1. Make sure you are familiar with these words: medium, environment, integrate, appear, opportunity, storing, device, strength, specialty.

2. Before you read the text below, discuss these questions:

                   What is multimedia?

                   How is it used in business?

                   How are multimedia technologies used in education?


Now read the text and check some of your answers.


Multimedia technologies and business


         Multimedia surrounds us everywhere. Almost all spheres of activity - science, culture, education, business - today would be impossible without multimedia products. The range of used  audiovisual components is wide enough - 2D and 3D computer graphics, photographs, animations, sound effects, etc.

         Multimedia (from multi – “a lot of” and media  - “the medium”, “the environment”) is any computer application that integrates text, graphics, animation, video, audio or other methods of communication. Multimedia is different from television, books or cassettes because it lets you interact with the application. You can click on a word to make a picture appear, or click on a picture to start a video. Multimedia information is used for training, in computer games, for creating data bases, etc.

         The birth of the first "multimedia" computer dates back to 1984. It was the first computer with a GUI. The computer was called later the Macintosh and it was manufactured by Apple Computer, which produced before the world's first popular personal computer - Apple and Apple II. For the first time a mass user got an opportunity to deal with a computer, not only with a keyboard, but also with the "mouse" that struck everybody. Instead of letters on a black screen a user saw "icons" representing the operating system objects: trash, folders, menu bar, cursor, symbolizing the human hand.

         In Russia multimedia appeared in the late 80s, but it was not used at home computers because of their limited number, and was used chiefly by professional enthusiasts. But in 1993, people began to understand the importance of this phenomenon and were aware of the role that multimedia technologies would play in the 90 years. There were created groups  of developers of multimedia systems and media final products, and at the same time consumers of such systems and products appeared.

         Multimedia PC is a computer on which multimedia applications can fully realize all the facilities. Multimedia PC must be able to display graphic and video information and animation on the screen, play different music with high quality sound, including music from CDs, and more.

         Multimedia PC usually consists of the following components: сase with power supply, system (mother) board, CPU, RAM, Video adapter, monitor, hard disk drive, keyboard, mouse, drive CD-ROM, floppy disk drive, sound card, drive DVD, modem,  TV and FM tuner. But even the most modern computer can`t work without software.

         Audio is becoming a key element of the Web. Many radio station broadcast live over the Internet using streaming audio technology, which lets you listen to audio in a continuous stream while it is being transmitted. The broadcast of an event over the Web, for example, a concert, is called a webcast. Be aware that you won`t be able to play audio on and video on the web unless you have a plug-in like RealPlayer or QuickTime.

Video is another important part of multimedia. Video computing refers to recording, manipulating and storing video in digital format. If you wanted to make a movie on your computer, first you would need to capture images with a digital camera and then transfer them to your computer. Next, you would need a video editing program like iMovie to cut your favourite segments, re-sequence the clips and add transitions and other effects. Finally, you could save your movie on a DVD or post it on websites like YouTube and Google Video.

         Now multimedia applications have become one of the fastest growing segments of the software market. Most modern computers are sold with the installed drives, sound cards, and high-powered graphics adapters. To be able to use all of these hardware multimedia support, your computer must have an operating system that supports all these devices. The most popular are Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux.

Multimedia in business

Multimedia became popular after the mid-1990s when the price of hardware began to fall. Then people started using it in industry, business, education, entertainment and for other purposes. Today, we can find multimedia at home, in school, at work, in public places, such as libraries, and on the Internet.

         The most popular ways of using multimedia technologies:

- showcase advertising (POS = point of Sale - a selling point), where customers have an opportunity to get the information they need. For example, in the halls of banks, where you can read the information about credits, various banking operations, halls for exhibitions and fairs, auto halls, travel agencies, airports, railway stations and so on.

- online stores and network shops, where the user can see samples of products, compare them with each other;

-  virtual tours and excursions in the tourism business;

- a variety of databases that provide information about the producers of a product, for example, the database "Russian General Register of producers of goods and services";

 - legal databases, which are prepared lately using multimedia technology, not only giving the text information, but also accompanying it with sound and visual effects.

         In various types of business activities there are used such operations as processing of documents in the form of electronic books, creation of computer presentations and Web-based agencies, use of Internet telephony, voice mail, and others. The efficiency of the perception of information from the computer increases by means of using multimedia technologies.

Multimedia technologies in business is an effective marketing tool, that allows you to achieve success much faster. Business environment always takes advantage of new technologies. Without their use today it is impossible to compete with rivals, to develop your company. Multimedia products have gained popularity in business long ago.

Trying to promote a new product, introduce the original concept of the business, a training program or developed software will inevitably lead you to the need to inform, motivate, persuade an audience. Therefore, it is obvious that the one who is familiar with the art of presentation, much more quickly and easily achieve their goals. Virtual presentation with multimedia allows you to demonstrate the strengths of the company, its competitive advantage.

