Progress test 2. Technology devices



V – 1

Date: __________     Total scores: ____   (52/100%)

Name: _________


I.                  Listen to an extract from an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) class and decide whether these sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones. (Infotech.St.b.Un.2.Task 3.)

1.    A mainframe computer is less powerful than a PC. ___

2.    A mainframe is used by large organizations that need to process enormous amounts of data. ___

3.    The most suitable computers for home are desktop PCs. ___

4.    A laptop is not portable. ___

5.    Laptops are not as powerful as desktops PCs. ___

6.    Using a stylus, you can write directly onto the screen of a tablet PC. ___

7.    A Personal Digital Assistant is small enough to fit into the palm of your hand. ___

8.    A PDA does not allow you to surf the Web. ___                      Total 8 / __


II.              Make common collocation with the words below.

1.  send                 a. the Internet

2.  scan                 b. information on the computer

3.  process            c. emails

4.  surf                  d. texts

5.  store                e. data                          

Total: 5 / __

III.          Choose the correct linking word from the box.

besides          in spite           though          despite      

            however        and                    also


1.  It’s not the best dictionary you can buy. __________, it’s very expensive.

2.     The system was supposed to be more efficient. _________, in practice it caused chaos.

3.  He is going to a computer club, ______ his brother is coming as well.

4.  The high-end phone is excellent. It ________ has a very good price.

5.  I was late for the lesson _________ the fact that I left home 20 minutes earlier than usual.

6.  __________ it was a long film, we saw it out. (= saw it to the end)

7.  __________ of being so young, people believed he was a pilot.

Total: 7 / __

IV.          Choose the correct preposition to get phrasal verbs.

1.  Remember to back ______ your work before you log _______.

2.  He tried to hack ______ telecommunications systems to obtain free calls.

3.  My secretary is very quick at keying _____ data.

4.  Officials type each passport number _______ a computer.

5.  To go to the company’s website, click _______ this link.

6.  The virus could wipe _____ your hard drive.

7.  You have to scroll ______ to see the top of the web page.

8.  The camera zoomed ________ on the podium.                            

Total 8 / __

V.         Complete the sentences using the vocabulary about computer devices from unit 2.

1.   If you want to surf on the Internet, you use computer or a smaller portable one called a ______ (1).

2.  To type in, you use a _________ (2) and click on the _________(3).

3.  If you want to send some paper document to someone, fax ________ (4) is used.

4.  ___________cards (5) and USB flash________ (6) are used in order to store information.

5.  I love to use technology devices. For example, I call my friends using ______ (7) phone, I play video games using play________ (8).                                                                                                                                                                                              Total: 8 / __

VI.          Give English equivalents of the following:

1.  главный сервер ____________________________

2.  обрабатывать и хранить данные______________

3.  многочисленные пользователи______________________________

4.  поддерживать совместные / параллельные процессы________


5.  крупномасштабные цели _________________________

6.  настольный компьютер ______________________

7.  быть разработанным / задуманным ______________________

8.  корпус системного блока компьютера _________________

9.  переносной, легковесный компьютер___________________

10.           объем памяти_____________________________________

Total: 10 / __

VII.      What do these abbreviations stand for?

1.    PDA – ________________________

2.    CPU – ______________________

3.    LCD – ________________________

4.    GPS – ______________________    

5.    PC – __________________________       

6.    USB – ____________________                                                                 

                                                                                    Total: 6 / __


V – 2


Progress test 2                     Technology devices                    

Date: ________                   Total scores: ____ (52/100%)

Name: _______        

I.                  Listen to an extract from an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) class and decide whether these sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones. (Infotech.St.b.Un.2.Task 3.)

1.    A mainframe computer is less powerful than a PC. ___

2.    A mainframe is used by large organizations that need to process enormous amounts of data. ___

3.    The most suitable computers for home are desktop PCs. ___

4.    A laptop is not portable. ___

5.    Laptops are not as powerful as desktops PCs. ___

6.    Using a stylus, you can write directly onto the screen of a tablet PC. ___

7.    A Personal Digital Assistant is small enough to fit into the palm of your hand. ___

8.    A PDA does not allow you to surf the Web. ___                     

Total 8 / __

II.              Make common collocation with the words below.

1.  run on             a. data

2.  chat                 b. one’s handwriting

3.  enter                c. online

4.  recognize        d. batteries

5.  store                e. the information                          Total: 5 / __


III.          Choose the correct linking word from the box.

however       in spite       even though       what’s more    

                     but       despite       though


1.  __________ the teacher explained the rule twice, I still didn’t understand it.

2.  The course is terrible, ________ I'll attend it to the end because I've paid for it.

3.  We enjoyed the rock gig __________ the bad weather.

4.  If you buy a season ticket, you can go when you like. ___________, it’s much cheaper.

5.  The exam was very difficult. ___________, I think they’ll probably pass.

6.  I’m not better ___________of taking the pills.

7.  Matthew looks tired. He has slept for three hours, _________.   

Total: 7 / __

IV.          Complete the sentences.

1.  I listen to music through st_______ (1) and mp3_________ (2).

2.  My grandfather likes chilling out on the couch and watching _____ (3) and my grandmother listens to the _______ (4) to hear music and hear the weather news.

3.  My mum reads book on her e-book_________ (5),

4.  I love my _______ (6) station! I know that sometimes I play it too often and it is such a great device for video games!

5.  A __________ (7) _________ (8) system or GPS is a system that uses signals from satellites to find out the position of an object.

Total: 8 / __

V.              Choose the correct preposition to get phrasal verbs.

1.  Be sure to back ____ your work in case something wrong happens to it.

2.  I’ll forward this email to you as soon as I’ve logged _____ (to the network).

3.  You need to be a genius to hack ______ a computer.

4.  A hacker caused considerable disruption after keying ______ a vital database.

5.  If you find it hard to see the detail in the picture, zoom _____ so you can see more.

6.  You may need a different cable to hook the printer _____ to the computer.

7.  You never know when a new advert is going to pop_______.

8.  She scrolled ________ to the bottom of the screen to see the text completely.

Total 8 / __

VI.          Give English equivalents of the following:

1.    тонкопленочная технология экрана ____________________

2.    сенсорная панель _____________________________

3.    двигать курсор по экрану_____________________________

4.    портативный батарейный источник питания / аккумулятор _________________________________________________

5.    электрическая розетка_____________________________

6.    складывать и вращать экран_____________________________

7.    печатать на маленькой клавиатуре___________________

8.    распознавать почерк_____________________________

9.    отдельная клавиатура_____________________________

10.                      получать доступ в интернет ______________________

Total: 10 / __

VII.      What do these abbreviations stand for?

1.    TFT – ____________________________

2.    CD player – _______________________

3.    DVD – ___________________________

4.    PDA – ___________________________

5.    Unix OS – ________________________

6.    USB– ____________________________                                                                                                                   Total: 6 / __


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