Unit 2 About myself



My name is Boris. I’ve got a friend. He is an American. We met in Moscow some years ago and have made friends since then. We write letters phone and even visit each other. His name is Richard, Dick for short. He is 29, next Friday is his birthday. He is a businessman; he works with a firm that produces office furniture. He is a sales manager. He graduated from Harvard and he is good at his work.

Dick is married and has got a son, Sam. His wife Julia is a pretty young woman, she is three years Dick’s junior. She is an artist. Julia’s paintings are popular in the States. Dick lives in a house of his own, it’s not a big one, but it’s cosy and comfortable. There are four rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom in their house. The largest and most comfortable is the dining-room. In the middle of it they have an oval carved wooden table with six chairs round it. There is a nice chandelier above the table. To the left, there is a piano with a piano stool before it. There is a fire-place in the dining-room with two cosy arm-chairs near it. Opposite the fire-place there is a digital home cinema system. To the right there is a bookcase full of bestsellers, magazines and books of different famous writers of the world. Dick and his wife are great readers.

Dick’s working day begins at 7 o’clock. He usually jumps out of bed, has his bath or sometimes a shower, if he is short of time, shaves and puts on his clothes. He always wears a suit with a tie.

For breakfast Dick has just a cup of coffee, he has neither time nor wish to have a substantial meal in the morning.

He gets to his work by car. It takes him about half an hour to get there. His working day begins at 9 sharp. Dick works till half past twelve and then he goes out to have dinner to a cafe or has his midday meal at home if time permits. He comes back to his office at half past one and works steadily till six. His working day is very busy and he has a lot to do. He makes calls, gives necessary orders, meets his colleagues and his boss, reads and answers business letters, concludes contracts, conducts negotiations and so on. He is very tired when he’s back home, but he’s happy, as he loves his work, and his family shares his happiness, though there are hard times as well, but Dick is very optimistic.

Sometimes Dick’s friends gather at his place. They play chess, discuss new books or films, but they never talk shop, they just enjoy having a good time. Dick is very fond of tennis as most of his friends, so he often goes to the tennis court for a few sets of tennis and gets great pleasure of it.



1. to be good at smth. - хорошо разбираться в чем-либо

2. be short of time - иметь мало времени

3. to be married (to) - быть женатым на ком-либо, (замужем за кем-либо)

4. to be out of school - закончить школу

5. to be fond of smth. - любить что-либо

6. to the left (right) - налево (слева), направо (справа)

7. in the left (right) hand corner - в левом (правом) углу

8. as .... as ... - такой же как

9. neither ..... nor .... - ни ..... ни

He is neither a teacher, nor a doctor, he is a writer.

10. it takes time to ... - требуется время для того, чтобы

11. to get pleasure of smth. - получать удовольствие

12. to be a great reader - много читать, любить читать

13. to call smb up (to make a call) - позвонить кому-либо

14. to talk shop - разговаривать на профессиональные темы


Some Useful Phrases

What do you do (for a living)?                    Чем вы занимаетесь? (Как                                                                                                                                                                          зарабатываете на жизнь?)

What are you?

                                                                          Кто вы по профессии?

What is your profession (trade, job,

occupation)?                                                 Кто вы по профессии?

Ex. 48. Pronounce correctly:

neither, junior, senior, sociable, convenience, chandelier, audio cassettes, pleasure, substantial, permit, steadily, college, negotiations, share, furniture, graduate, carved, court.


Ex. 49. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

подружиться; производить офисную мебель; менеджер по сбыту; окончить университет; хорошо справляться с чем-либо; быть женатым на ком-либо; быть на три года моложе Дика; только, что закончить школу; нравиться что-либо делать; камин; цифровой домашний кинотеатр; принимать ванну; не иметь ни времени, ни желания; ровно в девять часов; позвонить; подписать контракт; быть уставшим; трудные времена; быть оптимистом.


Ex. 50. Comprehension questions.

1. What is Boris’s friend’s name? 2. How did they make friends? 3. How old is he? 4. What is he? 5. What did Dick graduate from? 6. What can you say about Dick’s family? 7. Describe Richard’s house. Is it big or small? 8. Can we say that Dick and his wife are people of great taste? 9. What is Dick’s working day like? When does it start and finish? 10. What is his work like? 11. Does it take him much time to get to his office and back home? 12. Is Richard a happy man? Why? 13. How does he spend his spare time? What is his hobby?