         Multimedia projects are popular because of their interactivity. Easy navigation and menu allow you to interact with the presentation, change it in real time, edit and fill up with the information.

         Multimedia technologies have another undoubtful advantage - virtual projects can be posted on the Internet on the company website. Thus, any user can view the presentation at a convenient time or, sign up for a lecture and take up a training course on the interest of his specialty as a convenient time.

And the important advantage is that you can do it at home, in familiar surroundings, and concentrate on what you are interested in - without wasting time and money.

As a consequence, the use of multimedia technologies in business helps to increase sales volumes, enter new markets, increase competitiveness, strengthen the credibility and the image of a dynamically developing company in the eyes of customers, and in the eyes of business partners.


Study the vocabulary list:

icon nиконка, изображение

trash n- мусор

folder n- папка

facilityn– возможность, способность

broadcastv – вещать, распространять

stream v– струиться, источать

webcast n– веб-конференция

transmit v – передавать, транслировать, посылать

plug-in adj– вставной, штепсельный

advertising n– реклама, рекламирование

perception n– восприятие, понимание, осознание

rival n– конкурент, соперник

gain v– получать, набирать

inevitably adv- неизбежно

persuadev - убеждать

increasev- увеличить

credibility n– зд.: доверие

customer n-  клиент, покупатель


1. Practice reading the following words and collocations.

a) Audiovisual; environment; opportunity; enthusiastic; re-sequence; exhibition; efficiency; perception; popularity; inevitably; obvious; persuade; strengthen; undoubtful; consequence; competitiveness; dynamically.

b) Used chiefly; continuous stream; capture images; digital camera; samples of products; showcase advertising; travel agencies; familiar surrounding; convenient time; compete with rivals.

c) Symbolizing the human hand; fastest growing segments;  streaming audio technology; various banking operations; virtual tours and excursions; effective marketing tool; dynamically developing company; demonstrate the strength of the company.


2. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

Было бы невозможно, отличается от, создание базы данных, вместо букв, из-за ограниченного количества, потребители таких систем; в прямом эфире; в цифровом формате; с установленными драйверами; поддерживает все эти устройства; имеют возможность; предоставляют информацию; достичь успеха; пользует преимущества; неизбежно приведет; в удобное время; сконцентрироваться на; увеличить объемы продаж.


3. Give the most suitable Russian equivalents for the following expressions:

Dates back to; to deal with; were aware of the role; fully realize all the facilities; with high quality sound; floppy disk drive; unless you have a plug-in; show-case advertising; samples of products; voice mail; to compete with rivals; promote a new product; fill up with the information; sign up for a lecture; take up a training course; in familiar surroundings; as a consequence; enter new markets; strengthen the credibility.


4. Match the following words and phrases to make complete expressions from the text:



audio visual


methods of

click on










a picture

of communication







a video












the fastest

creation of

take up

use of





a training

the human



of such













5. Couple the words with their antonyms in brackets:

Backward, column, to confirm, to continue, landscape, to multiply, to delete (to restore, to interrupt, to divide, row, forward, portrait, to cancel).


6. Consult your dictionary and give the Russian equivalents for the following:

Interactive: interactive cable television, interactive graphics, interactive media, interactive processing, interactive system, interactive video, interactive terminal.

Program: program crash, program development, program generator, program icon, program instruction, program library, program maintenance, program structure, program verification, system programmer, programming language, programming standards

Digital: digital audio disk, digital camera, digital channel, digital watch, digital computer, digital data, digital display, digital signal, digital transmission system, digital video, digitally, to digitize.


7. Match the following words and phrases with the correct definition from the list below:

database, interaction, sound, language, multimedia,

compete, broadcast, modem


1. A structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways.

2.     The combination of sound, graphics, animation, video and text within an application.

3.     Strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same.

4.     A video broadcast of an event transmitted across the Internet.

5.     System of words or symbols which allows communication with computers.

6.     Pre-agreed signals, codes and rules to be used for data exchange between systems.

7.     Noise or something which can be heard.

8.     Action of two things on each other.

9.     A combined device for modulation and demodulation, for example, between the digital data of a computer and the analog signal of a telephone line.


8. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word or expression only once.

flash card    sound cards    market   mouse   icon 

operation   digital    graphics

1.Computers can store data on a variety of media, such as disk,   ………….    or CD-ROM.

2. In the past, people used to buy plenty of add-on computer cards to boost their computers' functions - ………….  , graphic cards, modem cards, USB connectivity cards and so on.

3. The sale of cruisers in the American  ………    continues to plummet.

4. The …………….. provides the cursor control thus simplifying user`s orientation on the display.

5. ……………. cameras give possibility to get high quality photos.

