Introductory course


 1.  Ëè÷íûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ (èìåíèòåëüíûé ïàäåæ).

 2.  Ñïðÿæåíèå ãëàãîëîâ to be, to have, to do.

 3.  Àðòèêëü (îïðåäåëåííûé, íåîïðåäåëåííûé).

 4.  Ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ.

 5.  Ëè÷íûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ â ïðèòÿæàòåëüíîì è  îáúåêòíîì ïàäåæàõ. Óêàçàòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ.

 6.  Îáîðîò there is (are).

 7.  Íàñòîÿùåå íåîïðåäåëåííîå âðåìÿ.

 8.  Íåîïðåäåëåííûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ some, any, no, few, a few, little, a little.

 9.  Íàñòîÿùåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ.

10. ×èñëèòåëüíûå îò 1äî 1000.

11. Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû must, need, can (could), may (might), will (would), shall (should).



to be


Ex. 1. Put in am, is, or are.

The weather is nice today.

1. Look! There ___ Carol. 2. I ___ not tired. 3. My brother and I ___ good tennis players. 4. This bag ___ heavy. 5. Ann ___ at home. Her children ___ at school. 6. These bags ___ heavy. 7. I ___ a taxi driver. My sister ___ a nurse. 


Ex. 2. Put the words in the correct order to make affirmative sentences. Make them interrogative and negative.

1. I, first, a, student, am, year. 2. You, too, student, are, a. 3. Nice, is, she, a, girl. 4. Busy, today, we, very, are. 5. Home, are, they, now, at. 6. Twenty, old, he, years, is. 7. He, mine, is, old, an, friend, of. 8. You, doctor, patient, are, of, this, a. 9. Always, they, in, are, time, their, for, lessons. 10. Summer, it, very, usually, is, hot, in, here.


Ex. 3. Write full sentences. Use is/isn’t/are/aren’t.

(your shoes very dirty) Your shoes are very dirty.

(my brother a teacher) My ___________________

(this house not very big) ___________________ _

(the shops not open today) ___________________

(my keys in my bag)________________________

(Jenny 18 years old) ________________________

(you not very tall)__________________________


Ex. 4. Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use am/am not/is/isn’t/ /are / aren’t.

(I / interested in politics) I’m interested (or I’m not interested) in politics.

(I / hungry) ______________________________

(it / warm today) __________________________

(I / afraid of dogs) _________________________

(my hands / cold) __________________________

(Canada / a very big country )________________

(diamonds / cheap)_________________________

(I / interested in football)_____________________

(Rome /in Spain)___________________________


Ex. 5. Write sentences about yourself.

1. (name?)  

My _________________

2. (favourite colour or colours?)

My _________________

3. (from?)   

I ___________________

4. (age?)     

I __________________

5. (interested in …?)

I __________________

6.  (job?)

 I __________________

7. (married?)

I _________________


Ex. 6. Read the story. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb to be. Make up a story of your family.


My Family


My name ... Tanya Sedova. My family ... not large. There .. four of us: my father, my mother, my sister and I. It ... an average (ñðåä­íÿÿ) Russian family. My father ... 50 years old. He ... an engineer and he ... always busy. My mother ... a housewife. My sister and I ... students. I ... a student at the Teacher's College, and my sister ... a future economist. Our mother always says: "You ... too different to choose the same profession." She ... right. We ... different, but we love each other very much.


Ex. 7. a) Say what there is in your classroom, on your table, in your bag etc. Use there is/there are with the words given in brackets.

Model: There is a pen on my desk. There are two books on my table. There is a pen and two books on my desk. There are two books and a pen on my desk.

(a book (books), an exercise-book (exercise-books), a pen (pens), a bag, a blackboard, a teacher's desk, desks, a notebook, a TV set, chairs, windows, lamps, a mobile phone, a mirror, a lipstick,  keys)

b) Ask your friend what there is in your classroom, on his table, in his bag.

Model: Is there a pen on the desk.

c) Use to have got, to tell which of the above mentioned objects you have got and haven’t got.

Model: I have got a bicycle. I haven't got a motor cycle.

(a TV set, a computer, a lot of books, a tape-recorder, a video cam, an armchair, skates, roller skates, a car, a cat, a dog)

d) Ask your friend which of the above-mentioned objects he/she has got and hasn’t got.

Model: Have you got a bicycle?

e) Considering your friend’s answers say what he/she has or hasn’t got.

Model: My friend has got a bicycle. He hasn't got a car.


Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences:

1. Ó ìîåãî äðóãà åñòü ìàøèíà. 2. Ó ìåíÿ íåò ìàøèíû, íî åñòü ìîòîöèêë. 3.  ìîåé êîìíàòå äâà ñòóëà è ñòîë. 4.  ìîåé ñóìêå ëåæàò ðó÷êà, òåòðàäè è òðè ó÷åáíèêà. 5. Ó íàñ åñòü êîøêà è ñîáàêà. 6. Ó íåãî ìíîãî êíèã. 7.  êíèæíîì øêàôó ìíîãî êíèã. 8. Ó ìîåãî äðóãà äâå ñåñòðû. 9. Ó ìåíÿ íåò ýòîãî ó÷åáíèêà. 10.  íàøåé ãðóïïå ïÿòíàäöàòü ñòóäåíòîâ. 11.  ýòîé êîìíàòå íåò ñòóëüåâ. 12. Íà ñòîëå ëåæàò íîâûå æóðíàëû. 13.  íàøåì èíñòèòóòå øåñòü ôàêóëüòåòîâ. 14. Ó íåå ãîëóáûå ãëàçà è ñâåòëûå âîëîñû. 15. Ñêîëüêî êîìíàò â ýòîì äîìå? 16. Ó âàñ åñòü ýòà êíèãà? 17. Ó íåãî åñòü ñåìüÿ? 18. Ó âàñ åñòü âðåìÿ ïîãîâîðèòü ñî ìíîé?. 19. Ó âàñ åñòü âîïðîñû? 28. Ñêîëüêî êíèã â êíèæíîì øêàôó?


Ex. 9. Read the text and without looking into it, say on what days Jane doesn’t work.

Jane Brown is a nurse. She is a thin, short girl. Jane is young. She is only twenty. She works in a hospital. She likes her work.

Jane is not a lazy girl. She is always busy. She is busy on Monday,   Tuesday and Wednesday. She is busy on Thursday and Friday too. Jane works hard on weekdays, but she is not busy every day. She is free on Saturday and Sunday.

Jane’s father, mother and brother live and work on a farm. It is not far from the hospital. Jane likes to spend the weekend at home. She has some friends there.