Ex. 51. Retell the text focusing on the key vocabulary given above. 


Ex. 52. Read and translate in writing. What do you think of Hob?


Hob wakes at eight o’clock in the morning, and gets up at half past eight. He does not have a cold bath; he just washes his hands and face and brushes his teeth, if he remembers. Then he goes downstairs for breakfast. He eats lots of eggs and bacon and toasts and he drinks three or four cups of coffee.

When he has finished breakfast, the day’s work begins. He walks round to Mr. Priestley’s house; he is often late. He shows Mr. Priestly his homework, if he has done any; and it is usually full of mistakes. He is glad when it is time for lunch.

For lunch Hob usually has roast beef and vegetables and after lunch he always has a cup of tea with lots of sugar in it. Sometimes he sits in an armchair and reads a newspaper or a detective story, and sometimes, but not often, he does his work for Mr. Priestly.

In the evening after a tea with bread, butter, honey and cakes, Hob likes to watch television in front of the fire at Mr. Priestley’s or to visit other friends and tell them his funny stories.

If Hob is at his place when it is getting dark, he draws the curtains and puts on the light. It has a red lampshade which gives a warm colour to the room. A fire is burning brightly in the fireplace. And Hob loses himself in dreams.



1. to go downstairs - спускаться вниз

2. to walk round - зайти, заглянуть

3. to draw curtains - задвигать шторы

4. lampshade - абажур

5. to lose oneself in dreams - забыться в мечтах


Ex. 53. Make up dialogues about your working days and days off, according to the models:

a) A: Today is Wednesday. Are you free on Friday?

B: No, I am not. Why?

A: I’d like to invite you to the cinema. And what about Saturday?

B: Sorry, I am busy on Saturday too.

b) A: Let’s go for a walk, Mike.

B: I’m afraid, I can’t.

A: Why can’t you?

B: Because I must help my mother.

c) A: Slava, where are you coming from?

B: From University.

A: So late?

B: We had four classes and after classes there was a meeting.

A: Oh, I see.




1. Name

name (first name; christian name)


patronimic , middle name


surname (second name;

family name; last name)




maiden name


девичье имя (фамилия)


прозвище, (v) давать прозвище

pet name

ласкательное имя

call (v)


call by first name

называть по имени

call smb after

назвать чьим-либо именем

change one's name back

взять прежнюю фамилию

call smb names

ругать, оскорблять кого-либо

2. Age

be born


be born in the same generation

принадлежать к одному поколению


tenth/twentieth/thirtieth birthday

день рождения десятилетие/двадцатилетие/




be sixteen years old

be a sixteen-year-old boy

шестнадцать лет

ему16лет /шестнадцатилетний юноша

be a man of sixty

шестидесятилетний мужчина

be seventy years of age

в возрасте семидесяти лет

nearly sixteen

почти 16 лет

about twenty

около двадцати

under sixteen

менее шестнадцати, еще нет и 16

over twenty

более двадцати

twenty odd

двадцать с лишним

in one's middle twenties (mid-thirties)

примерно двадцать пять (35 лет)

long past forty

далеко за сорок

be well into one's forty

далеко за сорок

just out of one's twenties

только что минуло тридцать

turn sixty

перевалило за шестьдесят



be in one's "teens"

быть подростком (до 20 лет)

be of military age

быть призывного возраста

be of age (under age)

(не) достичь совершеннолетия

age (fast/slow)

быстро/медленно стареть

middle aged (elderly) person

пожилой человек

an elderly lady/man

пожилая женщина/мужчина

as old as the hills

старый как мир

be of the same age

быть одного возраста

more than ten years older than

на десять лет старше, чем

five years older/younger than five years one's senior / junior

на пять лет старше/младше, чем

double one's age/twice one's age

в два раза старше

look one's age

выглядеть не старше своих лет

(not) look one's age

выглядеть моложе (старше) своих лет

look (much) older than

выглядеть (гораздо) старше, чем

carry one's age well

хорошо выглядеть для своего возраста



die of an illness

умереть от какой-либо болезни

die for one's country

умереть за родину

die in childbirth

умереть во время родов

die in infancy

умереть в раннем детстве

3. Origin, Nationality

have roots at (be/come from)

быть родом из


место рождения

countryman (woman)

соотечественник (-ца)

native tongue

родной язык

Holland (The Netherlands) Hollander; language: Dutch Person: Dutch (Dutchman);


