Soil contamination


Cleanup options


   Microbes can be used in soil cleanup


Cleanup or remediation is analyzed by environmental scientists who utilize field measurement of soil chemicals and also apply computer models for analyzing transport and fate of soil chemicals. There are several principal strategies for remediation:

·                    Excavate soil and take it to a disposal site away from ready pathways for human or sensitive ecosystem contact. This technique also applies to dredging of bay muds containing toxins.

·                    Aeration of soils at the contaminated site (with attendant risk of creating air pollution)

·                    Thermal remediation by introduction of heat to raise subsurface temperatures sufficiently high to volatize chemical contaminants out of the soil for vapor extraction.

·                    Bioremediation, involving microbial digestion of certain organic chemicals. Techniques used in bioremediation include landfarming, biostimulation and bioaugmentating soil biota with commercially available microflora.

·                    Extraction of groundwater or soil vapor with an active electromechanical system, with subsequent stripping of the contaminants from the extract.

·                    Containment of the soil contaminants (such as by capping or paving over in place).

·                    Phytoremediation, or using plants (such as willow) to extract heavy metals


utilize использовать

disposal распоряжение

extraction извлечение

subsequent последующий



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