and plant classification. 12. …? Ecology studies the relations between organisms and environment.


Just to know: The golden (happy) meançîëîòàÿ ñåðåäèíà. This expression is based on ancient mathematical principles, first used in 1580-90


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