4. Language

be good at languages

хорошо владеть иностранными языками

have a good command of the language (be quite at home with the language)

хорошо владеть иностранным языком

speak a language well (fluently, fairly well, abominably)

говорить на языке хорошо (бегло, довольно хорошо, отвратительно)

speak poor English (German)

плохо говорить на английском (немецком) языке

speak broken English

говорить на ломаном языке

speak with a strong accent

говорить с сильным акцентом

be bilingual

быть билингвом (владеть двумя языками как родным)

5. Family




свекровь (мать мужа), теща (мать жены)


свекор (отец мужа), тесть (отец жены)


зять (муж сестры)


невестка (жена брата); золовка


невестка, сноха (жена сына)


зять (муж дочери)

family man

семейный человек

adopt (v)

удочерить, усыновить

bring up (raise)

вырастить (воспитывать)


a widow (grass widow)

вдова (соломенная вдова)

a widower


be widowed

быть вдовцом/вдовой

get widowed


an orphan


a spinster (old maid)

старая дева

a bachelor (be single)


be pregnant

ждать ребенка,

(with one's fifth child) (carry a child; be in a family way; expect a baby)

быть беременной

the baby is due on

ребенок должен родиться

give birth to (have a child)

родить ребенка

deliver a baby

принять роды

6. Relations

be (un) related to smb

быть (не) в родственных отношениях

on one's mother's/father's side

со стороны отца/матери

be distantly related

дальние родственники



the only living relative

единственный здравствую-  щий родственник

distant relative

дальний родственник




отцовство (материнство)

mother (coll. mum)



father (coll. dad, daddy)




foster father (foster mother)


приемный отец (мать)

Godfather (Godmother)

крестный отец (мать)


предки, прародители

grandparents grandmother (coll. granny, grandma)

прародители бабушка

grandfather (coll. grandpa, granddad)



предки, происхождение







aunt (ласк. aunty)





second cousin distant cousin

двоюродный брат (сестра)

троюродный брат (сестра)





children (a child)

the only child

дети (ребенок)

единственный ребенок

a baby (new-born)

a kid

a toddler


малыш (старше baby)

ребенок (1-3 года)

a grown up son/daughter

взрослый сын/дочь



son, daughter

сын, дочь

stepson (daughter)

приемный сын (дочь),

пасынок, падчерица

senior (junior) son (daughter)

старший (младший) сын


son (daughter) by one’s first marriage

сын (дочь) от первого брака

have a son (daughter)

иметь сына (дочь) от

by former (present) marriage

от предыдущего

(настоящего) брака



brother, sister

брат, сестра

stepbrother (sister)

сводный брат (сестра)

half brother (sister)

сводный брат (сестра)

elder brother (sister)

старший брат (сестра)

younger brother (sister)

младший брат (сестра)

next to the older brother (sister)

за старшим братом (сестрой) идет...

take after

пойти в кого-либо

resemble (v)

быть похожим



have a strong resemblance to

быть очень похожим

be the image of

быть очень похожим на

be a copy of;

быть просто отражением

inherit smth

унаследовать что-либо

7. Marriage

a date


date (v) smb (to go out with smb)

встречаться с кем-либо

a movie date

пойти с кем-либо в кино

make a date

назначить свидание

a boy- (girl-) friend

друг (подруга)

court smb

ухаживать за кем-либо (с планами женитьбы)



fall in love


propose to smb

сделать предложение

be engaged to smb

быть помолвленным с кем-либо



break one's engagement

разорвать помолвку


жених (невеста) после помолвки

marry smb

выйти замуж за (жениться на)

marry off a son (daughter)

женить (выдать замуж)

marry into the family

войти в семью после замужества (женитьбы)

marry for love

выйти замуж (жениться) по любви

a love match

брак по любви

be married

быть замужем (женатым)

get married

выйти замуж (жениться)


брак, женитьба, замужество; свадьба

consider marriage

думать о браке, иметь планы вступить в брак

marriage certificate

свидетельство о браке

marriage for convenience

брак по расчету

illegal marriage

незаконный брак

marriage bonds

брачные узы


неравный брак



bring dowry to one's marriage

получить приданое


свадьба, бракосочетание

wedding service (wedding ceremony)


civil marriage

гражданский брак

silver (golden) wedding

серебряная (золотая) свадьба

bride, bridegroom

невеста, жених (во время бракосочетания)

wedding ring

обручальное кольцо


супружество, брак

marital bliss

супружеское счастье



(v.) сочетаться браком


супруг(га), супружеская чета

sacred union

священный союз

prenuptial agreement

брачный договор

bride's maids

подружки невесты


свидетель со стороны жениха




свадебное путешествие

divorce (v)


get a divorce

получить развод

file for a divorce

обратиться в суд

(sue for a divorce)