There is a good club on the farm. Old and young people like to go there when they are free.


Ex. 10.  Translate the text into English.  Use one of the following adverbs in each sentence (usually, sometimes, always, every day, often and seldom).

ß âñòàþ â ñåìü ÷àñîâ óòðà. Ìîé çàâòðàê ñîñòîèò èç ÷àøêè êîôå è áóòåðáðîäà. ß äîáèðàþñü äî ñâîåãî èíñòèòóòà íà ìåòðî è íà àâòîáóñå. Îêîëî èíñòèòóòà ÿ âñòðå÷àþ ñâîåãî äðóãà, è ìû âìå­ñòå èäåì íà çàíÿòèÿ. Ìû íå îïàçäûâàåì íà çàíÿòèÿ. Ïåðâàÿ ëåê­öèÿ íà÷èíàåòñÿ â 8.30. Ó íàñ îäíà-äâå ëåêöèè è îäèí-äâà ñåìèíà­ðà. Ïîñëå çàíÿòèé ÿ èäó â áèáëèîòåêó. ß âîçâðàùàþñü äîìîé îêîëî øåñòè ÷àñîâ âå÷åðà. Ïî âå÷åðàì ìíå çâîíÿò ìîè äðóçüÿ, è ìû îáñóæäàåì ïëàíû íà çàâòðà.


Ex. 11. Say what you are busy with on weekdays and on weekends. Write about it.


The Plurals of Nouns


Ex. 12. Put the sentences in the plural form.

Model: This house is very large. These houses are very large.

1. There is a mouse in this room. 2. This woman is an accountant. 3. This man works at our office. 4. That woman is a lawyer. 5. This strawberry is already ripe. 6. She keeps her toy in a box. 7. There is a shelf over that table. 8. Will you close that window? 9. Is that a knife? 10. Is this a sheep? 11. On that farm we could see a cow, a sheep, an ox and a goose. 12. This chain is made of silver. 13. This small business is an important part of the economy.


Countries and Nationalities


Ex. 13. Use your dictionary and write the nationalities


















the United States























Ex. 14. Name the nationalities living in Russia, the UK, the USA and Dagestan.


The Article


Ex. 15. Insert article where necessary.

1. Lomonosov … great Russian scientist was born in … small village, on … shore of … White Sea. 2. What … silly mistake I have made! 3. Show me  … map of Europe. 4. When I entered the room, I saw … man standing at the window. 5. In … morning we have … breakfast, in … afternoon we have … dinner, and in … evening we have … supper. In England and other countries they have … lunch in … afternoon, and they have … dinner in … evening. 6. ... Black Sea is in … South of our country. 7. … freedom is more important than … wealth. 8. Cricket is … most popular summer sport in Britain. 9.  How many students are there in … class? 10. He is … manager. 11. In … future … Earth will be hotter. 12. New … cars are expensive. 13. She gets up at … half past six in … morning and goes to … bed at … quarter to ten in … evening. 14. What is … date today? It is … ninth of May. 15. Mark Twain said: “When in doubt tell … truth”. 16. She is going to see her daughter who has come from … Canada. 17. It’s … good idea to go for … walk. 18. … Everest is the highest mountain in … world. 19. In … centre of … town you can find a lot of shops selling nice clothes. 20. There is … telephone in the room.


Ex 16. Explain the use of the articles in the following sentences.

1. A man is waiting for you. 2. I've got a son and a daughter. 3. They lived a quiet life. 4. He has a deep knowledge of the subject. 5. The flat is quite large and comfortable. 6. The snow is dirty. 7. Where is the book? 8. What a lovely day!  9. They entered the restaurant and sat down at the table by the window. 10. How many times a month do you go to the theatre? 11. Íå was quite a young man. 12. If I have a little free time today, I'll drop in. 13. Suddenly we heard a shot, then a second and a third. 14. Can I speak to Captain Popov? 15. I need more information. 16. When we came out, the moon was shining. 17. The Japanese live on islands. 18. This is the most responsible task of all. 19. Pass me the salt, please. 20. Where is the book? 21. The old don't always understand the young.  22. The dog is a friend of man. 23. I haven't met the Browns since they returned from London. 24. Íå travelled twice across the Pacific Ocean. 25. The work gives him satisfaction.  26. What lovely flowers! London is the capital of England.  27.  Let's go to McDonald’s.  28.  I went to Moscow last year and I'm going there next year too. 29. Go to room two, please. 30. Who is the manager of the office? 31. I like Literature and History but I don’t like Mathematics. 32. Some of the mistakes are very bad.




This table will help you to use the prepositions


away from

go away from x

in (inside)

stay in (inside) the room

from... to

go from ó to x

out of

go out of the room


lie on the table

out (outside)

stay out (outside)

the room


take off the table

under, above

x is above  ó,  ó is under x


stand by the table


x - î - ó

   î is between

x and ó


stand at

the table





Ex. 17. Name the places where different things are in your classroom, your bag, on your desk using the prepositions from the table.


Ex. 18. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. They are not having their holidays … this year. 2. The film starts … six o’clock. 3. In the morning we went … the museum. 4. It was his birthday and I wished him many happy returns … the day. 5. I’ve bought two tickets … a football match. 6. Her wedding dress is made … silk. 7. When I came … home it was raining heavily. 8. I lived in London … five years from 1980 … 1985. 9.  I haven’t seen my friend … a very long time. 10.  Isn’t that John? But I thought he was … work. 11. John went … Spain last year. 12. There is a shelf … that table. 13.  She keeps her toy … a box. 14. … 3 years they will be teachers. 15. There is enough room … everybody. 16. The book is written … Tolstoy. 17. You can write a letter … his pen. 18. I'll be here … a minute. 19. The street is wet … the rain. 20. Íå was popular … his   friends. 21. Mary was sitting Kate and Nick.




Ex. 19. Use the appropriate pronoun.

1. I often see (she, her) at the University. 2. Are you waiting for (we, us)? 3. This land was made for you and (I, me). 4. He is teaching management to (they, them). 5. I know (he, him) very well. 6. Can you help (I, me)? 7. We are proud of (they, them). 8. (They, them) always sit together in class. 9. (He, him) is fond of football.


Ex. 20. Use the possessive pronoun.

1. She washed ... hands and face. 2. What is ... phone number? May I phone you? 3. Give me ... photo and I'll give you... . 4. This is Mary. And this is ... brother. ... name is David. 5. Their horse was faster than ... (our, ours). 6. People fight for ... rights. 7. We were tired after ... long business trip. 8.  Computers are getting deeper and deeper into ... life.


