Make sure you are familiar with these words and phrases:  provider, connectivity, speed, significantly, image, purpose, resource, create, discover.

2.Before you read the text below; discuss these questions:

1.               How often do you go online?

2.     What web-browser do you usually use to access websites and web pages? Which one is more user-friendly?

3.     Which websites do you visit most? Why?   

4.      Can you call the Internet the greatest and most genius creation of the 20-th century and why?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

5.     What is the greatest advantage of the Web?


The Internet

         Internet is a worldwide global computer network; providing users with access to plenty of information and business resources and e-mail. Internet access is provided by the network provider. The Internet carries various information resources and services such as electronic mail; online chat; file transfer and file sharing; online gaming; and the inter-linked hypertext documents and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).

         The terms “Internet” and “World Wide Web” are often used in every-day speech without much distinction. However, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same. The Internet is the backbone of the World Wide Web. It is the underlying global data communication system, i.e. the hardware and software infrastructure. It provides connectivity between the Internet-based resources and services and the users of those facilities. 

In contrast the Web is only one of the services communicated via the Internet. The World Wide Web is a huge set of interlinked documents, images and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs. These hyperlinks and URLs allow the web servers and other machines that store originals, and cached copies of these resources to deliver them as required using HTTP. HTTP is one of the communication protocols used on the Internet.

         The official date of birth of the Internet is not specified in any document. In each country; it appeared at different times. In the USA the Internet was created in 1969. The purpose of the Internet was to provide a reliable channel of information in case of nuclear war.

         In Russia the tradition of celebrating the birthday of the Internet in September was born in 1998; when one of the IT companies organized a "census of the Russian Internet"; according to which not more than a million people had internet access.

         Today; according to the latest statistics; in Russia more than 60 million people use the Internet. More than 75% of users have internet access every day. By 2018; Russia plans to increase significantly the Internet penetration; particularly in remote regions. If appeal to statistics of users all over the world it should be pointed out that 62% users of the Internet live in 10 countries. And only 36% Internet-users live in other countries. Top 10 countries with largest numbers of Internet-users: China; the USA; Japan; India; Brazil; Germany; Great Britain; France; Russia and South Korea.

Internet Browsers

Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW) when he discovered a way to jump to different files on his computer using by random; or unplanned; links between them. He then wrote a simple coding system; called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language); to create links to files on any computer connected to the network. This was possible because each file had an individual address; or URL (Uniform Resource Locator). He then used a set of transfer rules; called HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol); to link Web files together across the Internet. Berners-Lee also invented the world`s first browser. This lets you locate and view Web pages and also navigate from one link to another. Today; there are a lot of different browsers; both paid and free. Below are the most popular ones.

         Google Chrome is the fastest browser of the world-famous search engine Google.   Its creation was a real revolution. Currently the fourth version of the program is available. It`s better to use Google Chrome when necessary to open several web-browsers. Internet Explorer is a product of Microsoft; included with the Windows operating system.  Mozilla Firefox is perfectly protected; multifunctional web-browser of company Mozilla Corporation.  Opera is a popular Internet browser from Opera Software; working with high speed and attractive design.    Safari is a free browser of Apple Inc. It is less popular than the others.

         At first; sites were created by enthusiasts - mostly they did a few pages; connected by links to each other; it was more like common pages than sites. Today; people continue to create and promote websites - the top are only the best and that gradually promotes to the tendency of appearing more and more quality websites. That means day by day the Internet is becoming better and more dynamic.

         The Internet has indeed made the world a small place and living life easier. And the rapid progress of technology has made it possible to access the Internet from anywhere through plenty of means: you can connect using a modem; Wi-Fi-router; USB-modem; 3G and 4G; from TV; computer; mobile phone; smartphone; e-book. Every day the number of devices with access to the Internet grows.


Study the vocabulary list:

hypertext n - гипертекст

distinction n – различие, разграничение

backbone n – основа, суть

underlying adj- основной, лежащий в основе

facility n – возможность; приспособление

huge adj - громадный

interlinked – тесно связанные, взаимосвязанные

cached adj – кэшируемый (хранящийся)

census n - перепись

deliver v– передавать; доставлять

require v- требовать

access n - доступ

reliable adj- надежный

penetration n – проникновение

specify v – указывать; точно определять

data n  – информация; данные; сведения

search engine  - поисковая система

mediumn n - средство

remote adj- отдаленный

by random – случайным образом; наугад

browse v - просматривать

promote v - содействовать; способствовать; продвигать

navigate v – управлять, направлять

rapid adj - быстрый

router n– маршрутизатор, роутер

means n- средство


1.               Practice reading the following words and collocations.

a)    Census; penetration; particularly; huge; obviously; locate; version; dynamic; search; engine; enthusiasts.

b)    Nuclear war; increase significantly; online gaming; store originals; cached copies; individual address; remote regions.

c)    Reliable channel of information; inter-linked hypertext documents; hardware and software infrastructure; rapid progress of technology.


