




Exercise 1.Translate  compound words:

Formally-defined; human-legible; hard-to-remember; easy-to-understand; toolbar; keyboard; website; set-up; webmaster; broadband; space-saving (PCs);  hands-free (device); menu-driven (program); dial-up (telephone-connection).

Exercise 2.Which compound in the box do these definitions refer to? There is an odd definition which is irrelevant to these compounds

keyboard   broadband  hyperlink   hotspots    web page

1. ………….. is a method of sending many electronic messages as the same time, using a wide range of frequencies.

2.   …………….  is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web and organized as the part of website.

3.   ………………… is a link from a hypertext file or document to another document or file, typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word, phrase or image on a web page.

4.   …………………. is a panel of keys that you press in order to operate  a computer.

5.   ……………… is a place where wireless broadband services are provided to users through  a wireless local area network, such as in an airport, Wi-Fi, cafe, park, or library.

6.   …………………… is a program that acts on demand of a web browser to find and transfer URL of a website to it.

Exercise 3. Fill in the sentences with compounds from the box.

search engine     software engineer    web browser     broadband     hyperlink


1.               They are seeking _________________  to help write and test a new operating system.

2.               ______________ a type of data transmission that provides fast Internet access.

3.               Because the Web has no certain organization, every Web surfer needs a ________________.

4.               If you want to get more information on the subject, click on the _______________, the words with the line under them, that you see on this web page.

5.               You can access and download web pages using a special program called a ____________________.

Exercise 4.Translate paying attention to suffixes and prefixes

Usefulness: frequently; flexibility; disadvantages; unauthorized; undertake; enhancement;

Exercise 5.Read the following sentences and circle the prefixes:

1.      Floppy disks are inexpensive and reusable.

2.   If a printer malfunctions, you should check the interface cable.

3.   You can maximize your chances of finding a job if you are bilingual or even trilingual.

4.   Peripherals devices can be either input devices (such as keyboards) or output devices (such as printers).

5.   Ads the results are irregular, the program will have to be rewritten.

6.   After you transfer text using the “cut and paste” feature you may have to reformat the text you have inserted.

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the correct prefix from the following list.


auto             de           dec        inter

maxi            mega      micro     mini

mono           multi       semi      sub


1.      Most people prefer a colour screen to a _________chrome screen.

2.   ___________script is a character or symbol written and to the right of a number or letter, often used in science.

3.   A ________byte equals approximately one million bytes.

4.   Once you finish your program, you will have to test it and _____bug it to remove all the mistakes.

5.   The introduction of ________conductor technology revolutionized the computer industry.

6.   If a computer system has two or more central processors which are under common control, it is called a _____ processor system.

7.   The _____ imal system is a number system with a base of 10.

8.   When the user and the computer are in active communication on a graphics system, we refer to this as  _____active graphics.

Exercise 7. Noun + noun compounds. Match each word from Column A with its partner from column B to make a computing term.

Column A

Column B


























Exercise1.Underline all tense forms. What tense are they? Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.               I stayed at this job until March 2004.

2.                Chat and Instant Messaging technologies allow you to have real-time conversations online, by typing messages at the keyboard.

3.               In 2006 hackers stole the credit card details of almost 20,000 AT&T online customers.

4.               Since 2012, I’ve been a computer operator for Promoprint.

5.               When my mom came I was surfing the net.

6.               They hope that people will interact naturally with hundreds of smart devices at a time.

7.                He’s organizing the paintings into themes now.

8.               She’s added a sound track.

9.               In a few years, doctors will be using expert systems to diagnose illnesses.

10.         Soon, engineers  will have built different types of android.

Exercise2: Open the brackets and put the verbs  in the correct tense forms: Present simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Past Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous.

