1. Make sure you are familiar with these words and phrases: computer; data; machine; process the data; kilobyte; gigabyte; megabyte; software; hardware; power; keyboard; firmware; peripherals; speed; memory; storage.


2. Before you read the text below, discuss these questions:

1. What is a computer?

2. What types of computers do you know? Which one do you prefer and why?

3. What are the components of a computer?

4. What do you take into account when you choose a computer? What are its main characteristics?

5. To what extent does the size of a computer influence what it can be used for? Think of examples to illustrate your answer.


Now read the text and check some of your answers.


Computer architecture

A computer is an electronic machine which can accept data in a certain form, process data, and give the results of the processing in a specified format as information. Information can be texts, tables, drawings, photographs, sound recordings, and etc. Information is stored and processed digitally. It is measured in bytes. There are also larger units of information: kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB).

First, data is fed into the computer’s memory. Then, when the program is run, a computer performs a set of instructions and processes the data. Finally, we can see the results (the output) on the screen or in a printed form.

A computer system consists of two parts: software and hardware. The parts of a computer you can touch, such as monitor or the CPU are hardware. Circuits, displays, power supplies, cables, keyboards, printers and mice are all hardware. Software refers to the parts of the computer which do not have a material form, such as programs, data, protocols, etc. It is any set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do. Some examples of software include web browsers, games, and word processors. Everything you do on your computer will rely on both hardware and software. When software is stored in hardware that cannot easily be modified (such as BIOS ROM in an IBM PC compatible), it is sometimes called "firmware". The operating system (OS) is software that controls the hardware. Most computers run the Microsoft Windows OS. MacOS and Linux are other operating systems.

There are three basic hardware sections: the central processing unit (CPU), main memory and peripherals.

The CPU is the most influential component of any computer. It is the “heart” of the computer. Early CPUs were composed of many separate components but since the mid-1970s CPUs have typically been constructed on a single integrated circuit called a microprocessor. A processor located on the motherboard of the system unit controls how fast the computer processes data, or information. Its function is to execute programs instructions and coordinate all the activities of all other units. Whenever you press a key, click the mouse, or start an application, you're sending instructions to the CPU. The main characteristic of the processor is its speed, otherwise called "clock speed". Clock speed is measured in megahertz (MHz), or millions of instructions per second; and gigahertz (GHz), or billions of instructions per second. The higher the speed of the CPU, the faster a computer will run. However, the actual speed of the computer depends on the speed of many different components—not just the processor.

The main memory (a collection of RAM chips) holds the instructions and data which are being processed by the CPU. Peripherals are the physical units attached to the computer. They provide input or output to the computer peripherals. They include storage devices and input/output devices.

Storage devices (hard drives, DVD drives or flash drives) provide storage of both data and program. Disk drives are used to write data on disks.

Input/output deviсes are the means by which a computer exchanges information with the outside world. Input devices enable data to go into the computer’s memory. Output devices enable us to extract the finished product from the system. On a typical personal computer, peripherals include input devices like a keyboard and a mouse, and output devices such as a display and a printer. Hard disk drives, floppy disc drives and optical disc drives serve as both input and output devices.

On the rear panel of the computer there are several ports into which we can plug a wide range of peripherals – a modem, a digital camera, a scanner, etc. They allow the communication between the computer and devices. Modern desktop PCs have USB ports and memory card readers on the front panel.


Study the vocabulary list:

accept v - принимать

data n– информация

process v– обрабатывать

store v – хранить

measure v– измерять

perform v  выполнять

screen nэкран

software n– программное обеспечение

hardware n–аппаратура, оборудование

circuit n– схема; цепь

keyboard n– клавиатура

mouse n– мышь

rely (on) v– полагаться (на)

modify v– изменять

compatible adj – совместимый

firmware n–программно-аппаратные средства; встроенные программы; "зашитые программы" (в ПЗУ)

