Department of the English Language for Faculties of Natural Sciences


Letter Writing


Basic components of official correspondence

Dates. You can use one of the following ways in writing the date: July 13, 2007 (Am.), July 13th, 2007 (Brit.), 13 July 2007 (general). Note! Avoid confusion: 13.7.2007= understood as July 3rd in British English, but March 7th in American English.

Salutations. Dear Sir or Madame,” (Dear Sir/Madam,) if you don’t know whether the recipient is a man or a woman. “Dear Sir,”  or  Dear Madam,” when you know the name of the person who is receiving this letter: Dear Chairperson, Dear Committee, in more specific occasions.

Complimentary close. Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, (Am), Faithfully yours, (Am), Respectfully yours, Cordially, Respectfully,

Ex.18. Study the format of an official letter


Letter of Inquiry

When we write letters of inquiry we usually ask for some information, advice, directions, etc. You need to state the main purpose, or subject at the beginning.

Structure of the letter of inquiry

Open (say where you got the information from)

State the reason for writing (e.g. why a certain product is interesting for you)

Request (what you would like them to do)

Close (polite phrase)


Useful language:


With regard to your advertisement...

We saw your product demonstrated at the Biomed Fair, held in...

Ms. King has advised us to get in touch with you concerning....

We saw your advertisement in this month’s issue of ....

          ... and would like to know...

         ... and would be grateful if you could ...


As a laboratory worker I am interested in ...

We are most interested in developing (improving, extending)...

There is a demand here for ...

What we need is ...


We wonder if you could help us (advise us, send us, let us have)....

Will you please send us a catalogue (price list)...

We would like to place an order…

We are interested in terms of payment.


An early answer will be appreciated.

We are looking forward to receiving you early reply.

Thank you in advance for any information you can give us.


Ex.19. Complete the letter. Insert the salutation and the complimentary close too.


We have been given your name _______ our associates from Italy.

There is _______ demand here _______ Makhachkala _______ the qualities you _______ , and we believe we could _______ large orders _______ you. _______ you please send us your illustrated _______, together with your _______ list.  We _______ forward to _______ _______ you.


Magomedov M.

(Research Laboratory Assistant)

Ex.20. Complete the letter. Insert the salutation and the complimentary close too.


With _______ to your advertisement _______ the Science Journal _______ 3rd November, we _______ ask you for _______ about a new apparatus, shown _______ page 7. _______ a clinical laboratory we have a great _______ for such products. We _______ be glad to _______ an estimate for the costs of installation of this _______ in our laboratory.

Please, let us _______ your quotation as _______ as _______.

Yours _______,

Marina M.

(Senior Researcher)

Ex.21. Read this letter of inquiry and correct mistakes/improprieties (there should be 12 in total).

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