1.      In 2001, The Code Red worm (infect) tens of thousands of machines.

2.    When Kevin Minick (begin) hacking?

3.    I already (scan) in about a third of these photographs.

4.    The best database packages also (include) network facilities, which can make businesses more productive.

5.   In the future, gesture recognition systems (produce) photo-realistic images.

6.   My laptop has crashes! Don’t worry. I (lend) you mine.

7.    At the moment I (work) on my project. I (search) the Web for sites on digital cameras.

8.   In 1992 David L. Smith (be) prosecuted for writing the Melissa virus, which was passed in Word files sent via email.

9.   Thanks to ICT, by the year 2030 we (find) cures for the major diseases of our time.

10.                     By this time next week, I (work) for IBM.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct variant.

1.                Sun Microsystems …… Java in 1995.

2.    has developed   b) developed   c) was developing   d) have developed

3.               By this time next month, I …… that Blackberry that I’ve been wanting to buy for months.

4.   will have bought   b) will buy   c) will be buying   d) buy

5.               People in every country …… high speed access to the internet within five years.

6.   will be having   b) will have had   c) will have   d) have

7.               Modern games and stimulations …… a great deal of adventure and challenge.

Offers   b) are offering   c) is offering   d) offer

                    She …… a soft engineer since 2010.

       is   b) has been   c) have been    d) was

                   They ….. five candidates today.

       Have been interviewing b) interviewed   c) have interviewed   d) interview.

                   I …… Microsoft Access for many years.

       Use   b) am using   c) have used   d) have been using

                   Hey, Nick, be careful, you …… that coffee on the computer!

                   will spill    b) spill   c) are going to spill   d) going to spill

                   When the user ….. an infected program, it is loaded into memory carrying the virus.

                   run   b) runs   c) is running   d) ran

10. A program that has a payload but …… a reproduction routine is known as a Trojan.

a) doesn’t have   b) has   c) don’t have   d) have



Exercise1.Underline all the examples of passive. What tense are they? Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.               Neural networks looks at the rules of using data, which are based on the connections found or on a sample set of data.

2.               Once the data to be mined is identified, it should be cleansed.

3.               The power of data mining is being used for many purposes, such as analysing Supreme Court decisions, discovering patterns in health care, pulling stories about competitors from newswires, etc.

4.               I’m frequently asked which online service is ‘best, but the answer is there is no best.

5.               Some operating systems are adopted as ‘industry standards’ and these are the ones which should be evaluated because they normally have a good software base.

6.               An operating system is stored on disk and has to be booted into the internal memory (RAM) where it must reside throughout processing so that commands are instantly available.

7.               Virtual reality systems are being developed throughout the world for a range of uses.

8.               Robert T. Morris Jr, the son of a prominent National Security Agency computer consultant, was sentenced for his offence yesterday. As punishment, he was required to contribute 400 hours of community service, and to pay a $10,000 fine.

9.               Telecoms applications will soon be bundled together in much the same way as office application suites are today.

10.          He has been charged with 10 courts of downloading unauthorised information.

Exercise 2. Complete these sentences with passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1.  In future the whole suite of services ……..(base) on voice processing, allowing a natural voice interface to talk to the computer.

2.               Electronic money doesn’t have to ……….(link) to any national currency, so can be independent of local currency fluctuations.

3.                Microprocessors (make)………………. of silicon

4.                Call centres (use)……….. to deal with telephone enquiries.

5.               In recent years, most mobile phones (equip) ………… with Bluetooth.

6.               GPS (develop) ……………..in the 1970s as a military navigation system.

7.               Sorry about the mess – the computer (replace) ……………at the moment.

8.               In the near future the internet (access) ………………more frequently from PDAs and mobile phones than from desktop computers.

9.               Networks (can connect)………………..via satellite.

10.          I had to use my laptop this morning while my PC (fix).

Exercise 3. Make the sentences passive

1.                    Companies are developing products that organize information graphically in more intuitive ways.

2.   We will not soon require keyboards and mice for using personal computers.

3.   Doctors use the system to access a number of databases.

4.   You can download single tracks.

5.   Musicians record their music into a computer system.

6.   In March 2000, a Welsh teenager allegedly stole information from more than 26,000 credit card accounts across Britain, The Us, Japan, Canada and Thailand.

