Department of the English Language for Faculties of Natural Sciences


English words


Слово point входит в список 1000 самых часто используемых слов по версии Оксфордского словаря (

Verb point means

1. (syn. to show) to direct someone’s attention towards something by extending one’s finger or something held in one’s hand (with prepositions to, at, upon): Carol looked to see what her finger was pointing at.

2. to direct or aim (something) at someone or something: He is pictured pointing his weapon at his colleague. This sign is pointing in the wrong direction, which must be very confusing for visitors.

3. (point to) to indicate that (something) is likely to happen or be the case: There are many facts pointing to climatic changes in the Earth's distant past.

4. to give a sharp, tapered point to: Point my pencil, please.

 Phrasal Verb

point out means to make someone aware of something: He pointed out that I only had two weeks to get the whole thing finished.


Ex.15. Complete the sentences. Insert the right preposition.

1. He tried to point _ the advantages of a proposal. 2. Everything points _ his guilt. 3. There you go, again,’ he said, his finger pointing _ the pictures. 4. Economic conditions point _ further inflation. 5. He had managed to distract the man's attention by pointing _ something behind his back. 6. They all now came down to a brown old sign that pointed _ two directions. 7. He points _ the fact that in the judgment which we have given we have not doubted the verdict of the jury.8.  It also points _ the fact that work by women has been neglected on the stage of one of our foremost theatres. 9 .He pointed rightly _ the fact that the business of the Company had been preserved, as had over a hundred jobs. 10. My feet are set about shoulder width, the toes pointed slightly _ the West.

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