Ex. 21. Read the text about Keiko Wilson. It is not very natural. Which nouns can you replace with personal pronouns or possessive pronouns?

Keiko Wilson is Japanese, but Keiko lives in New York because Keiko is married to an American. Keiko is an interpreter. Keiko likes New York because New York is interesting, but Keiko’s husband, Walter, doesn’t like New York. Walter wants to leave and live in the country.

Keiko and Walter have two children. Walter takes the two children and the two children’s dog out of the city in Walter’s free time. Walter and the children go walking in summer and skiing in winter, but Keiko doesn’t go with Walter and the children because Keiko doesn’t have any free time.


Ex. 22. Fill in the blanks with appropriate personal or possessive pronouns.

1. ... am a student of the Medical School.  2. He often writes to ... parents.  3. Does ... help her brother? 4. I often see ... in the park with his dog. 5. She likes ... work very much. 6. Is Tom a friend of ... ? - No, he is only my colleague. 7. We go to the country with some friends of ... every weekend. 8. The students usually have ... exams in January and in June. 9. These magazines are very interesting. Read ... at home. 10. Do you know these students? - Yes, ... are from our group. 11. Translate this text without a dictionary. ... is not very difficult. 12. Give ... your pen, please. Thank ... .


Ex. 23. Translate the sentences paying attention to the use of one (ones), that (those).

1. One of the passengers is injured. 2. This book is more interesting than that one. 3. This computer is better than that one. 4. These shops are cheaper than those. 5. There is only one person who can help him. 6. One must study hard to learn to speak English well. 7. One should exercise more in order to be healthy. 8. I enjoy listening to English songs as well as Russian ones. 9. This lecture is more informative than that I attended last week. 10. These men are engineers and those ones are teachers.


some, any, no, much/many, little/a little, few/a few


Ex. 24. Translate the sentences paying attention to the use of much, many, little, a   little, few, a few, and a lot of, plenty of.

1. Hurry up! We haven't got much time. 2. There were not many people at the party. 3. Have you got many friends? 4. He's got so much money; he doesn't know what to do with it. 5. There is no need to hurry. We've got plenty of time. 6. We don't need to go to a petrol station. We've got plenty of petrol. 7. This car is expensive to run. It uses a lot of petrol. 8. He has very few friends. 9. She doesn't speak German, only a few words. 10. There has been very little rain recently. 11. Have you got any money? - Yes, a little.


Ex. 25. Insert much, many, little, few, à little èëè à few.

1. When we walked ... farther down the road, we met another group of students. 2. Have you got ... ink in your pen? 3. At the conference we met ... people whom we knew well. 4. There are ... very old houses left in our street. Most of them have already been pulled down. 5. If you have ... spare time, look through this book. You will find ... stories there which are rather interesting. 6. There are ... things here which I cannot understand. 7. Shall I bring ... more chalk? — No, thank you. There is ... chalk on the desk. I hope that will be enough for our lesson. 8. Íå had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books. 9. She gave him ...... water to wash his hands and face. 10. I’d like to say ... words about my journey. 11. After the play everybody felt ... tired. 12. Let’s stay here ... longer: it is such à nice place. 13. There were ... new words in the text, and Peter spent ... time learning them. 14. There was ... hay in the barn, and the children could not play there. 15. There was ... water in the river, and they decided to cross it. 16. Ìó mother knows German ... and she can help you with the translation of this letter.



Ex. 26. Use some/any/no and their derivatives in the sentences:

1. Are there ... cinemas or theatres in your town? — There aren’t ... cinemas — but there is à theatre festival in summer. 2. Is there ... for young people — à zoo, interesting museums? — I am sorry, there is ... zoo in our town. But there are ... museums, ... discos and every three weeks there is à rock concert for young people here. 3. Have you ... relations?— No, I haven' t ..., I have ... relations. 4. Has she ... nephews or nieces? — She has ... nephews. 5. She has ... sisters, she has only brothers. 6. Do you know ... about Chinese art?. They have ... cousins in Minsk. 8. Have you ... brothers? — No, I haven' t ..., I have ... brothers. 9. I have ... good friends. 10. We did not know ... about his problems: he told us .... 11. Have you got ... interesting books7 12. Have you ... friends in America7 13. Íå has ... English books in this bookcase. 14. Did you meet ... on your way to school? 15. Have you got ... pencils in your bag? 16. Do we have ... chalk on the blackboard? 17. How could I know that he was ill? ... told me .... 18. She has ... mistakes in her test. 19. Would you like ... more coffee? - No, thanks, ... more for me. 20. He left home without ... money. 21. He refused to say .... 22. You can sit ... you want. 23. If you have ... questions, please ask. 24. Is ... there? 25. You can phone ... time you like. 26. There was an accident but fortunately ... was injured. 27. I telephoned her several times, but ... answered the telephone. 28. How much money have you got? - ... . 29.  ... came to visit me when I was in hospital. 30. Where did you go for your holidays? - ..., I stayed at home.


Present Simple


Ex. 27. Make these sentences interrogative and negative.

Model: John walks to school every day. Does John walk to school every day? John doesn't walk to school every day.

1. Every country has its history. 2. The train leaves at 7 p. m. 3. He speaks English fluently. 4. They grow different kinds of vegetables in their garden. 5. Martin washes the dishes after dinner. 6. I go shopping on Saturdays. 7. We visit our parents on Sundays. 8. We don’t work on Sundays. 9. She goes home at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. 10. Our friends take their child to the nursery school.


Ex. 28. Put the sentences in interrogative using the word in brackets.

1. Jane visits her parents every weekend (How often?)

2. Her parents live in London (Where?)

3. I have dinner in the afternoon (What time/usually?)

4. John plays football on Sundays. (How often?)

5. Mary is an accountant (What?)

6. Mike is fond of computer games (Who?)


Ex. 29. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate interrogative words. Give full answers to the questions using the words in the right column.



… pen is on the table?

John Smith.


… of the exercises is more difficult?



… do you read every day?



… does your first lesson begin?

To the institute.


… does he go every morning?

The second exercise.


… do you usually get to the institute?

At 9 o'clock.


… does he go to the doctor so often?

By bus.


… is the man?

Because he is a very sick man.




Ex. 30. Read the numerals. Pay attention to the intonation:

20, 32, 45, 56, 82, 105,7 38, 544, 293, 894, 375, 1452, 2561, 5799, 13 740.


Ex. 31. Read the sentences changing the numerals in brackets:

1. My friend’s son is 8 (19, 21, 6, 12). 2. Our father was born in 1958 (19.., 19.., 19..).  3. Our office is in room 19 (106, 45, 703) now.