basic adj– основной

main adj– главный

memory n– память

peripheral n– периферийное устройство, периферия

CPU (central processing unit) n- процессор

be composed of v состоятьиз

execute v выполнять

coordinate vсогласовывать

application nпакет, приложение

speed nскорость

clock speed – тактовая частота; частота (следования) тактовых или синхронизирующих импульсов

storage device – устройства хранения

input/output device –устройство ввода/ вывода

enable v– позволять

extract v– извлекать

floppy disk driver –1) дисковод гибкого (магнитного) диска 2) гибкий (магнитный) диск

plug n-разъём; штепсель


1. Practise reading the following words and collocations.

a)Processing; processor; drawings; kilobyte; megabyte; gigabyte; perform; instruction; result; consist; software; hardware; monitor; circuit; cables; keyboard; modify; compatible; firmware; peripherals;  microprocessor; motherboard; speed.

b)Electronic machine; accept data; certain form; specified format; power supplies; web browser; word processor; rely on; separate components; main characteristic; high speed; physical units; storage devices; rear panel; digital camera; front panel.

c)Process the data; stored and processed digitally; measured in bytes; on the screen or in a printed form; central processing unit; single integrated circuit; execute program instructions; coordinate all the activities;  to extract the finished product; typical personal computer; floppy disc drives and optical disc drives; plug a wide range of peripherals.


 2. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

     Принимать информацию; обрабатывать информацию; информация обрабатывается в цифровом виде; компьютерная память; на экране и в печатном виде; состоять из двух частей; программное обеспечение; любой набор инструкций; клавиатура; полагаться как на аппаратное, так и на программное обеспечение; не может легко быть изменено; оперативная система; состоит из многих отдельных компонентов; расположенный на материнском плато; согласовывать все действия; реальная скорость.

3. Give the most suitable Russian equivalents for the following expressions.

     Accept data in a certain form; in a specified format; measured in bytes; fed into the computer’s memory; process data; hardware and software; perform a set of instructions; circuit; keyboard; single integrated circuit; execute programs instructions; click the mouse; start an application; main characteristic; clock speed; peripherals; storage devices; input and output devices; provide storage of both data and program; exchange information; extract the finished product; floppy disc drives; plug a wide range of peripherals; digital camera; front panel; memory card.


4. Match the following words and  phrases to make complete  expressions from the text.






















an application








the mouse





a set






















range of



the finished


the motherboard


the activities


the computer

on disks






both hardware and software


5. Match the following words with their synonyms in the brackets.

Innovate, store, delete, save, return, data, chip, display, task, withdraw, insert (erase, remove, go back, invent, add, keep, information, monitor, retain, problem, circuit).


6. Consult the dictionary and give the Russian equivalents for the following:


     Business computer; mainframe computer; microcomputer; minicomputer; personal (home) computer; supercomputer; computer animation; computer bureau; computer conferencing; computer crime; computer dating; computer error; computer file; computer language; computer literacy; computer network; computer operator; computer program; computer science; computer virus; computer services; computer generation; computer-readable.


Raw data; data acquisition; data bus; data capture; data carrier; data cartridge; data channels; data collection; data compression; data connection; data corruption; data file; data flow; data glove; data routing; data security; data source; databank; database.


Garbage collection; garbage character; garbage in-garbage out.


7. Match the following words and phrases with the correct definition from   the list below. Use each word or expression only once: terminal, VDU, data, data processing, clipboard, shift key,

program, CPU,  output, garbage, input, screen

1.    A computer terminal which looks like a television.

2.    The instructions written in a computer.

3.    VDUs, printers and keyboards together.

4.    The information that comes out of a computer.

5.    The main part of the computer which contains microchips.

6.    Data that is no longer required due to being out of date or containing errors.

7.    Information.

8.    Storing information, finding the right information and doing calculations.

9.    Data or information that is transferred into a computer.

10.          Key on a keyboard that switches secondary functions for keys.

11.          Surface on which pictures or data are shown.


8. Match the types of a computer with their definitions.

1.  Mainframe

2.    Minicomputers

3.    Microcomputers or Personal computers (PCs)

4.    Laptop

5.    Notebook

6.    Subnotebook

7.    Handheld or Palmtop

a)The most common type of computer. Smaller, cheaper, and less powerful than mainframes and minicomputers.