для получения развода


бывшая жена/муж после развода)

argue (v) (have a row; quarrel (v)

ссориться, ругаться

share (v) (share housework, share smb's point of view)

делить, разделять

8. Occupation, profession



baby sitter




bank teller







driver (bus-; taxi-)

водитель (автобуса, такси)





computer programmer



переводчик (устный)




Text A.


My family


My family is quite large. I have a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. There are five of us in the family.

First of all I'll tell you something about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology. She works at school. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair. She is forty-four but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim.

My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-shouldered tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-six. My father often sings and when we are at home and have some free time I play the guitar and we sing together.

My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films, and sports. My father is fond of tennis. My mother doesn't go in for sports. But my parents have the same opinion about our education and upbringing.

My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of my father, my brother and me. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She is very practical. We try to help her with the housework; for example we wash the dishes, go shopping and tidy our flat.

My sister Helen is twenty-five. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant for a joint venture company. Her husband is a scientist. They have twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery-school.

My brother Boris is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet. Three months ago he dreamed of being a cosmonaut.

I have two grandmothers and one grandfather. I love them very much and often go to see them. My grandmothers are retired now. One of them was a teacher, the other was a doctor. My grandfather has not retired yet. When he has free time he likes to work in the garden.

We have many relatives. My aunts, uncles and cousins live in different parts of Russia. They often come to our place on holidays. We have a very good time together.

Our family is very united. We like to spend our time together. Sometimes we stay at home and watch TV or just talk, and on weekends we go out of town. But we are always happy to be together and we wish one another only the very best.


Ex. 54. Pronounce correctly:

tall and slim; works at school; is very experienced; broad-shouldered; with fair hair; play the guitar; have much in common; education and upbringing;, different views on music; takes care of; have twins; a joint venture company; nursery-school; being a cosmonaut; has not retired yet; wish one another.


Ex. 55. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

нас в семье пятеро; красивая женщина; иметь много общего;, широкоплечий; быть мастером на все руки; работать бухгалтером в компании; быть трудоголиком; играть на гитаре; быть женатыми в течение 25 лет; поддерживать порядок в доме; выглядеть намного моложе; мечтать стать кем-либо; быть женатым (иметь свою семью); придерживаться одинакового мнения; подружиться; выезжать загород; быть на пенсии.


Ex. 56. Find the information in the text proving that the family is happy.


Ex. 57. Retell the text focusing on the key vocabulary given above. 




Ex. 58. Translate the sentences paying special attention to the italicized parts.

1. He is in his late eighties. 2. My granny was well in her twenties. 3. They were long past forty. 4. He doesn’t look his age. 5. We were born in the same generation. 6. Nick is two years my senior. 7. He is seven years her junior. 9. My family on both sides is noted for longevity. 11. I made it a rule never to speak ill of the dead. 12. He has a steady girl-friend at the moment. 13. I don't have relations on my mother's side. 14. He had a daughter by his first marriage. 16. She changed her name back to the one on her birth certificate. 17. He saw a classmate with a date. 18. She was married into the Evans family. 19. Tom dated the girl every now and then. 20. Do you have a boy-friend? 21. Everyone said that Tom was the image of my mother. 22. They had a strong resemblance to each other.


Ex. 59. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B.



1. christian name

a. прозвище

2. teenager

b. назвать чьим-либо именем

3. twenty odd

c. достичь совершеннолетия

4. look one's age

d. родом из

5. come from

e. говорить на ломаном английском языке

6. native tongue

f. вдовец

7. be good at languages

g. мачеха

8. nickname

h. предки

9. be of age

i. сводный брат

10. speak broken English

j. воспитать детей

11. bring up children

k. хорошо владеть иностранным языком

12. a widower

l. выглядеть не старше своих лет

13. an old maid

m. двадцать с лишним

14. stepmother

n. подросток

15. ancestry

o. имя

16. call smb after

p. родной язык

17. halfbrother

q. старая дева


































Ex. 60. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding word.