Present Continuous Tense

Ex.32. Explain the tense form in the following sentences.

1.He is reading a newspaper in the library. 2. Don’t make any noise, he is sleeping. 3. What is she reading? 4. He is leaving Moscow to-morrow.5. He is writing a new play. 6. They are not going to the theatre tonight. 7. You are always being late for your classes. 8. She is being so nervous today. What’s wrong with her? 9. He is going to spend his summer vacations in the Crimea. 10. If I am sleeping when you come, wake me up.


Ex.33. Put the verbs in brackets in the present Indefinite or Continuous form.

1. What you (to do) here? - I (to wait) for a friend. 2. He (to speak) French? - Yes, he (to speak) French quite fluently. 3. Listen! Someone (to knock) at the door. 4. Don’t go into the classroom! The students (to write) a dictation there. 5. She (to write) letters to her mother every week. 6. Ships (to travel) from Odessa to Batumi in three and a half days. 7. The man who (to smoke) a cigarette is our English teacher. 8. Let’s go for a walk, it (not to rain). 9. You (to hear) anything? - I (to listen) hard, but I (not to hear) anything. 10. My brother (to smoke) a great deal. 11. As far as I know he (to be) unemployed at the moment and he (to look for) a job.


Modal Verbs

must, need, can (could), may (might), will (would), shall (should)


Ex.34 Consult your dictionaries and name the basic meanings of the modals.

can/could                        I can lift this box/I can speak English;

may/might                      You may leave early;

shall/will/would             It will rain soon;

must                               You must be quiet;

needn’t                          You needn’t wait.


§  I can see a bird in that tree. (I see)

§  Can you see it? (Do you see it?)

§  I looked up but couldn’t see anything. (didn’t see)

§  I can smell something burning.

§  I can understand what he means.

§  I couldn’t understand what he said.

§  I can’t see anyone.


Ex. 35. Translate the following sentences:

1. I must be going - I'm late for work. 2. We all need to be more active. 3. We should avoid using the lift when possible. 4. We should try to walk up the stairs whenever we can. 5. People shouldn’t smoke in no smoking areas, should they? 6. Tony can speak Spanish very well. 7. I can't find my pen anywhere. 8. Can you drive a car? 9. I couldn't finish all my work yesterday, but I hope I will be able to tomorrow. 10. We weren't allowed to use our calculators in the maths test because it was against the rules. 11. I have to get up early in the morning, since I must be in my office at 8 o'clock. 12.  You needn't do this exercise in the written form. 13. Can I help you? 14. We are going for a picnic this weekend. Would you like to join us? 15. He can help you, but he doesn’t want to bother. 16. Of course, I can’t translate it.


Ex. 36. Explain the meaning of can in the following sentences:

1. But the next day she was not well. She couldn’t leave her cabin.  2. We can discuss it now, clause by clause.  3. My son isn’t in town; but he will be here before long. – Can I give him any message?  4. What on earth induced her to behave as she did, I never could understand. She could have married anybody she chose. 5. Can I smoke, Mr. Hammer?  6. I ate the next course grimly to the end; she couldn’t have been enjoying her meal much either. 7. We’ll get you into the next room; you can lie on the sofa for a bit. 8. What can have happened to change him so much? 9. Can there have been any misunderstanding in our first encounter?  10. The teacher said they could all go home.  11. A policeman arrived and told him he couldn’t park there.  12. How did he get to know it? Who can he have been talking to?  13. “There’s no such train.” – “We came by it.” – “You can’t have.”  14. “Life”, the old man said, “can only be understood backward. Now I see clearly all mistakes I made and could have avoided.” 15. Really he had no idea that she could use water-colour as well as that. 16. You and I are in charge of a great business. We can’t leave our responsibility to others.


Ex. 37. Practice modals in your speech.


— May (can, could) I take (have) this book for a few days?

  Certainly! You can take any book you like.

—Thanks a lot.

Not at all.


— I would like to discuss some questions with you, Mr. Brown. Can I see you this week?

   Certainly. When would you like to come?

— On Tuesday morning, if I may.


— Would you like to stay in town for the weekend?

— No, I’d like to go to the country.


— We’d like to discuss some more (some other) questions today.

You are quite right. Lets begin! What would you like to begin with?


— Would you like to have a snack?

  No, thanks (thank you), I’m not hungry yet, but I’m thirsty. Can I have some juice?

Certainly! Just a moment!


— Would you like another cup of tea?

No, thank you.


— Let’s go to the theatre some other time.

As you like.


— Would you like to go sightseeing with us?

   I’d love to.


Ex. 38. Translate into English:

1. Âàì ïîìî÷ü? - Äà, ïîæàëóéñòà! 2. Íå ìîãëè áû âû îòêðûòü îêíî? - Ïîæàëóéñòà (Êîíå÷íî). 3. Âàì íå ñëåäóåò äåëàòü ýòîãî. - ß çíàþ, íî, óâû, ïðèõîäèòñÿ. - Ëàäíî, íî, ïî êðàéíåé ìåðå, âàì íåò íåîáõîäèìîñòè äåëàòü âñå ýòî â îäèí äåíü. 4. Åìó íåëüçÿ òóäà õîäèòü. 5. Òû ìîã áû ïåðåâåñòè ýòîò òåêñò? 6. Ýòó êíèãó ìîæíî êóïèòü â ëþáîì ìàãàçèíå. 7. Îí íå ìîã ïîêàçàòü íàì ðàáîòó, òàê êàê îíà íå áûëà ãîòîâà. 8.  êîìíàòå òåìíî, ÿ íå ìîãó íàéòè ñâîè âåùè. 9. Ìîæíî ìíå ÷àþ? 10. ß ìîãó âåðíóòüñÿ íà àâòîáóñå. 11. ß óìåë ïëàâàòü, êîãäà ìíå áûëî ïÿòü  ëåò. 12. Òàì áûëî òàê äóøíî, ÷òî ìû åäâà ìîãëè äûøàòü. 13. Ïî÷åìó òû íå ìîæåøü ïðèçíàòü, ÷òî áûë íå ïðàâ? 14. Ìîæíî ïîâåñèòü ýòè îáúÿâëåíèÿ â êîðèäîðå? 15. Ìîæíî ìíå çäåñü ïîäîæäàòü? - Äà, êîíå÷íî. 16. Íå ñìåé ñ íåé èãðàòü. 17. Äîëæíî áûòü îí î÷åíü óìåí. 18. Îáÿçàòåëüíî ïîñìîòðèòå ýòó êàðòèíó. 19. Íå øóìèòå: äåòè, äîëæíî áûòü, ñïÿò. 20. Ýòó êíèãó ìîæíî íàéòè â ëþáîé áèáëèîòåêå. 21. Òû íå ìîæåøü çàïîìíèòü, ÷òî ÿ ãîâîðþ. Òåáå ñëåäóåò ñëóøàòü áîëåå âíèìàòåëüíî.



to be


Ex. 1. Put in am, is, or are.