6. You launch the word-processor by double-clicking on this   ……….

7. It was not difficult for the pupils to understand the function of the mouse in computer ……………..

8. I`m looking for a desktop that has good   …………….for games.


9. Translate into Russian.

1.Seychellois radio and television broadcasts offer programs in Creole, English, and French.

2.This will search the surface Web, and will access the online databases to search for information there as well.

3. This visual language was based on a combination of charts, graphics , diagrams, maps.

4. You will learn about writing and graphics and photographs and design, and why one type face is preferable to another and why this Web site is superior to that.

5. The main factors that influence the display of graphics for the Web, are the size of the file and the screen display quality of the graphic.

6. The space invaders machine has great interactive graphics, the player controls the position of his spaceship on the screen with the joystick.

 8. A printer-readable video image can be sent to a basic laser printer through a video port.

 9. The company is trying to improve the circulation of information between the departments.

10. The new PC was launched at the Personal Computer Show.

11. The built-in adapter card makes it fully IBM compatible.

12. The software house has added a new management package to its range of products.

13. Adding or deleting material from the text is easy using the edit program.

14. Multimedia services which have value to human beings and are likely to grow over the longer term are those which score highly on the following factors: need, low cost, ease of use, and realism.


10. Answer the questions:

1. What is multimedia?

2. In what spheres of our life can we use multimedia programs?

3.What are the most important components of multimedia? What is done to

improve them?

4.When did multimedia computers appear first in Russia?

5. Which operating systems that support all multimedia devices are the

most popular?

6. What caused the popularity of multimedia after the mid-1990s?

7. What is showcase advertising?

8.Why is multimedia an effective marketing tool in business?

9. Why do many companies use virtual presentations?

10. What is the main advantage of multimedia projects?


11. Say if the statements are true or false.

1. Most modern computers are sold with the installed drives, sound cards, and high-powered graphic adapter.

2.   Multimedia became popular when the price of hardware began to raise.

3.   Some modern computers can work without software.

4.   The first multimedia computer was called the Apple.

5.   In Russia multimedia appeared in 1993.

6.   Multimedia presentations can`t be changed in real time.

7.   The use of multimedia technologies helps to increase sales volumes and increase competitiveness.


12. Say what you have learnt from the text about

1.               The creation of multimedia.

2.               Multimedia components.

3.               The popular ways of using multimedia technologies.

4.               The importance of multimedia projects in business.


         13. Read and continue the following conversation:

1.               This is my new portable computer.

2.               Very nice. How much memory has it got?

3.               Twelve megabytes of RAM and 240 on the hard disk.

4.               How much did it cost you?


       14. Translate into English:

1. Мультимедиа - это интерактивные системы, обеспечивающие одновременную работу со звуком, анимированной компьютерной графикой, видеокадрами, статическими изображениями и текстами. 2. Мультимедийный компьютер способен отображать графическую и видеоинформацию, а также  анимацию на экране, проигрывать различную музыку с высоким качеством звука, включая музыку с компакт-дисков и многое другое. 3. В России мультимедиа появилась в конце 80-х годов, но не использовалась на домашних компьютерах из-за ограниченного количества, и применялись в основном профессионалами. Но в 1993 году, люди стали понимать важность этого явления и осознали, какую роль будут играть мультимедийные технологии в 90-е годы. 4. Бизнес изменился благодаря соединению компьютеров и коммуникационных систем. 5. Довольно распространены образовательные программы, которые помогают при изучении гуманитарных наук и иностранных языков. 6. Электронные каталоги и энциклопедии по различным отраслям знаний дают возможность очень быстрого поиска необходимой информации с помощью различных ключевых слов. 7. Постепенно все данные будут переведены в электронную форму с цветом, звуком и движением. 8. Персональные информационные системы в магазинах позволят информировать покупателей о гораздо большем количестве товаров, чем возможно выставить для демонстрации. 9. Мультимедиа-технологии позволяют наглядно продемонстрировать сильные стороны и преимущества по сравнению с конкурентами. Что компания получает в итоге? Увеличение объемов продаж и большая востребованность на рынке. Это одно из главных условий того, чтобы бизнес развивался и процветал. 10. Мультимедиа-технологии в бизнесе с каждым днем набирают популярность. Чаще всего они представлены в виде различных каталогов и презентаций. С какой целью их используют? Потребитель получает полную, исчерпывающую информацию о компании, ее направленности, деятельности и прочих важных деталях.


15. Work in two groups.

Discuss the following questions:

-How will society develop out to 2020?

-What trends, issues, or driving causes are likely to shape technology development?

-What new market opportunities will arise from these trends?

-What new products, processes or services are likely to meet these opportunities?

-What are the technologies and innovations needed to support such products?

-Is it possible to say anything useful at all about the future of multimedia communication?

-What strategy will lead to a maximum return on investment in this area?

16.  Writing

Write on the following topic:  “The future of multimedia in education”




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