Soil contamination


Задания к Cleanup options


Задание 1. Соотнесите синонимы

1.               remediation

2.               heat

3.               active

4.               extraction                

a)              cold

b)              introduction

c)              contamination

d)              passive



Задание 2. Соотнесите антонимы

1.               cleanup

2.               vapor extraction

3.               carrying

4.               apply                       

a)              digestion

b)              remediation

c)              use

d)              transportation




Задание 3. Закончите высказывание.


1.               Phytoremediation is …

2.               Bioremediation is…

3.               Excavating of the contaminated soil is…

4.               Thermal remediation is…

5.               Containment of soil contaminants is…


a)                using of microbes for extraction of certain organic chemicals.

b)               using of plants for extraction of toxins from contaminated soil.

c)                capping or paving over the area with contaminated soil.

d)               raising of soil temperature for vapor extraction of contaminants.

e)                dredging of soil layer containing toxins and transportation of it to a disposal site.



Задание 4. Словообразование. Употребление суффиксов (Suffixes).

Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ward?


a. down-

b. for-

c. heaven-

d. home-

e. house-

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