7.   In 2007 hackers got into the Yahoo.

8.   Her computer sends the message via lines and fibro-optic cable to a local microwave station.

9.   You need a scanner to import photographs and possibly a video digitiser to capture video images.

10.                     We recommend a high resolution monitor with a 21 inch screen for easy working.

Exercise 4. Make the sentences active.

1.               Last September Hotmail, Microsoft’s free email service , was hacked into by a group calling itself Hackers Unite, exposing the correspondence of more than 40m users.

2.                Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) or Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) technology are used by most desktop displays.

3.               The image is projected on a large screen by video projectors.

4.               Cashpoints, or ATMs (automatic teller machines) are controlled by computers.

5.               Information is transmitted by devices such as the telephone, radio, television, satellite, or computer networks.

6.               In recent years, TV and radio broadcasting has been revolutionized by developments in satellite and digital transmission.

7.               A hacker was arrested by police officers near a bank cashpoint last month.

8.               Government officials say that new anti-hacking legislation will be introduced in the EU next year.

9.               He had been caught coping hundreds of computer programs illegally.

10.         The information is stored on a smart card by the microprocessor.



Exercise 1. Mark modals and translate:

         Everybody ought to know safety rules.

          They may take any manual.

3. Any student must know the difference between the digital and analog computer.

4. Under these conditions you will not be able to control windows and will have to reboot the system.

5. You must have worked for at least two years in systems analysis.

6. You don`t have to be an expert in everything.

7. You must be an IBM MVS support technician.

8. IT managers have to take responsibility for budgets.

9. Firms of three or even fewer people can benefit from computerization. A firm buying a computer must see the prospects of doing it. It may save money and time.

10. A computer may open up new business chances. A company must decide its computing strategy in line with its business plan. First you should ask: “How should business develop?” then ask: “Can computers help me?”

11. A computer may be able to process information and people would be able to act on it. Computers can bring direct benefits. They may also bring indirect benefits. These must be very important considerations for computerization.

Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Я не могу скопировать изображение с веб-страницы. 2. Мне необходимо сохранить цифровые фотографии в формате TIFF. 3. Можно мне воспользоваться вашей сетью Вай-фай? 4. В наши дни можно ограбить банк не выходя из дома. 5. Нет необходимости вкладывать большие суммы, чтобы купить оборудование. 6. Если ежедневная работа на компьютере превышает четыре часа, следует делать регулярные перерывы или менять вид деятельности. 7. Мы должны заказать копировальную бумагу для ксерокса. 8. В каких сферах жизни мы можем использовать мультимедийные программы? 9. Вместо того, чтобы покупать акции непосредственно на бирже, можно вложить деньги в паевой инвестиционный фонд. 10. Страны специализируются на производстве продукции, которую они могут делать лучше всего.

Exercise 3. Study the requirements for a Computing Technical Salesperson which are essential and which are desirable. Then describe each requirement using must have/be or should have/be.

Ex.: They must have normal colour vision. They should be physically fit.

1. a certificate or diploma in computing

2. experience in the computer industry

3. able to put technical ideas into everyday language

4. able to persuade and negotiate

5. a qualification in marketing

6. a through understanding of the product

7. a driving license

8. a high level of communication skills

9. patient, persistent, and diplomatic

10. able to work away from home

Exercise 4. Translate these sentences paying attention to modal verbs and their equivalents.

1. The importance of software can’t be overestimated. 2. You might have whatever you like for this money. 3. Without software to “feed” it, the computer can do nothing more than take up space. 4. If you had the necessary programs, you could maintain personnel records, update an inventory system, calculate a budget. 5. Could you tell me if you have any payroll programs? 6. We shall be able to buy a program «off the shelf», I think. 7. They were able to calculate the budget very quickly. 8. You will be allowed to compare the effectiveness of these two programs. 9. They could have purchased a program off the shelf, but they have preferred to have it made to order.