1. John is your second cousin. He is your ... relative. 2. They all ... me by my first name. 3. He is called Red, it's his ... . 4. Our family name is Smith, I don't know my mother's ... name. 5. He has the same name as his grandfather, he was ... his grandfather. 6. We call our baby "Ducky", it is his ... . 7. Are you ... or just friends? 8. He is 13 years old, he is a ... . 9. He is 17, he is not of ... yet. 10. He is 25 and his sister is 30. She is ... than he. 11. He is 48, he is in his... . 12.  That man is also from France, we are .... 13. If I want to know smb's birthplace, I ask "Where ... ?" 14. He is Swedish, he ... in Sweden. 15. She is from Germany, she speaks German, it is her ... .


Ex. 61. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

1. I'm distantly related ... her. 2. We are distantly related ... my father's side. 3. He is not ... age, he is ... 18. 4. I'm not 20 yet. I'm still ... my "teens". 5. Thank you for the compliment, I'm well ... 20. 6. I was born ... the 5th ... May ... 1956. 7. What country are you ... ? 8. They have brought ... three children. 9. He didn't return from the war, he died ... his country. 10. Did Mrs. White divorce ... her husband? 11. They say she took ... her mother. 12. They still love each other, they married ... love. 13. He is much younger, he married her ... convenience. 14. He had a son ... former marriage. 15. At fifty six she looked ... forty. 16. I made a date ... her ... 7 o'clock.


Ex. 62. Make up questions to which the following sentences could be the answers.

1. They all call me Mr. Know-all. (2 questions) 2. Sure, you can call me Mary. 3. No, he is a bachelor. He is not the marrying sort. 4. Yes, the wedding was splendid. 5. No, he is not. He is my step-brother. 6.  No, I don't. My English is very poor. 7. Yes, they are. I can't tell one brother from the other. 8. Yes, he is six years my junior. 9. No, she is my stepmother, that's why she looks so young. 10. No, they don't. They have adopted a child. 11. I was born on the 15th of May, 1954 in London. 12. No, she is my grandmother. 13. No, I am not from Georgia. I come from Bulgaria, I am Bulgarian. 14. No, he died of an illness.


Ex. 63. Translate the following sentences:

1. Это моя племянница со стороны матери. 2. Разрешите называть вас по имени, вы так молоды. 3. Почему ему дали такое прозвище? 4. Все члены семьи называли его Си-Си для краткости. 5. Он мой троюродный брат, в общем, довольно дальний родственник. 6. Мы считаем тетю Аню очень близкой родственницей, хотя в действительности она нам "десятая вода на киселе". 7. Ему перевалило за шестьдесят, хотя он не выглядит на свои годы. 8. Он на десять лет старше меня. 9. Я семейный человек, я не могу работать так поздно. 10. Ему почти семнадцать, он вполне может поехать в деревню один. 11. В Америке подросткам продают только безалкогольные напитки. 12. Он на пять лет младше меня. 13. Они поженились по любви, хотя все считают, что это брак по расчету. 14. Через четыре года я достигну совершеннолетия. 15. Они очень похожи, как две капли воды. 17. Ему было далеко за сорок. 18. Она принесла большое приданое. 19. Ребенок должен родиться в мае. 20. Она пережила своего мужа на десять лет.


Ex. 64. Translate the story from Russian into English.


Джим встречается с Джеймсом

Это история о близнецах из Огайо, которых при рождении усыновили две разные семьи.

Они впервые встретились только в возрасте тридцати девяти лет. Оба хотели узнать, много ли у них общего (have smth in common). И оказалось, они оба были женаты на женщинах, которых звали Линда. Оба развелись и женились во второй раз на женщинах, которых звали Бетси. Обе пары, которые усыновили их, называли своих сыновей "Джим". В жизни с ними происходило много одинаковых случаев (similar things). Почти все, что они делали, было одинаковым. Как сказал Джим, когда он впервые встретил Джеймса: "Это не было похоже на встречу с незнакомцем".


Ex. 65. Pronounce the following questions with your eyes up. Let your fellow-students answer them.

1. How many are you in the family? 2. What are your parents? 3. How many brothers and sisters have you got? 4. What is your sister’s name? 5. How old are you? 6. How old is your friend? 7. You have a large family, haven’t you? 8. You are married, aren’t you? 9. How many cousins have you? 10. Do you speak any other foreign language, except English? 11. Does your mother work? 12. Where do you live? 13. Does your family like travelling together? 14. Do you often go to the theatre? 15. Does your friend visit you very often? 16. Do you get to the University by bus or on foot? 17. Do you play chess? 18. Do you use a dictionary while translating English newspaper articles? 19. How does your friend like to spend his spare time?