2.               Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

Обеспечить надежный канал связи; в случае ядерной войны; в повседневной речи; согласно последним статистическим данным; значительно увеличить; передача информации; высокая скорость; привлекательный дизайн; продолжают создавать.


3.               Give the most suitable Russian equivalents for the following:

Inter-linked hyper text documents; particularly in remote regions; rapid progress of technology; view Web pages; to deliver them as required, communication protocol; create links; multifunctional web-browser; working with high speed; the tendency of appearing.


4.                Match the following words and phrases to make complete expressions from the text:








at different






plenty of















access to


in case of


a set of



create and







plenty of











5. Match the following words with their synonyms in the brackets:  reliable; increase; send; means; purpose; link; chat; promote; (trustworthy; transmit; rise; encourage; way; talk; aim; connect).


6. Consult your dictionary and give the Russian equivalents for the following:

Online: come online; online dating; online banking; online support; online help; online storage

Link: link up; link to; to link; missing link; data link; chain link; direct link; link together; data link layer; link-up

Random: at random; random access memory; random sample; random access; random variable; random number; random walk; random order; random thoughts; random sampling

Efficiency: efficiency; energy efficiency; high efficiency; fuel efficiency; operational efficiency; allocative efficiency; production efficiency; increase efficiency; overall efficiency; economic efficiency; mechanical efficiency.


         7. Match the following words and phrases with the correct definition from the list below:

Free, speed, provider, e-mail, wireless, World-Wide Web,  Internet, router, create

1. International network that provides file and data transfer with electronic mail functions.

2.      System of sending messages to and receiving messages from other users on a network or over the Internet.

3.      Communication device that receives data packets and forwards them to their correct location via the most efficient route.

4.      Company that offers users a connection to the Internet.

5.      Communication system that does not require wires to carry signals.

6.    Thousands of pages of formatted text and graphics that allow a user to have a graphical user interface to the Internet rather than a less user-friendly command-line interface.

7.    Without cost or payment.

8.    Rapidity of movement or action.

9.    Bring something into existence.


             8. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Match the following words and phrases with the correct definition from the list below:

download  password    hyperlink    protocol     online    modem  URL emails

1.           When you`re connected to the Internet; you`re described as being   ……. .

2.           A ……….. is a piece of text or an image that; when selected; takes you to other websites.

3.           The Internet is based on a…..       called TCP/IP.

4.           You need a  …..to concert computer data into a form that can be transmitted over the phone lines.

5.           Users have to enter the log-in and a   …..   to gain access to the Net.

6.           FTP software allows you to   …… files from the net to your computer.

7.           Jane enjoys getting handwritten letters because they smell; look; and feel different from ... .

8.           Type the   ……    to access a website.


                9. Translate into Russian.

1. There is a new way of routing data to the central computer. 2. We have entered into communication with the relevant government department. 3. Their average transmission is 60;000 bits per second (bps) through a parallel connection or 20;000 bps through a serial connection. 4. The system has been designed to assure the security of the stored data. 5. A graphics image can be stored in many different ways according to the file format used. 6. Files with the extension EXE are file types that contain program code. 7. The correspondence is filed under ‘complaints’. 8. He filed the new papers in chronological order. 9. Mail to some of the islands in the Pacific can take six weeks. 10. My secretary opens my mail as soon as it arrives. 11. His name is on our mailing list. 12. He finds it impossible to communicate with his staff.


            10. Questions for discussion

        How is Internet access provided?

        What is the WWW? What is its difference form the Internet?

        When was the Internet created and where?

        In which countries do people use Internet most of all?

        What effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other? Why is the internet being used more and more for communication?

        How reliable, in your opinion, is information from the internet?

        Why do some people use the internet for shopping? Why doesn`t everyone use it in this way?

        What goods are easy to sell and buy online? Give some examples.

        Will shopping on the internet be more or less popular in the future? Why?


11.Say if the statements are true or false.

                    The Internet and the World Wide Web are synonyms.

                    Internet was created in 1969 in the UK.

                    Top three countries with the largest numbers of Internet users are: China; India and the USA.

                    In Russia nowadays more than 95 % of users have internet access every day.

                    Tim Berners Lee invented the Internet.