Exercise 1. Translate into Russian paying attention to Participle I and Participle II.

1.               They have allowed users to view content, including local and network files, within a single browser interface.

2.   Recycle bins allows you to recover deleted documents.

3.   The StickyKeys feature helps disabled people to operate two keys simultaneously.

4.   Each MP3 file has a tag permitting extra information to be stored on the performer and other track details.

5.   You can legally download some music allowing you to sample a new group before buying their CD.

6.   The network can simulate the owner`s presence making sure vital tasks are carried out in her absence.

7.   The virus is not infected, until you open the infected file.

8.    A computer keyboard is a rather sophisticated electromechanical component.

9.   The software program you are using determines how the function keys are used.

10.         These terminals have components called modems built into them that convert data being transmitted into a form suitable for sending and receiving over the phone.

Exercise 2. Form Participles I and II from these verbs and translate them.

Use, connect, dedicate, design, create, press, transmit, analyze, covert, position, locate, store, computerize.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the necessary form of the Participle I or II.

1. Once the OK button is clicked, the (to copy) process begins.

2.     The percentage of file (to transfer) is displayed as your browser downloads from the Internet.

3.     In addition to the (to exist) PCs at reception and in the office, she will need one for accountant and one in the bar and restaurant.

4.     It displays client names until there are no more names (to remain).

5.     Most hotels use (to computerize) systems.

6.     You can protect data by purring it in a form only (to authorize) users can understand.

7.      Philip likes the post because of the bills (to deliver) to her house.

8.     In a market economy, economic decisions are (to make) by entrepreneurs whose incentive is profit, while the market does the complex job of economic decisions coordination by price signals.

9.     The non-keyboard input devices, (to call)  direct-entry devices, include optical scanners, mice, light pens, touch screens, digitizers and voice recognition equipment.

10.                       The terminal – typically (to consist) of a video-display screen, a keyboard, and a communications link – is (to use) for inputting data to and retrieving data from a remotely located main system.

Exercise 4. Translate into English

1. Помятая или разорванная страница может стать причиной ошибки при сканировании.

2.   Рукопись, написанную карандашом, сложно прочитать (lacks legibility).

3.   Желтый цвет сборки маркирует компьютеры, собранные в Юго-Восточной Азии.

4.   У нее есть доступ к делам работников, хранящихся в компьютере.

5.   Вводимую информацию стоит время от времени записывать на гибкий или жесткий магнитный диски для того, чтобы в случае сбоя в работе компьютера ваша информация сохранилась.

6.   Центральный блок содержит множество микросхем, герметичную коробку с жестким магнитным диском (винчестером) и обычно один или два дисковода, предназначенных для работы с внешними накопителями информации – гибкими или жесткими магнитными дисками.

7.   Обладание информацией -  одно из первостепенных условий успешного ведения бизнеса. Это аксиома, подтвержденная веками предпринимательской практики.

8.   Капитал, мобилизованный путем выпуска облигаций, используется для приобретения активов, легко обратимых в наличные.

9.   Как правительство расходует деньги, собранные в виде налогов,

10.                     В последнее время на бирже все больше используются компьютеры и мониторы.



Exercise 1. Underline the gerund forms and translate the sentences.

1)Keeping up with your favourite team is easy on the web. 2) By visiting the site you can pick up with the latest news. 3) Browsing the web is popular. 4) Some people like shopping online. 5) Without leaving home you can visit and country on the web. 6) By clicking on the link you can move to another page. 7) Managing the computer’s resources is an important function of the operating system. 8) The operating system starts running the user interface as soon as the PC is switched on. 9) Another function of the operating system is executing and providing services for applications software. 10) Without the user being aware of the details,  the operating system manages the computer’s resources. 11) We begin by focusing on the interaction between a user and a PC operating system. 12) By defining your own markup tags, you can explicitly define the content in the document. 13) The low-cost dumb terminal cannot do any processing of its own and is used only for data input (by keyboard) and retrieval (data is displayed on the monitor). 14) The terminal is used for inputting data to and retrieving data from a remotely located main system. 15) A smart terminal can input and retrieve data and also do some limited processing on its own – such as editing or verifying data. 16) These terminals have components called modems built into them that convert the data being transmitted into a form suitable for sending and receiving over the phone. 17) A typesetter transfers the data into the computerized system after reading it on a microcomputer screen.