The weather is nice today.

1. Look! There ___ Carol. 2. I ___ not tired. 3. My brother and I ___ good tennis players. 4. This bag ___ heavy. 5. Ann ___ at home. Her children ___ at school. 6. These bags ___ heavy. 7. I ___ a taxi driver. My sister ___ a nurse. 


Ex. 2. Put the words in the correct order to make affirmative sentences. Make them interrogative and negative.

1. I, first, a, student, am, year. 2. You, too, student, are, a. 3. Nice, is, she, a, girl. 4. Busy, today, we, very, are. 5. Home, are, they, now, at. 6. Twenty, old, he, years, is. 7. He, mine, is, old, an, friend, of. 8. You, doctor, patient, are, of, this, a. 9. Always, they, in, are, time, their, for, lessons. 10. Summer, it, very, usually, is, hot, in, here.


Ex. 3. Write full sentences. Use is/isn’t/are/aren’t.

(your shoes very dirty) Your shoes are very dirty.

(my brother a teacher) My ___________________

(this house not very big) ___________________ _

(the shops not open today) ___________________

(my keys in my bag)________________________

(Jenny 18 years old) ________________________

(you not very tall)__________________________


Ex. 4. Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use am/am not/is/isn’t/ /are / aren’t.

(I / interested in politics) I’m interested (or I’m not interested) in politics.

(I / hungry) ______________________________

(it / warm today) __________________________

(I / afraid of dogs) _________________________

(my hands / cold) __________________________

(Canada / a very big country )________________

(diamonds / cheap)_________________________

(I / interested in football)_____________________

(Rome /in Spain)___________________________


Ex. 5. Write sentences about yourself.

1. (name?)  

My _________________

2. (favourite colour or colours?)

My _________________

3. (from?)   

I ___________________

4. (age?)     

I __________________

5. (interested in …?)

I __________________

6.  (job?)

 I __________________

7. (married?)

I _________________


Ex. 6. Read the story. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb to be. Make up a story of your family.


My Family


My name ... Tanya Sedova. My family ... not large. There .. four of us: my father, my mother, my sister and I. It ... an average (ñðåä­íÿÿ) Russian family. My father ... 50 years old. He ... an engineer and he ... always busy. My mother ... a housewife. My sister and I ... students. I ... a student at the Teacher's College, and my sister ... a future economist. Our mother always says: "You ... too different to choose the same profession." She ... right. We ... different, but we love each other very much.


Ex. 7. a) Say what there is in your classroom, on your table, in your bag etc. Use there is/there are with the words given in brackets.

Model: There is a pen on my desk. There are two books on my table. There is a pen and two books on my desk. There are two books and a pen on my desk.

(a book (books), an exercise-book (exercise-books), a pen (pens), a bag, a blackboard, a teacher's desk, desks, a notebook, a TV set, chairs, windows, lamps, a mobile phone, a mirror, a lipstick,  keys)

b) Ask your friend what there is in your classroom, on his table, in his bag.

Model: Is there a pen on the desk.

c) Use to have got, to tell which of the above mentioned objects you have got and haven’t got.

Model: I have got a bicycle. I haven't got a motor cycle.

(a TV set, a computer, a lot of books, a tape-recorder, a video cam, an armchair, skates, roller skates, a car, a cat, a dog)

d) Ask your friend which of the above-mentioned objects he/she has got and hasn’t got.

Model: Have you got a bicycle?

e) Considering your friend’s answers say what he/she has or hasn’t got.

Model: My friend has got a bicycle. He hasn't got a car.


Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences:

1. Ó ìîåãî äðóãà åñòü ìàøèíà. 2. Ó ìåíÿ íåò ìàøèíû, íî åñòü ìîòîöèêë. 3.  ìîåé êîìíàòå äâà ñòóëà è ñòîë. 4.  ìîåé ñóìêå ëåæàò ðó÷êà, òåòðàäè è òðè ó÷åáíèêà. 5. Ó íàñ åñòü êîøêà è ñîáàêà. 6. Ó íåãî ìíîãî êíèã. 7.  êíèæíîì øêàôó ìíîãî êíèã. 8. Ó ìîåãî äðóãà äâå ñåñòðû. 9. Ó ìåíÿ íåò ýòîãî ó÷åáíèêà. 10.  íàøåé ãðóïïå ïÿòíàäöàòü ñòóäåíòîâ. 11.  ýòîé êîìíàòå íåò ñòóëüåâ. 12. Íà ñòîëå ëåæàò íîâûå æóðíàëû. 13.  íàøåì èíñòèòóòå øåñòü ôàêóëüòåòîâ. 14. Ó íåå ãîëóáûå ãëàçà è ñâåòëûå âîëîñû. 15. Ñêîëüêî êîìíàò â ýòîì äîìå? 16. Ó âàñ åñòü ýòà êíèãà? 17. Ó íåãî åñòü ñåìüÿ? 18. Ó âàñ åñòü âðåìÿ ïîãîâîðèòü ñî ìíîé?. 19. Ó âàñ åñòü âîïðîñû? 28. Ñêîëüêî êíèã â êíèæíîì øêàôó?


Ex. 9. Read the text and without looking into it, say on what days Jane doesn’t work.

Jane Brown is a nurse. She is a thin, short girl. Jane is young. She is only twenty. She works in a hospital. She likes her work.

Jane is not a lazy girl. She is always busy. She is busy on Monday,   Tuesday and Wednesday. She is busy on Thursday and Friday too. Jane works hard on weekdays, but she is not busy every day. She is free on Saturday and Sunday.

Jane’s father, mother and brother live and work on a farm. It is not far from the hospital. Jane likes to spend the weekend at home. She has some friends there.

There is a good club on the farm. Old and young people like to go there when they are free.


Ex. 10.  Translate the text into English.  Use one of the following adverbs in each sentence (usually, sometimes, always, every day, often and seldom).