Ex. 66. Bring your family photo/album and tell about your family.


Ex. 67. Interview your fellow student on his/her family and describe his/her family. Speak about the relations in the family.




Ex. 68. Read, translate and render the dialogues in indirect speech.


How old is your younger brother?

  But I have no brothers.

  Isn't this kid your brother?

Oh, no, he's my nephew.


Have you sent greetings to our relations?

  Only to grandparents.

And what about aunts, uncles and cousins? Christmas is only a week away.

I think I'll still manage. I'll write them in the afternoon.


What relationship is Jack to you?

  Well, he's my remote kinsman.

Oh, really? But he always says you are close relations.

If he likes to say that, let him do it. In fact I've got some new relations of late since I starred in that successful film.


So my daughter has consented to become your wife. Have you fixed the day of the wedding?

  I'll leave that to my fiancee.

  Will you have a church or private wedding?

  Her mother will decide that, sir.

  What have you to live on?

I'll leave that entirely to you, sir.

5. Looking at Photos

A: Good afternoon, is your wife in?

B: No, Jane isn't home yet. Won't you sit down?

A: Thank you. It's a fine day, isn't it?

B: Oh, yes, it's very warm and sunny. While waiting would you like to have a look at our family album?

A: Sure. Who are these people?

B: They are our parents. This man and woman are Jane's parents, my mother-in-law and my father-in-law. And here are my parents.

A: I see. Your mother is very young and beautiful in this picture.

B: And father? He is still a very handsome man, isn't he?

A: How old is he now?

B: He is 67, but he is still very handsome. And this is our son Martin. He is nineteen. He is a student.

A: What a lovely face! Who's this?

B: This is Jane's cousin, my sister-in-law. Her mother, Jane's aunt, is a famous actress, and her uncle is an artist, and a very good one. His son is also an artist.

A: This is a very old photograph... Who's this funny little baby? A boy, isn't it?

B: Yes, and a very big boy now.

A: Oh! It's not you, is it?

B: It is!

6. The Family Album (continued)

A: And who is this elderly woman?

B: She is my grandmother. She is a very nice, kind and loving grandmother.

A: And whose photo is this? Who is this man?

B: This man is my grandfather.

A: In this photo, your grandfather is young and he's riding a horse. Is he alive?

B: No, he isn't. He is dead.

A: I'm sorry. And your grandmother, where is she now?

B: With us, in St. Petersburg.

A: And who's this pretty girl?

B: This is Helen, my girlfriend. She is very, very beautiful.

A: How old is she?

B: She's 19. She's a ballet dancer.

A: Oh, I see. And who are these people?

B: They're Helen's parents. Helen's mother is a very nice woman and very kind. And Helen's father is a very good person, too. He is kind and generous.

A: Helen's mother is your future mother-in-law, isn't she?

B: Yes, I hope so.


Ex. 69. Calculate the age of 10 people of your acquaintance according to the following dialogue.

"She was born in February, nineteen eighty two, and this is May of twenty oh six. So that would make her what? Twenty-four?"

"Make her twenty-four," Mrs. White confirmed.  


В гостях у подруги

А: Привет! Как поживаешь?

В: Привет, Галя. Рада тебя видеть. Можешь повесить пальто здесь, пройдем в мою комнату. Проходи, пожалуйста.

А: Какая уютная комната! А кто эта славная женщина, которую я встретила в коридоре?

В: Это моя мама.

А: Твоей маме лет 35?

В: Нет, ей 45.

А: Но она не выглядит на свой возраст. У нее фигура женщины, которой нет и тридцати.

В: Ты права. Иногда люди думают, что она моя подруга или старшая сестра.

А: У тебя есть брат, не правда ли? Почему ты не рассказывала мне о нем?

В: Ты хотела бы что-нибудь узнать о нем?

А: Конечно.

В: Хорошо. Ему 23 года, он окончил наш институт в прошлом году.

А: Он работает сейчас?

В: Он работает на совместном предприятии. И ему там очень нравится.

А: Замечательно!





               Jack, I was sorry to treat you the way I did. You'll forgive me, won't you, for being so angry with you all last week?