Exercise 2. Rewrite each of the sentences following the model.

An important function of the operating system is to manage the computer’s resources.

Managing the computer’s resources is an important function of the operating system.

1.               One task  of the supervisor program is to load into memory non-resident programs as required.

2.               The role of operating system is to communicate directly with the hardware.

3.               One of the key function of the the operating system is to establish a ser interface.

4.               An additional role is to provide services for applications services software.

5.               Part of the work of mainframe operating system is to support  multiple programs and users.

6.               The task in most cases is to facilitate  interaction between a single user a PC.

7.               One of the most important functions of a computer is to process large amounts  of data quickly.

8.               The main reason for installing  more memory  is to allow the computer to process data faster.


Exercise 1. Make the sentences using the following model.

Not easy  write insructions in COBOL.

It’s not easy to write instructions in COBOL.

1. Expensive/ set up a data-proccesing area

2.     Advisable/ test the programs under different conditions

3.     Unusual/ write a program that works correctly the first time it’s tested

4.     Important/ use a good debugger to fix errors

5.     Easy/ learn visul BASIC

6.     Tempting/ spice up pages with graphics

Exercise 2. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1.We use high-level languages because machine code is too difficult …… understand and debug.

      a)read   b) reading    c) to read

2. I went on the course …… how to be a better programmer.

a)learn   b) to learn   c) for to learn

3.I’m not interested in …… that computer language.

                                a)learn   b) learning   c) to learn

4. He refuses …… the project with me.

                                a)do   b) doing   c) to do

5.The ingineers warned the employees not …… the cables.

                                a)touch   b) touching   c) to touch

6. They may not …… to the conference.

                                a)come   b) coming   c) to come

7. Spyware can make your PC …… more slowly.

                               a)perform   b) performimg   c) to perform

8.This program is too slow …… the simulation

                              a)do   b) doing   c) for doing

Exercise 3.Underline the infinitives and translate the sentences.

1)   Programs make computers perform specific tasks. 2) Unfortunately computers can’t understand spoken English. 3) HTML allows us to describe how information will be displayed on web pages. 4) A lot of companies are now trying to develop voice applications for web access. 5) Machine code is too difficult to write. 6) These smart machines are designed to take over some of the basic tasks previously performed by people. 7) Expert systems software enables computers to “think” like experts. 8) The idea is to use a small number of very fast memory chips as a buffer or a cache between main memory and the processor. 9) To open a menu, click on its name in the menu bar. 10) To choose one  of the menu options, just click on it. 11) It’s a good idea to vist a few larger sites. 12) I’m going to update the Movie Journal section and I’d like to build in new links. 13) A speech synthesis system is used to read aloud the work on the computer.



Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks correct form of the word given in brackets.

1. If money supply in most countries (comprise) ________________    only currency in the past, business transactions would have been impossible.

2.   If the public had not begun to expect inflation, lenders (not, insist) ____________ on higher interest rates.

3.   Your computer could process data faster if you ( install) a faster process.

4.   The demand for labor (not, increase)_____________  if there had not been the increase in business activity.

5.   If it weren’t for a new manager, this company (to be)_______________ in a mess.

Exercise 2. Translate into Russian:

1.      I wish the post were not late as usual.

2.     I wish the letter hadn`t been so long.

3.     I wish you wouldn’t be slow.

4.     I wish I could go to work by car.

5.     I wish it would stop raining.

6.     If your computer is on, can you do some operations?

7.     If you don`t virus-check floppies, you could get a virus.

8.     If there were a power cut while you were using your computer, you might lose data.

9.     I wish I could find more relevant results using this search engine.

10.                       If you hold down the mouse button over an icon, you can drag it across the screen.

11.                       If the interest rate increases, the mortgages become more expensive.

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1. Если бы у меня было достаточно денег, я бы купил новый телевизор с плоским экраном.