b)About the size of small typewriter. Less common now because smaller and lighter portables are available.

c)Used like mainframes. Not as big, powerful, or expensive as mainframes. Less common now because microcomputers now improved.

d)About the size of a piece of writing paper. The most common type of portable.

e)Not quite as big as notebooks. Can fit into a jacket pocket.

f)Large, powerful, expensive. Multi-user systems – used by many people at the same time.

g)Small enough to fit into the palm of one hand. Not easy to type with because of their size. Often used as personal organizers.


9. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. Use each word or expression only once:

back up, check, cut, data, database, desktop publishing, exit, games, open, password, paste, print, save, spreadsheet, word processing

1. Our accountants use a ………… to control the finances of the company.

2. The sales department keeps the information about our clients in a ………..

3. We use a ………….program to type letters and faxes.

4. The personnel department uses a ……….. program to create a newsletter for the employees.

5. And when my boss isn’t looking, I play …………… .

6. You can’t ………. that file unless you know the ………… .

7. You can …………. the information out of the spreadsheet and ………….. it into the word processor.

8. ………… the file before you…….. …. the program.

9. Always ………….. the spelling before you …………… the document.

10. If you don’t …………… regularly you could lose all your …………….

10. Translate into Russian.

      Our stock control has been completely computerized. 2. Computerization of the financial sector is proceeding very fast. 3.  The managing director is simply not computer-literate. 4. Running all those sales reports costs a lot in computer time. 5. Storing a page of high resolution graphics can require 3 Mb. 6. The company stores data on customers in its main computer file. 7. A printer is a data terminal for computer output. 8. Data compression is the art of squeezing more and more information into fewer and fewer bytes. 9. We have lost a file containing important documents. 10. A barrel contains 250 litres. 11. Computer terminals can be intelligent, smart or dumb according to inbuilt processing capabilities. 12. The data was input via a modem. 13. Most CAD users output to a colour plotter. 14. I forgot to insert an important instruction which caused my program to crash, erasing all the files on the disk. 15. The programmer is still working on the new software.


11. Answer the questions.

1. How can a computer be defined?

2. What is information?

3. How is information measured?

4. What does computer system consist of?

5.  What is hardware? What are the examples of it?

6.  What is software? What are the examples of it?

7.  What is firmware?

8. What operating systems do you know? Which is the most popular and why?

9.  What are the basic hardware sections?

10. What is CPU? Where is it located?

11. What is the main characteristic of a processor?

12. What is main memory?

13. How are the physical units attached to the computer called?

14. What do computer peripherals include?

15. What are the examples of storage devices?

16. What are input/output devices?


12. Say if the statements are true or false.

1. Information is measured in bytes.

2. The work the computer does is called  data processing.

3. After data processing we can see the results only on the screen.

4. An example of software is CPU.

5. The parts of a computer you can touch are software.

6. Hardware are parts of a computer which do not have material form.

7. Software is any set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do.

8. Some examples of software include web browsers, games, power supplies, keyboards and word processors.

9. Firmware is software stored in hardware that cannot be easily modified.

10. There are 3 basic hardware  sections: CPU, main memory and peripherals.

11. The CPU  is the least influential component of a computer.

12. Processor is located on the rear panel of the computer.

13. The higher the speed of the CPU, the slower a computer works.

14. The main function of a processor is to execute program instructions and data which are being processed by the CPU.

15. Information put into the computer on the keyboard is called output.

16. When the computer shows the result of the data processing on the VDU or the printer, this is called output.


13. Say what you have learnt from the text about.           

1. Computer system

2. CPU

3. Main memory

4. Peripherals


14. Put the lines of the dialogue in the right order and act it out. The first line in the conversation has been marked.

Ms. Bailey: That would be wonderful! I’ll write up a purchase order and send it out this afternoon. Should I call and make an appointment with the technician?