                    HTTP is one of the communication protocols used on the Internet.

                    Google Chrome is the fastest web-browser.

                    You can get access to the Internet only using modem or Wi-Fi router.


12. Say what you have learnt from the text about

   Creation of the Internet

   Popularity of the Internet in Russia and some other countries.

   Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet



The lines in this dialogue are in the wrong order. Put this conversation in the most logical order and then choose а title for it. The first line in the conversation has been marked for you as an example. Practise the conversation with а partner.


1.Assistant: …. So that`s $549 including VAT. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Customer: I`m sorry but what does Wi-Fi mean exactly?

Assistant: In that case; the best choice is a wireless router with a built-in modem. It`s a device that links various computers over  a network and will connect everyone in your family to the Internet without using cables.  New computers include wireless support but if any of the computers are old; you`ll need a Wi-Fi wireless adapter.

Сustomer: Ok. That sounds complicated enough! Can I access the Internet automatically with PC?

Assistant: Of course. Well, basically, the Internet is a global network of computer networks; which allows users to share all kinds of information and computer resources. The system is made up of networks interconnected all over the world; from universities and large corporations to commercial online systems and non-profit organizations…

Customer: Well; would you mind explain how I access the Internet with this computer? I don`t think I really even understand what the Internet is! Wait a minute; I`m going to write this down.  

Assistant: Well; you need a computer and a modem – a device that connects your PC to the telephone line. You`ll also need an account with an Internet Service Provider; or ISP- that`s a company that offers connection to the Internet for a monthly fee.

Customer: Wow; this all sounds complicated. I`m not sure I even understand the difference between the Web and the Internet.

Assistant: You can do more than just email. There`s file transfer; newsgroup; real-time chats; instant messaging and looking for information on the Web.

Customer: Ok. That sounds easy; but what if we have several computers in different rooms. How can I connect them all to the Internet?

Assistant: Wi-Fi is short for Wireless Fidelity and refers to a technology that uses radio waves to communicate data over medium range distances.

Customer: Right. And that`s everything?

Assistant: Not quite. You`ll need some software too; specially internet connection software and a Web browser application; such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

Customer: Ok; I think I`ve got it. And I`ll be able to start emailing straight away?

Assistant: Well; the Web is a huge collection of “pages” stored on computers all over the world. Web pages contain all sorts of information in the form of text; pictures; sounds and video. The internet is the network which connects all the computers.

Customer: OK; I think I`ve got it.


14. Translate into English:

1. Интернет – это всемирная глобальная компьютерная сеть, предоставляющая пользователям доступ к информации и деловым ресурсам. 2. Понятия «Интернет» и «Всемирная Паутина», как правило, не разграничивают. 3.Официальная дата создания Интернета не указана ни в одном документе. Целью Интернета было обеспечить надежный канал информации в случае ядерной войны. 4. В России традиция празднования дня рождения Интернета в сентябре зародилась в 1998. 5. Когда необходимо открыть несколько веб-браузеров лучше использовать Гугл Хром. 6. Большинство людей; которые имеют доступ к Интернету; пользуются сетью только для того чтобы отправлять и получать сообщения. 7. Во многих развивающихся странах бизнесмены могут использовать Интернет вместо дорогих и ненадежных телекоммуникационных систем. 8. Одна из самых важных проблем; связанных с Интернетом – это безопасность. 9. Электронная почта является наиболее популярным и самым простым приложением глобальной компьютерной сети; охватывающей более 100 стран и десятки миллионов пользователей. Электронная почта позволяет сократить расходы на доставку писем и отправку факсов; а также упростить обмен корреспонденцией между деловыми партнерами. 10. Автоматизированное проектирование с помощью компьютера наиболее широко используется в электронике; электротехнике; механике; машиностроении; архитектуре.


Троллинг – психологическое и социальное явление; подмеченное в Интернете в 1990-х годах и мешающее нормальному общению в Сети.  Интернет-троллями или просто троллями ( англ. troll) во Всемирной сети называют людей; которые намеренно публикуют провокационные статьи и сообщения; призванные вызвать конфликты между участниками; флейм; оскорбления; войну правок и так далее. Сами подобные статьи и сообщения иногда называют троллями. Процесс написания таких сообщений и называется троллингом. В настоящее время любой популярный форум; группа новостей и вики-проект сталкиваются с троллями и троллингом. Не избежала этого и Википедия.      


15. Work in two groups. The first group is to list all the advantages of the Internet. The second is to list all the disadvantages. Then together try to find ways to minimize disadvantages.


16. Writing

Write about the following topic “The Internet in its common uses: a gift or a nightmare?”


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