ß âñòàþ â ñåìü ÷àñîâ óòðà. Ìîé çàâòðàê ñîñòîèò èç ÷àøêè êîôå è áóòåðáðîäà. ß äîáèðàþñü äî ñâîåãî èíñòèòóòà íà ìåòðî è íà àâòîáóñå. Îêîëî èíñòèòóòà ÿ âñòðå÷àþ ñâîåãî äðóãà, è ìû âìå­ñòå èäåì íà çàíÿòèÿ. Ìû íå îïàçäûâàåì íà çàíÿòèÿ. Ïåðâàÿ ëåê­öèÿ íà÷èíàåòñÿ â 8.30. Ó íàñ îäíà-äâå ëåêöèè è îäèí-äâà ñåìèíà­ðà. Ïîñëå çàíÿòèé ÿ èäó â áèáëèîòåêó. ß âîçâðàùàþñü äîìîé îêîëî øåñòè ÷àñîâ âå÷åðà. Ïî âå÷åðàì ìíå çâîíÿò ìîè äðóçüÿ, è ìû îáñóæäàåì ïëàíû íà çàâòðà.


Ex. 11. Say what you are busy with on weekdays and on weekends. Write about it.


The Plurals of Nouns


Ex. 12. Put the sentences in the plural form.

Model: This house is very large. These houses are very large.

1. There is a mouse in this room. 2. This woman is an accountant. 3. This man works at our office. 4. That woman is a lawyer. 5. This strawberry is already ripe. 6. She keeps her toy in a box. 7. There is a shelf over that table. 8. Will you close that window? 9. Is that a knife? 10. Is this a sheep? 11. On that farm we could see a cow, a sheep, an ox and a goose. 12. This chain is made of silver. 13. This small business is an important part of the economy.


Countries and Nationalities


Ex. 13. Use your dictionary and write the nationalities


















the United States























Ex. 14. Name the nationalities living in Russia, the UK, the USA and Dagestan.


The Article


Ex. 15. Insert article where necessary.

1. Lomonosov … great Russian scientist was born in … small village, on … shore of … White Sea. 2. What … silly mistake I have made! 3. Show me  … map of Europe. 4. When I entered the room, I saw … man standing at the window. 5. In … morning we have … breakfast, in … afternoon we have … dinner, and in … evening we have … supper. In England and other countries they have … lunch in … afternoon, and they have … dinner in … evening. 6. ... Black Sea is in … South of our country. 7. … freedom is more important than … wealth. 8. Cricket is … most popular summer sport in Britain. 9.  How many students are there in … class? 10. He is … manager. 11. In … future … Earth will be hotter. 12. New … cars are expensive. 13. She gets up at … half past six in … morning and goes to … bed at … quarter to ten in … evening. 14. What is … date today? It is … ninth of May. 15. Mark Twain said: “When in doubt tell … truth”. 16. She is going to see her daughter who has come from … Canada. 17. It’s … good idea to go for … walk. 18. … Everest is the highest mountain in … world. 19. In … centre of … town you can find a lot of shops selling nice clothes. 20. There is … telephone in the room.


Ex 16. Explain the use of the articles in the following sentences.

1. A man is waiting for you. 2. I've got a son and a daughter. 3. They lived a quiet life. 4. He has a deep knowledge of the subject. 5. The flat is quite large and comfortable. 6. The snow is dirty. 7. Where is the book? 8. What a lovely day!  9. They entered the restaurant and sat down at the table by the window. 10. How many times a month do you go to the theatre? 11. Íå was quite a young man. 12. If I have a little free time today, I'll drop in. 13. Suddenly we heard a shot, then a second and a third. 14. Can I speak to Captain Popov? 15. I need more information. 16. When we came out, the moon was shining. 17. The Japanese live on islands. 18. This is the most responsible task of all. 19. Pass me the salt, please. 20. Where is the book? 21. The old don't always understand the young.  22. The dog is a friend of man. 23. I haven't met the Browns since they returned from London. 24. Íå travelled twice across the Pacific Ocean. 25. The work gives him satisfaction.  26. What lovely flowers! London is the capital of England.  27.  Let's go to McDonald’s.  28.  I went to Moscow last year and I'm going there next year too. 29. Go to room two, please. 30. Who is the manager of the office? 31. I like Literature and History but I don’t like Mathematics. 32. Some of the mistakes are very bad.




This table will help you to use the prepositions


away from

go away from x

in (inside)

stay in (inside) the room

from... to

go from ó to x

out of

go out of the room


lie on the table

out (outside)

stay out (outside)

the room


take off the table

under, above

x is above  ó,  ó is under x


stand by the table


x - î - ó

   î is between

x and ó


stand at

the table





Ex. 17. Name the places where different things are in your classroom, your bag, on your desk using the prepositions from the table.


Ex. 18. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. They are not having their holidays … this year. 2. The film starts … six o’clock. 3. In the morning we went … the museum. 4. It was his birthday and I wished him many happy returns … the day. 5. I’ve bought two tickets … a football match. 6. Her wedding dress is made … silk. 7. When I came … home it was raining heavily. 8. I lived in London … five years from 1980 … 1985. 9.  I haven’t seen my friend … a very long time. 10.  Isn’t that John? But I thought he was … work. 11. John went … Spain last year. 12. There is a shelf … that table. 13.  She keeps her toy … a box. 14. … 3 years they will be teachers. 15. There is enough room … everybody. 16. The book is written … Tolstoy. 17. You can write a letter … his pen. 18. I'll be here … a minute. 19. The street is wet … the rain. 20. Íå was popular … his   friends. 21. Mary was sitting Kate and Nick.




Ex. 19. Use the appropriate pronoun.

1. I often see (she, her) at the University. 2. Are you waiting for (we, us)? 3. This land was made for you and (I, me). 4. He is teaching management to (they, them). 5. I know (he, him) very well. 6. Can you help (I, me)? 7. We are proud of (they, them). 8. (They, them) always sit together in class. 9. (He, him) is fond of football.


Ex. 20. Use the possessive pronoun.

1. She washed ... hands and face. 2. What is ... phone number? May I phone you? 3. Give me ... photo and I'll give you... . 4. This is Mary. And this is ... brother. ... name is David. 5. Their horse was faster than ... (our, ours). 6. People fight for ... rights. 7. We were tired after ... long business trip. 8.  Computers are getting deeper and deeper into ... life.


Ex. 21. Read the text about Keiko Wilson. It is not very natural. Which nouns can you replace with personal pronouns or possessive pronouns?

Keiko Wilson is Japanese, but Keiko lives in New York because Keiko is married to an American. Keiko is an interpreter. Keiko likes New York because New York is interesting, but Keiko’s husband, Walter, doesn’t like New York. Walter wants to leave and live in the country.