2. Если бы я был преподавателем, я бы поставил всем студентам хорошие оценки на экзамене.

3. Если бы у меня был компьютер, я написал бы курсовую работу быстрее.

4. Если бы я  не пропускал занятия, декан факультета не вызвал бы меня в свой кабинет.

5. Если вы забываете периодический сохранять информацию, вы можете потерять данные.

6. Если вы разольете кислоту на клавиатуру, она может повредить контакты.

Exercise 4. Match the actions in Column A with appropriate effects from Column B. Then join each action and effect using an if-sentence.

Column A


Column B


             you press Print Screen

             you press Ctrl+Alt+Del in Windows XP

             you added more memory

             you installed a modem

             you used a better search engine

             you forget to save regularly

             you hold down the mouse button over an icon

             you used an LCD display


             you can drag it across the screen

             it would speed up the computer

             you may lose data

             you would have more space at you desk

             you would be able to connect to a telephone line

             you can make a copy of the screen

             you would find more relevant results

             it displays the Windows security dialog box



Exercise 5. Continue sentences

1.               I can`t log in. I wish ___________

2.               I haven`t got a printer. I wish ___________

3.               George isn`t online. I wish ___________

4.               There is something wrong with my webcam. I wish____________

5.               I have to work tomorrow. I wish____________

6.               I don`t know anything about handheld PCs. I wish____________


Exercise 6. Match the sentence halves to form complete sentences.

1.    If you want to play back anything from your computer on a TV monitor,

a)  it will have a vertical refresh rate of 60kHz.

2.    If your computer system follows the American TV standard,

b)  you must use a scan converter.

3.    If you use a monitor with interlaced video for word processing,

c)  you need a print-to-tape device.

4.    If you use a display adaptor that can produce PAL-standard video,

d)  you cannot use a standard computer monitor, but must use a video or multi-sync monitor instead.

5.    If you want to use the standard display signal from your computer,

e)  you will get a headache!




Exercise 1. Underline Complex Object. Translate the sentences.

1. I saw her turn on the computer.

2.   I want the report to be done by you.

3.   I know him to be a good programmer.

4.   I know him to have bought a new digital camera.

5.   We cannot imagine him to take risks.

6.   I know him to have checked sales report.

7.   We expected them to intensify the whole process.

8.   They expected the hacker to be caught by the police.

9.   I saw them playing computer games.

10.                     We expected him to find all the necessary information in the Net.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets and use the Complex Object.

Example: He expected (they, arrive) at 5. – He expected them to arrive at 5.

1.               We expect (he, arrange) everything by the time we come.

2.               We want (she, introduce) us to the president.

3.               We consider (it, be) a reliable anti-virus program.

4.               I would like (he, download) this book from the Internet.

5.               I noticed (she, write) and email and (send) it.

6.               They expected (he, buy) a more expensive mobile.

7.               We expect (he, manage) the business himself.

8.               We consider (it, be) the worst virus of recent years.

9.               We believe (he, work) at an urgent problem now.

10.          We consider (they, be) good specialists.

Exercise 3. Translate into English using Complex Object.

1. Мне оставить ноутбук включенным или ты бы хотел, чтобы я его выключил?

2.   Я заметила, что ты много времени проводишь за компьютером.

3.   Я не ожидала, что ты знаешь как работать в Excel.

4.   Я не хочу, чтобы она пользовалась моим компьютером.

5.   Я не заставлю тебя готовить отчеты.

6.   Я видел как она проверяла почту.

7.   Пусть они войдут.

8.   Я знаю, что он хороший работник.

9.   Я видел как она выходила из офиса.