               Sure! That's all right; I saved twenty-two dollars while we weren't on speaking terms.


—Have you broken off your engagement to Mary?

—She won't have me.

—You told her about your rich uncle?

—Yes, she is my aunt now.



*Ex. 70. Translate the anecdotes.

1. Он сделал ей предложение. Она надменно вскинула голову. "Ты, — последовал ее презрительный ответ, — ты хочешь жениться на мне!" "Да", — пробормотал молодой человек. "Но мой дорогой мальчик, — продолжала она, — ты ведь знаешь меня всего три дня!" "Нет, значительно дольше, чем три дня!" — сказал он. "Уже два года я работаю в банке, где у вашего отца счет".

to toss one's headтряхнуть головой;

haughtily надменно;

scornful презрительный;

murmur бормотать.

2. "Почему ты разорвала свою помолвку c Томом?" "Он обманул меня. Он сказал мне, что он специалист по печени и почкам, а потом я обнаружила, что он работает в мясном магазине".

deceive — обмануть;

liver — печень;

kidney — почка.

3. "Что она сказала, когда ты сделал ей предложение?" "Я не сделал ей предложения. Прежде чем я успел открыть рот, она сказала мне, что любит Эмерсона, Лонгфелло и По. У меня не было ни единого шанса. Могу ли я получить согласие у девушки, которая уже влюблена в троих молодых людей?".

have a chanceиметь шанс;

be in loveбыть влюбленным.

4. Жена: "Дорогой, ты помнишь, что в этот день 25 лет назад мы были помолвлены?" "Двадцать пять лет назад, — воскликнул рассеянный профессор, — господи, почему же ты мне не напомнила раньше. Конечно, нам уже давно пора пожениться."

absent-minded рассеянный.


Ex. 71. Compose dialogues for the following imaginary situations.

1. An old lady of your acquaintance will be eighty years old tomorrow. You discuss with your mother the age of the members of the old lady's family.

2. Tell your friend about your little sister. She is such a nice kid…

3. Your sister's engagement is announced. A friend calls to congratulate her.

4. You talk to a distant relative trying to find out in what relationship you stand to each other. The only way is to ask questions about all the relatives you know.

5. Your father tells you about his brother (sister) you've never seen. You want to know all the details of his (her) life in a distant city.


Text B.


American Family Trends


The traditional American family consisting of a husband, wife and children is becoming less and less frequent. More people who are not legally married are living together. More and more children are being raised in single-parent families, by both poor women and by women who are professionally employed. Others postpone marriage and childbirth and as a consequence bear fewer children than women who lived many earlier. Among the educated more and more couples are deciding to have fewer and fewer children. An exception to this trend occurs among blacks, Hispanics and among the very poor. In 1990 the size of the average American family was 3-2 individuals.

Marriages are either civil or performed in the church. Marriage has a legal foundation which means that a Registry Office has a record of it and it carries certain economic rights. When getting married both parties sign the document of marriage, that is, a marriage certificate.

Young people rarely live with their parents. Usually, upon graduation from high school children move out of the family home. To reduce expenses young people frequently rent apartments or a house. Usually two to five young people rent an apartment or a house together and share other expenses.

While young people are getting married later in life, the divorce rate is increasing. Roughly 50% of all marriages in the United States now end in divorce. In cases of divorce the financial support required from the breadwinner will vary from case to case and if agreement is not possible between the two parties the court will decide. The cheapest way of getting a divorce is through the no-fault system, that is, two parties come to an agreement between themselves about the distribution of property. If there is no agreement then each hires a lawyer and the divorce will be very costly, up to $25,000 and more for legal fees alone.

The most ominous trend in American society is the increasingly high number of children being born to unmarried young people in poverty who are being raised without fathers. Two-thirds of black children are now being born in fatherless households. Undoubtedly these children are destined to add to the number of those in poverty and to those involved in delinquency and crime.


Ex. 72. Tell the class about a traditional Russian (Dagestan) family.


Topics for Presentations

1. Talk about your parents.

2. Tell about your grandparents.

3. Do you have many relatives? Talk about them.

4. Is it difficult to be the only child?

5. You like/don't like your friend's fiance(e). Tell why.

6. Describe your friend's family.

7. What does your father/mother do? Tell about his/her occupation.

8. Showing your family album to your friend.

9. You like/don't like it when your distant relatives from the village come. Give your reasons.

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