Keiko and Walter have two children. Walter takes the two children and the two children’s dog out of the city in Walter’s free time. Walter and the children go walking in summer and skiing in winter, but Keiko doesn’t go with Walter and the children because Keiko doesn’t have any free time.


Ex. 22. Fill in the blanks with appropriate personal or possessive pronouns.

1. ... am a student of the Medical School.  2. He often writes to ... parents.  3. Does ... help her brother? 4. I often see ... in the park with his dog. 5. She likes ... work very much. 6. Is Tom a friend of ... ? - No, he is only my colleague. 7. We go to the country with some friends of ... every weekend. 8. The students usually have ... exams in January and in June. 9. These magazines are very interesting. Read ... at home. 10. Do you know these students? - Yes, ... are from our group. 11. Translate this text without a dictionary. ... is not very difficult. 12. Give ... your pen, please. Thank ... .


Ex. 23. Translate the sentences paying attention to the use of one (ones), that (those).

1. One of the passengers is injured. 2. This book is more interesting than that one. 3. This computer is better than that one. 4. These shops are cheaper than those. 5. There is only one person who can help him. 6. One must study hard to learn to speak English well. 7. One should exercise more in order to be healthy. 8. I enjoy listening to English songs as well as Russian ones. 9. This lecture is more informative than that I attended last week. 10. These men are engineers and those ones are teachers.


some, any, no, much/many, little/a little, few/a few


Ex. 24. Translate the sentences paying attention to the use of much, many, little, a   little, few, a few, and a lot of, plenty of.

1. Hurry up! We haven't got much time. 2. There were not many people at the party. 3. Have you got many friends? 4. He's got so much money; he doesn't know what to do with it. 5. There is no need to hurry. We've got plenty of time. 6. We don't need to go to a petrol station. We've got plenty of petrol. 7. This car is expensive to run. It uses a lot of petrol. 8. He has very few friends. 9. She doesn't speak German, only a few words. 10. There has been very little rain recently. 11. Have you got any money? - Yes, a little.


Ex. 25. Insert much, many, little, few, à little èëè à few.

1. When we walked ... farther down the road, we met another group of students. 2. Have you got ... ink in your pen? 3. At the conference we met ... people whom we knew well. 4. There are ... very old houses left in our street. Most of them have already been pulled down. 5. If you have ... spare time, look through this book. You will find ... stories there which are rather interesting. 6. There are ... things here which I cannot understand. 7. Shall I bring ... more chalk? — No, thank you. There is ... chalk on the desk. I hope that will be enough for our lesson. 8. Íå had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books. 9. She gave him ...... water to wash his hands and face. 10. I’d like to say ... words about my journey. 11. After the play everybody felt ... tired. 12. Let’s stay here ... longer: it is such à nice place. 13. There were ... new words in the text, and Peter spent ... time learning them. 14. There was ... hay in the barn, and the children could not play there. 15. There was ... water in the river, and they decided to cross it. 16. Ìó mother knows German ... and she can help you with the translation of this letter.



Ex. 26. Use some/any/no and their derivatives in the sentences:

1. Are there ... cinemas or theatres in your town? — There aren’t ... cinemas — but there is à theatre festival in summer. 2. Is there ... for young people — à zoo, interesting museums? — I am sorry, there is ... zoo in our town. But there are ... museums, ... discos and every three weeks there is à rock concert for young people here. 3. Have you ... relations?— No, I haven' t ..., I have ... relations. 4. Has she ... nephews or nieces? — She has ... nephews. 5. She has ... sisters, she has only brothers. 6. Do you know ... about Chinese art?. They have ... cousins in Minsk. 8. Have you ... brothers? — No, I haven' t ..., I have ... brothers. 9. I have ... good friends. 10. We did not know ... about his problems: he told us .... 11. Have you got ... interesting books7 12. Have you ... friends in America7 13. Íå has ... English books in this bookcase. 14. Did you meet ... on your way to school? 15. Have you got ... pencils in your bag? 16. Do we have ... chalk on the blackboard? 17. How could I know that he was ill? ... told me .... 18. She has ... mistakes in her test. 19. Would you like ... more coffee? - No, thanks, ... more for me. 20. He left home without ... money. 21. He refused to say .... 22. You can sit ... you want. 23. If you have ... questions, please ask. 24. Is ... there? 25. You can phone ... time you like. 26. There was an accident but fortunately ... was injured. 27. I telephoned her several times, but ... answered the telephone. 28. How much money have you got? - ... . 29.  ... came to visit me when I was in hospital. 30. Where did you go for your holidays? - ..., I stayed at home.


Present Simple


Ex. 27. Make these sentences interrogative and negative.

Model: John walks to school every day. Does John walk to school every day? John doesn't walk to school every day.

1. Every country has its history. 2. The train leaves at 7 p. m. 3. He speaks English fluently. 4. They grow different kinds of vegetables in their garden. 5. Martin washes the dishes after dinner. 6. I go shopping on Saturdays. 7. We visit our parents on Sundays. 8. We don’t work on Sundays. 9. She goes home at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. 10. Our friends take their child to the nursery school.


Ex. 28. Put the sentences in interrogative using the word in brackets.

1. Jane visits her parents every weekend (How often?)

2. Her parents live in London (Where?)

3. I have dinner in the afternoon (What time/usually?)

4. John plays football on Sundays. (How often?)

5. Mary is an accountant (What?)

6. Mike is fond of computer games (Who?)


Ex. 29. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate interrogative words. Give full answers to the questions using the words in the right column.



… pen is on the table?

John Smith.


… of the exercises is more difficult?



… do you read every day?



… does your first lesson begin?

To the institute.


… does he go every morning?

The second exercise.


… do you usually get to the institute?

At 9 o'clock.


… does he go to the doctor so often?

By bus.


… is the man?

Because he is a very sick man.




Ex. 30. Read the numerals. Pay attention to the intonation:

20, 32, 45, 56, 82, 105,7 38, 544, 293, 894, 375, 1452, 2561, 5799, 13 740.


Ex. 31. Read the sentences changing the numerals in brackets:

1. My friend’s son is 8 (19, 21, 6, 12). 2. Our father was born in 1958 (19.., 19.., 19..).  3. Our office is in room 19 (106, 45, 703) now.


Present Continuous Tense

Ex.32. Explain the tense form in the following sentences.

1.He is reading a newspaper in the library. 2. Don’t make any noise, he is sleeping. 3. What is she reading? 4. He is leaving Moscow to-morrow.5. He is writing a new play. 6. They are not going to the theatre tonight. 7. You are always being late for your classes. 8. She is being so nervous today. What’s wrong with her? 9. He is going to spend his summer vacations in the Crimea. 10. If I am sleeping when you come, wake me up.