Cody: I believe so. Let me check. Yeah, you’ll get a 20 % discount on an order of that size.

Ms. Bailey: I’d like to place an order, please.

Ms. Bailey:Yes.

Cody: Do you have the catalogue in front of you?
Ms. Bailey: As a matter of fact, I do. I’m interested in the Power Center. Series on page 21.

Cody: Hello, PC Warehouse. This is Cody. How can I help you? - 1

Ms. Bailey: The desktop model.

Cody: That model comes with 8MB of RAM and an 850 MB hard-drive. It is currently quoted at $1995.

Ms. Bailey: How much would it be with 16 MB of RAM?

Cody: $2995

Cody: Are you interested in the Power PC desktop model or the Profile  model?

Ms. Bailey: Would you able to give me a discount if I purchased 15 computers?

Cody: Ok. Will you be, ordering from a catalogue?

Ms. Bailey: O.K. We also need some network software and connectors.

Cody: The machines already come with built in modem support and internet software.

Ms. Bailey: Great! Will this include installation?

Cody: No. But, we can arrange for a technician to come to your office and set everything up. It will cost $30 per machine.

Ms. Bailey: Very well. Thanks.

Cody: No. When we’re ready to ship your purchase the technician will call you.

15. Read and continue the following conversation:

        Do you know how to operate this word processor?

        А little bit. What do уоu want to know?

        How do I put а word in italics?

        ОК. Position the cursor at the beginning of the word...



 16. Translate into English.

     1. Компьютер представляет собой электронную машину, которая может принимать данные в той или иной форме, обрабатывать их, и представлять результаты обработки в виде информации. 2. Информация измеряется в байтах и может выводиться на экран или быть представлена в печатном виде. 3. Компьютерная система состоит из двух частей: программного и аппаратного обеспечения. Программное обеспечение - это те компоненты компьютера, которые не имеют материальной формы: программы, данные, протоколы, веб-браузеры, игры и текстовые процессоры и т.д. Монитор, процессор, схемы, дисплеи, источники питания, кабели, клавиатуры, принтеры и мышь, то есть все к чему вы можете прикоснуться, являются примерами аппаратного обеспечения.  4. Аппаратное обеспечение состоит из 3 основных разделов: центрального процессора, оперативной памяти и периферийных устройств. 5. Процессор расположен на материнской плате системного блока. Он координирует деятельность всех компонентов компьютера и определяет какие операции должны быть выполнены и в каком порядке. Процессор влияет на то, как быстро компьютер обрабатывает информацию. 6. Устройства ввода позволяют сохранять данные в памяти компьютера. Устройства вывода позволяют извлекать готовую продукцию из системы. 7. На задней панели компьютера есть несколько портов, в которые вы можете подключить широкий спектр периферийных устройств - модем, цифровой фотоаппарат, сканер и т. д 8. В класс персональных компьютеров входит большой диапазон машин – от домашних и игровых до сверхсложных машин с развитыми техническими и программными средствами. 10. Файлом называется определенная область гибкого или жесткого магнитного диска, предназначенная для хранения информации, например, текста документа или программы.

17. In pairs, decide what sort of computer is best for each of these users.

                    John Wilmott is a salesperson and he spends a lot of time visiting customers. He wants a computer to carry with him so he can access data about his customers and record his sales.

                    Pat Nye is a personal officer. She needs a computer to keep staff records and to keep a diary of appointments. She also needs a computer for writing letters.

                    The University of the North needs a computer to look after its accounts, its network, the records of all students and staff, and to help with scientific research.

                    The James family want a computer for entertainment, writing letters, the Internet, and for calculating tax.


18. Put these instructions for opening a computer in the correct sequence.

                    Release the two catches underneath and lift up to remove panel.

                    Shut down your computer by choosing Shut Down from the Apple menu or the Special menu.

                    If there are security screws on the vertical plate on the back of the computer, remove them with a Philips screwdriver.

                    Unplug all the cables except the power cord from your computer.

                    Pulling gently, slide the tray out.

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