



Collin: Hi. I’m Collin.

Marie: Pleased to meet you, Collin. My name is Marie.

Collin: Nice to meet you, too, Marie. What do you do?

Marie: I’ a doctor. What about you?

Collin: I work for an advertising company.

Marie: Oh, That’s interesting.


Marie: Hello. My name’s Marie Casson.

Man: Sorry. What’s your surname again?

Marie: It’s Casson

Man: How do you spell that, please?

Marie: It’s C-A-double –S-N.

Man: Oh, yes. Here’s your badge.

Marie: Thank you.



Man1: Hello. My name’s IMr.an Kanu.

Man2: Sorry. What’s your last name again?

Man1: It’s Kanu.

Man2: How do you spell that?

Man1: It’s K-A-N-U.

Man2: Thank you


Woman: Hello. My name’s Emily Winfield.

Man: Sorry. Can you repeat your last name again, please?

Woman: It’s Winfield

Man: How do you spell that?                                

Woman: It’s W-I-N-F-I-E-L-D

Man: Oh yes, thank you. Here’s your badge.

Woman: Thank you.


Man1: Hello. My name’s Nelson Chagga.

Man2: Sorry. What’s your last name again?

Man1: It’s Chagga.

Man2: How do you spell that?

Man1: It’s C-H-A-double G-A.

Man2: Oh yes. Here you are. Here’s your badge.

Man1: Thank you.


Unit 2


Cindy: Morning, Peter. How are you?

Peter: Fine, thanks. Cindy. And you?

Cindy: Yes, OK. Are you busy?

Peter: Yes, I am. We’re moving  to our new offices this week.

Cindy: How’s Sarah? Is she away at the moment?

Peter: Yes, she is in Manchester.

Cindy: Really? Our daughter Melanie, is at university there.

Peter: How’s your son these days?

Cindy: Russel? I don’t know. He’s travelling round the world. He was in Mexico last month.




1) A: Hello.

B: Hello. Can I speak to Jo, please?

A: This is Jo.

B. Oh! Hi, Jo. This is Pat. Is Sunday still Ok for tennis?

A: Yes. That’s fine.

B: Great! See you on Sunday at ten, then. Bye!

A: Bye!

2) A: Hello.

B: Hello. Is that Liz?

A: No, It isn’t. I’ll just get her.

C: Hello, Liz here.

B: Hi, Liz. It’s Tom. Listen! There’s a party at my house on Saturday. Can you come?                                       

C: Oh, sorry Tom. I can’t. It’s my sister’s wedding.

B: Oh, never mind. Perhaps next time Bye!

C: Bye!

3) A: Good morning. Barclays Bank, Watford. How can I help you?

B: Good morning. Can I speak to the manager, please?

A: I’m afraid Mr. Smith isn’t in his office at the moment. Can I take a message?

B: Don’t worry. I’ll ring back later.

A: All right. Goodbye

B: Goodbye.




1) Secretary: Good afternoon. Mr. Kelly’s office.

Caller: Hello It’s William Dean. Can I make an appointment with Mr. Kelly, please?

Secretary: Yes, certainly. Can you come on Monday the 19th of June at half past three?                                             

Caller: No, I’m sorry. I can’t make that. I am at a conference.

Secretary: Well, can you come on Thursday the 22nd of June at quarter past ten?      

Caller: Yes, that’s fine

Secretary: OK, so, that’s Thursday the 22nd at quarter past ten.

Caller: Thank you. Good bye.

Secretary: Goodbye.

2) Secretary: Good afternoon. Mr. Kelly’s office.

Caller: Hello It’s Mary Scott. Can I make an appointment with Mr. Kelly, please?

Secretary: Yes, certainly. Can you come on Friday the 28th of August at twelve o’clock?                                             

Caller: No, I’m sorry. I can’t make that. I am on holiday in August.

Secretary: Well, can you come on Tuesday the 1st of September at three o’clock?      

Caller: Yes that’s fine

Secretary: OK, so, that’s Tuesday the 1st of September at three o’clock

Caller: Thank you. Good bye.

Secretary: Goodbye.

Unit 5


Receptionist: Hello. Abby Dental Practise

Caller: Hello. I’ve got an appointment on 1 June, but I’m afraid I can’t make that now.                         

Receptionist: I see. What time is your appointment?

Caller: It’s at 12.45.   

Receptionist: Ah, Yes. Mrs. Henderson?

Caller: Yes, that’s right.      

Receptionist: Would you like to make a new appointment?

Caller: Yes, please.

Receptionist: Can you come on 16 June in the morning?

Caller: What day is that?

Receptionist: It’s a Tuesday

Caller: Yes, that’ fine. What time?

Receptionist: Well, can you come at half past ten or at quarter past eleven?

Caller: Oh, er, quarter past eleven, please.

Receptionist: Fine. So your new appointment is at 11.15 on Tuesday 16 June.

Caller: Thank you very much. Good bye.

Receptionist: Goodbye.



Receptionist: Hello, Abbey Dental Practice.

Caller: Hello, my name’s Tom Smith. I’ve got an appointment on the 30th of March at twenty past three. But I’m afraid I can’t make it now.

Secretary: I see. Would you like to make a new appointment, Mr. Smith?

Caller: Yes, please.

Secretary: Can you come next Thursday in the afternoon?

Caller: What date is that?

Secretary: It’s the 8th of April.

Caller: Yes, that’s fine. What time?

Secretary: Well, I’ve got two o’clock or twenty to four.

Caller: Oh, twenty to four, please.

Secretary: Fine. So your new appointment is at three forty on Thursday on the 8th of April.


Receptionist: Hello. Life Style Therapy Centre.

Caller: Hello, I’ve got an appointment on the 22 nd of January. But I’m afraid I can’t make that now.

Receptionist: I see What time is your appointment?

Caller: It’s ten to twelve.

Receptionist: Ah ,yes, Miss Clug.

Caller: Yes, that’s right. Could I make a new appointment, please?

Receptionist: Yes, of course. Let me see. Can you come on the 9th of February in the morning?

Caller: What day is it?

Receptionist: it’s a Monday

Caller: Yes, that’s fine. What time?

Receptionist: Well, I’ve got ten past ten and twenty past ten.

Caller: Oh the later time, please.

Receptionist:Fine. So your new appointment is at ten twenty on Monday the 9th of February.

Caller: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Receptionist: Goodbye.

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