Progress test 5.   Virus alert! 



V – 1


Date: ____________          Total scores: ____   (42 / 92%)

Name: ___________


I.                  Rewrite the active sentences into passive ones.

1.        Korea made this engine.  _______________________________

2.        Students designed the car on computer with a GAD program.


3.        They are still looking through these papers.


4.        A new virus has just infected the system.


5.        Helen will sign the agreement.


6.        She told me that she had put away those disks.


7.        My group mate Claude usually wins quiz competitions.


8.        I couldn’t print out the report because he was fixing my printer.


    Total 8 / __

II.              Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1.      This game ____________ (play) by people of all ages.

2.      Sorry about the mess – the machines (replace) _____________.

3.      Where is my camera? It ___________ just (steal) by someone.

4.      Networks _________________ (connect) via satellite.

5.      The letter ____________ (receive) last week, it (get) this week.

6.      The book ________________ (devote) by me to my best friend.

7.      Many people ____________ (rescue) by fire-fighters last night.

8.      The streets ________________ (clean) by yardmen every day.

9.      The first telephone _____________(invent) by Antonio Meucci.

10. In the near future, the Internet and other IT devices ___________ (introduce) into cars.

Total 10 / __

III.          Match the English idioms to the Russian equivalents.

1.  play havoc with     a) завершать, доводить до конца (что-л.)

2.  behind the times        b) часами сидящий перед телевизором

3.  bells and whistles      c) «новороты», т.е. приставки к телефонам и тд.

4.  button (up) one's lips         d) сеять панику

5.  button (up) one's job         e) замолчать, закрыть рот;

6.  couch potato                        f) отсталый, с устаревшими взглядам

Total 6 / __

IV.          Name idioms according to the definitions

1.      to extra, fancy add-ons or gadgets on something like a phone, a car or a computer – ……………………

2.    to finish work, to carry out smth. – …………………..

3.    to put an end to an activity, preventing it from continuing – ………………

4.      to cause / create damage, distress, or confusion (to) – ………………..

5.      to flee or run from the police;  to try to avoid being captured – ………………..

Total 5 / __

V.              Translate the phrases into English.

1.      создавать вирусы __________________________

2.      работать в компании _______________________

3.      быть арестованным за … ____________________

4.      приложение к электронному письму ______________

5.      называть вирус в честь … _____________________

6.      заражать компьютер ______________________

7.      избавиться от вируса _____________________

8.      причинить вред бизнесу ____________________

Total 8 / __

VI.          Choose the best words to go into each of the spaces.

1.    Malicious software is a program designed to ________ your computer.

a)         damage               b) hurt                c) injure

2.    A worm is a self-copying program that spreads ________ email attachments.

a)         in                b) through          c) by

3.    A Trojans horse is disguised as a _________ program.

a)   beautiful      b) useful    c) insecure

4.    A virus can enter a PC __________ a disc drive.

a)   via                b) with                c) in

5.    Most spyware collects information about your surfing ________ for advertising reasons.

a)   skills             b) data                c) habits

Total 5 / __


V – 2


Progress test 5                        Virus alert     


Date: ____________          Total scores: ____   (37 / 90%)

Name: ___________


I.             Rewrite the active sentences into passive ones.

1.      People set up this church in 1737.


2.      I am attaching these files to the email


3.      The Japanese have made these microchips.


4.      Our company will export new phone accessories to Europe next week.__________________________________

7.      They don’t deliver the post on Sundays.


8.      His friend has shown me an interesting I-Tech shop.


9.      He broke his scanner.


10. She easily picks up foreign languages.


Total 8 / __


I.                         Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1.      I ________ (ask) at the lesson yesterday.

2.      The vehicle ________ (check and test) at the track next week. 

3.      GPS __________ (develop) in the 1970s as a military navigation system.

4.      The exams generally ________ (mark) by two examiners.

5.      We ________ always ________ (wake) by the alarm.

6.      Sorry about the mess – the computers_________ (replace) at the moment.

7.      I hope the bill _________ (pay) by you next time.

8.      I had to use my laptop this morning while my PC______ (fix).

9.      A serious error (just find) _________ in this program.

10. Radio waves (discover) ________ in 1887 by Heinrich Hertz.

Total 10 / __

II.              Match the English idioms to the Russian equivalents.

1.  push / press someone's buttons                  

2.  be on the run                    

3.  smart cookie                     

4.  silver surfer                     

5.  mouse potato                           

6.  be in tune with          


a)      ладить с кем-либо  

b)     пожилой чел-к, активно пользующийся интернетом  

c)      часами просиживающий в интернете

d)     быть в бегах

e)      ловкач, толковый человек

f)       пустить в ход связи, знакомства              Total 6/ __


III.          Name idioms according to the definitions

1.      to stop talking – …………………

2.      to have a good understanding of someone or something – ………………..

3.      a person who spends large amounts of time operating a computer – ………………

4.      to draw a strong emotional reaction from s.o., especially anger; to  provoke a reaction in someone – ………………

5.      an elderly person who is a regular user of the Internet – ……………..
                                                                                 Total 5 / __

IV.          Translate the phrases into English.

1.      распространяться очень быстро ________________

2.      взламывать систему электронной почты _______________

3.      пересылать себя, переадресовывать ________________

4.      схватить создателей вирусов ___________________

5.      причинять / наносить ущерб __________________

6.      отправить в тюрьму ______________________

7.      закон о компьютерных преступлениях _____________

8.      быть приговоренным к … _______________________

Total 8 / __



V.              Choose the best words to go into each of the spaces.

1.    If you insert an infected ________, a virus can enter your PC.

a)   finger           b)  disc                c) paper

2.    Malware are ________ software programs.

a)   useful           b) malicious                c) anti-virus

3.    Spyware is used to record information of which ______ you visit.

a) websites                 b) browsers                  c) networks

4.    A Trojan is _______to self-copy.

a) unable           b) able                c) ready

5.    Adware is a type of spyware which is _________ software.

a) collecting               b) infected          c) advertising

Total 5 / __


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