Exercise 1. Translate into Russian paying attention to Complex Subject

1.      These devices are considered to be very effective.

2.   Surplus is supposed to measure the utility that the consumer gains from his purchase.

3.   The interest rate is believed to be determined by the levels of supply and demand in the money market.

4.   Michael was known to leave his job and getting a new one as an It support engineer.

5.   These hackers were announced to gain access to this network system.

6.   The company is known to store data on customers in its main computer file.

7.   The experiments were reported to be successful.

8.   A bank is considered to be an intermediary between a depositor and a borrower.

9.   Economics is supposed to deal with data on income, employment, expenditure, interest rates, prices and individual activities of production, consumption, transportation and trade.

10.                     Desktop Publishing programs, such as Adobe PageMaker and QuarkXpress, are supposed to combine texts and graphics in creative ways to produce stylish greeting cards, newsletters, sales catalogues, etc.

Exercise 2. Write the sentence in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined word in your sentence.

1. It is said that the company is losing a lot of money.

2.   It is expected that the company lost a lot of money last year.

3.   It is believed that they changed the password to prevent hackers getting into the database.

4.   It is reported that more than half of the United States` sales of personal computers were for home use.

5.   It is often said that the quality of assembly defines the quality and reliability of a computer itself.

6.   It is alleged that white computers usually exceed its yellow and red counterparts in quality.

7.   It was supposed that multimedia became popular after the mid-1990s when the price of hardware began to fall.

8.   It is considered that the Stock Exchange is a world market where shares and securities of public companies, the British government, local governments, foreign governments and other organizations are bought and sold.

9.   It is known that advertising by word of mouth is the most effective advertising of all.

10.                     It is reported that the government will raise taxes.

11.                     It turns out that in this country the social status of qualified engineers engaged in industry is lower than in the US.

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1. Общеизвестно, что компании «Apple» удалось создать уникальную репутацию в отрасли потребительской электроники.

2.   Полагают, что успех “Microsoft” состоит в непоколебимой убежденности Гейтса в своих собственных идеях.

3.   Сообщают, что в Интернете началась  атака нового сетевого червя Lovesan.

4.   Ожидается, что развитие мультимедийных технологий будет вызвано реальными потребностями бизнеса.

5.   Утверждают, что память играет очень важную роль во всех типах компьютеров.

6.   Как известно, Билл Гейтс еще в школе заинтересовался программным обеспечением и начал программировать компьютеры еще в 13 лет.

7.   Считается, что одна из самых важных проблем, связанных с Интернетом – это безопасность.

8.   Было объявлено, что собрание акционеров состоится в Глазго.

9.   Оказалось, что в основном загрязнение окружающей среды было вызвано промышленными работами.

10.                      Казалось, что все идет по плану, если не принимать во внимание опоздание автобуса.



Exercise 1. Report the following sentences.

1)Jack said: “I’m downloading music from the internet”. 2) Alice said: “I haven’t added a sound track”. 3) She said: “I bought a tablet yesterday”. 4) John said: “I’m going to update the Movie Journal section”. 5) She said: “I’ve spilled my coffee on the keyboard”. 6) The cleark said: “I will remove and arrange document pages tomorrow”. 7) My brother said: “I use microphone for inputting sound”. 8) He said: “This print quality is excellent”. 9) She said: “I don’t check my email every day”. 10) He said: “At the moment I’m working on a program for schools”. 11) She said: “Don’t use a floppy without checking it”. 12) She said: “Download email attachments onto a floppy”.

Exercise 2. Report the following questions.

She asked: 1) “Who are you sending email to?” 2) What email program did you use? 3) Are you surfing the net now? 4) Where did you buy this digital camera? 5) Have you virus-checked the email attachment before opening it? 6) What is your job? 7) What qualifications do you have? 8) Have you ever tried to access other people’s data? 9) “Is he a good programmer?”10) Where is the IT manager?

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences using the reported speech.

