Department of the English Language for Faculties of Natural Sciences


Prominent scientists


Ex.16. Can you name any famous biologists? What are they famous for? How important is it to study the past? Do you know of any philosopher-scientists from the past? Where do biologists work? What equipment do they use?

Read and translate the text about prominent scientists.

1. Biology is the study of life on earth. The History of Biology however, focuses on the advent of life on earth, right from the ancient times. Biological discoveries have a remarkable impact on the human society. Traditionally, the history of biology is diversified into two wings – studies on medicine and theories of natural history. Medicines are not results of current biological discoveries.

2. Have you heard names like Hippocrates, Aristotle and Galen of Pergamum? Well, these eminent people were first explorers of the anatomy and physiology of living organisms. Their works pointed out the naturalist leanings of organisms, especially animals. Hippocrates (460-370 BC) wrote On the Physician, a guide outlining how a physician should treat their patients. Also authored the Hippocratic Oath, which doctors still use today as part of their practice. Theophrastus, the most notable work of Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC), still holds a valuable place in the hearts of our modern-day scientists. Do you know why? Theophrastus makes an enormous contribution to the study of zoology, botany, ecology and taxonomy, all of which are essential branches of biology.

3. Awareness about medicines became prominent during the middle ages. It is believed that Islamic scholars working in accordance with the Galenic (129–161 AD) and Aristotelian traditions were the first to introduce medicinal science. Works on botanical studies by Albertus Magnus (1206-1280) and ‘The Art on Falconry,’ introducing the first resource to ornithology by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II (1194-1250) played a pivotal role in shaping the natural history of biology.

4. Botany flourished during the Renaissance and early modern period. Plants were then referred as ‘materia medica’ because studies proved that plants brimmed with amazing medicinal properties. Not just the Greek culture but ancient cultures of Egypt, China, Mesopotamia and India had immense contribution in the evolution of biology. From classical Chinese medicine, formulated on the basis of theories by Yin and Yang and the Five Phases to the Indian introduction of Ayurveda, discovery and study of medicinal sciences became highly popular. Zhuangzi (369 – 286 BC), the noted Taoist philosopher first brought his ideas about evolution on the boards during the 4th Century. His philosophy stated that species differ in attributes in response to diverse environmental conditions. Developments began springing in gradually during the 17th and 18th Century. Theories regarding a quantitative approach to physiology and Santorio’s (1561 — 1636) studies on Metabolism ruled the charts. It was only during the 19th Century when several disciplines of biological science were introduced like embryology, cytology, morphology, bacteriology, paleontology, geography and geology.

Ex.17. Answer according to the text.

1. Is this statement true/ false/ not in text to your mind? Ancient Greek scientists made an enormous contribution to biology.

2. Point out in what part of the text (1, 2, 3, 4) you can read this information: Some ideas about evolution were stated in the 4th Century.

3. Answer the question: When did they start to distinguish different sub disciplines of biology?

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