Ex.33. Put the verbs in brackets in the present Indefinite or Continuous form.

1. What you (to do) here? - I (to wait) for a friend. 2. He (to speak) French? - Yes, he (to speak) French quite fluently. 3. Listen! Someone (to knock) at the door. 4. Don’t go into the classroom! The students (to write) a dictation there. 5. She (to write) letters to her mother every week. 6. Ships (to travel) from Odessa to Batumi in three and a half days. 7. The man who (to smoke) a cigarette is our English teacher. 8. Let’s go for a walk, it (not to rain). 9. You (to hear) anything? - I (to listen) hard, but I (not to hear) anything. 10. My brother (to smoke) a great deal. 11. As far as I know he (to be) unemployed at the moment and he (to look for) a job.


Modal Verbs

must, need, can (could), may (might), will (would), shall (should)


Ex.34 Consult your dictionaries and name the basic meanings of the modals.

can/could                        I can lift this box/I can speak English;

may/might                      You may leave early;

shall/will/would             It will rain soon;

must                               You must be quiet;

needn’t                          You needn’t wait.


§  I can see a bird in that tree. (I see)

§  Can you see it? (Do you see it?)

§  I looked up but couldn’t see anything. (didn’t see)

§  I can smell something burning.

§  I can understand what he means.

§  I couldn’t understand what he said.

§  I can’t see anyone.


Ex. 35. Translate the following sentences:

1. I must be going - I'm late for work. 2. We all need to be more active. 3. We should avoid using the lift when possible. 4. We should try to walk up the stairs whenever we can. 5. People shouldn’t smoke in no smoking areas, should they? 6. Tony can speak Spanish very well. 7. I can't find my pen anywhere. 8. Can you drive a car? 9. I couldn't finish all my work yesterday, but I hope I will be able to tomorrow. 10. We weren't allowed to use our calculators in the maths test because it was against the rules. 11. I have to get up early in the morning, since I must be in my office at 8 o'clock. 12.  You needn't do this exercise in the written form. 13. Can I help you? 14. We are going for a picnic this weekend. Would you like to join us? 15. He can help you, but he doesn’t want to bother. 16. Of course, I can’t translate it.


Ex. 36. Explain the meaning of can in the following sentences:

1. But the next day she was not well. She couldn’t leave her cabin.  2. We can discuss it now, clause by clause.  3. My son isn’t in town; but he will be here before long. – Can I give him any message?  4. What on earth induced her to behave as she did, I never could understand. She could have married anybody she chose. 5. Can I smoke, Mr. Hammer?  6. I ate the next course grimly to the end; she couldn’t have been enjoying her meal much either. 7. We’ll get you into the next room; you can lie on the sofa for a bit. 8. What can have happened to change him so much? 9. Can there have been any misunderstanding in our first encounter?  10. The teacher said they could all go home.  11. A policeman arrived and told him he couldn’t park there.  12. How did he get to know it? Who can he have been talking to?  13. “There’s no such train.” – “We came by it.” – “You can’t have.”  14. “Life”, the old man said, “can only be understood backward. Now I see clearly all mistakes I made and could have avoided.” 15. Really he had no idea that she could use water-colour as well as that. 16. You and I are in charge of a great business. We can’t leave our responsibility to others.


Ex. 37. Practice modals in your speech.


— May (can, could) I take (have) this book for a few days?

  Certainly! You can take any book you like.

—Thanks a lot.

Not at all.


— I would like to discuss some questions with you, Mr. Brown. Can I see you this week?

   Certainly. When would you like to come?

— On Tuesday morning, if I may.


— Would you like to stay in town for the weekend?

— No, I’d like to go to the country.


— We’d like to discuss some more (some other) questions today.

You are quite right. Lets begin! What would you like to begin with?


— Would you like to have a snack?

  No, thanks (thank you), I’m not hungry yet, but I’m thirsty. Can I have some juice?

Certainly! Just a moment!


— Would you like another cup of tea?

No, thank you.


— Let’s go to the theatre some other time.

As you like.


— Would you like to go sightseeing with us?

   I’d love to.


Ex. 38. Translate into English:

1. Âàì ïîìî÷ü? - Äà, ïîæàëóéñòà! 2. Íå ìîãëè áû âû îòêðûòü îêíî? - Ïîæàëóéñòà (Êîíå÷íî). 3. Âàì íå ñëåäóåò äåëàòü ýòîãî. - ß çíàþ, íî, óâû, ïðèõîäèòñÿ. - Ëàäíî, íî, ïî êðàéíåé ìåðå, âàì íåò íåîáõîäèìîñòè äåëàòü âñå ýòî â îäèí äåíü. 4. Åìó íåëüçÿ òóäà õîäèòü. 5. Òû ìîã áû ïåðåâåñòè ýòîò òåêñò? 6. Ýòó êíèãó ìîæíî êóïèòü â ëþáîì ìàãàçèíå. 7. Îí íå ìîã ïîêàçàòü íàì ðàáîòó, òàê êàê îíà íå áûëà ãîòîâà. 8.  êîìíàòå òåìíî, ÿ íå ìîãó íàéòè ñâîè âåùè. 9. Ìîæíî ìíå ÷àþ? 10. ß ìîãó âåðíóòüñÿ íà àâòîáóñå. 11. ß óìåë ïëàâàòü, êîãäà ìíå áûëî ïÿòü  ëåò. 12. Òàì áûëî òàê äóøíî, ÷òî ìû åäâà ìîãëè äûøàòü. 13. Ïî÷åìó òû íå ìîæåøü ïðèçíàòü, ÷òî áûë íå ïðàâ? 14. Ìîæíî ïîâåñèòü ýòè îáúÿâëåíèÿ â êîðèäîðå? 15. Ìîæíî ìíå çäåñü ïîäîæäàòü? - Äà, êîíå÷íî. 16. Íå ñìåé ñ íåé èãðàòü. 17. Äîëæíî áûòü îí î÷åíü óìåí. 18. Îáÿçàòåëüíî ïîñìîòðèòå ýòó êàðòèíó. 19. Íå øóìèòå: äåòè, äîëæíî áûòü, ñïÿò. 20. Ýòó êíèãó ìîæíî íàéòè â ëþáîé áèáëèîòåêå. 21. Òû íå ìîæåøü çàïîìíèòü, ÷òî ÿ ãîâîðþ. Òåáå ñëåäóåò ñëóøàòü áîëåå âíèìàòåëüíî.


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