1)Он сказал, что хочет стать программистом. 2 ) Она сказала, что он веб дизайнер. 3) Он спросил есть ли у меня доступ к интернету дома. 4) Он спросил сделал ли я резервную копию своей работы. 5) Он спросил что случилось с моим компьютером. 6) Я сказал, что не разбираюсь в компьютерах. 7) Я попросил помочь мне. 8) Я сказал, что у меня проблемы с компьютером. 9) Я сказал, что в последненн время мой компьютер начал внезапно выключаться. 10) Он сказал, что ему нужно зайти ко мне и посмотреть компьютер. 11) Я сказал, что вчера мне не удалось открыть некоторые свои файлы. 12) Я сказал, что не могу слушать музыку на компьютере. 13) Я сказал, что вероятно мой компьютер устарел. 14) Он сказал, что возьмет некоторые компьютерные программы и оборудование и придет в шесть. 15) Он сказал, что проблемы с отключением компьютера возможно связаны с  




Exercise 1.Translate  compound words:

Formally-defined; human-legible; hard-to-remember; easy-to-understand; toolbar; keyboard; website; set-up; webmaster; broadband; space-saving (PCs);  hands-free (device); menu-driven (program); dial-up (telephone-connection).

Exercise 2.Which compound in the box do these definitions refer to? There is an odd definition which is irrelevant to these compounds

keyboard   broadband  hyperlink   hotspots    web page

1. ………….. is a method of sending many electronic messages as the same time, using a wide range of frequencies.

2.   …………….  is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web and organized as the part of website.

3.   ………………… is a link from a hypertext file or document to another document or file, typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word, phrase or image on a web page.

4.   …………………. is a panel of keys that you press in order to operate  a computer.

5.   ……………… is a place where wireless broadband services are provided to users through  a wireless local area network, such as in an airport, Wi-Fi, cafe, park, or library.

6.   …………………… is a program that acts on demand of a web browser to find and transfer URL of a website to it.

Exercise 3. Fill in the sentences with compounds from the box.

search engine     software engineer    web browser     broadband     hyperlink


1.               They are seeking _________________  to help write and test a new operating system.

2.               ______________ a type of data transmission that provides fast Internet access.

3.               Because the Web has no certain organization, every Web surfer needs a ________________.

4.               If you want to get more information on the subject, click on the _______________, the words with the line under them, that you see on this web page.

5.               You can access and download web pages using a special program called a ____________________.

Exercise 4.Translate paying attention to suffixes and prefixes

Usefulness: frequently; flexibility; disadvantages; unauthorized; undertake; enhancement;

Exercise 5.Read the following sentences and circle the prefixes:

1.      Floppy disks are inexpensive and reusable.

2.   If a printer malfunctions, you should check the interface cable.

3.   You can maximize your chances of finding a job if you are bilingual or even trilingual.

4.   Peripherals devices can be either input devices (such as keyboards) or output devices (such as printers).

5.   Ads the results are irregular, the program will have to be rewritten.

6.   After you transfer text using the “cut and paste” feature you may have to reformat the text you have inserted.

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the correct prefix from the following list.


auto             de           dec        inter

maxi            mega      micro     mini

mono           multi       semi      sub


1.      Most people prefer a colour screen to a _________chrome screen.

2.   ___________script is a character or symbol written and to the right of a number or letter, often used in science.

3.   A ________byte equals approximately one million bytes.

4.   Once you finish your program, you will have to test it and _____bug it to remove all the mistakes.

5.   The introduction of ________conductor technology revolutionized the computer industry.

6.   If a computer system has two or more central processors which are under common control, it is called a _____ processor system.

7.   The _____ imal system is a number system with a base of 10.

8.   When the user and the computer are in active communication on a graphics system, we refer to this as  _____active graphics.

Exercise 7. Noun + noun compounds. Match each word from Column A with its partner from column B to make a computing term.

Column A

Column B


























Exercise1.Underline all tense forms. What tense are they? Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.               I stayed at this job until March 2004.

2.                Chat and Instant Messaging technologies allow you to have real-time conversations online, by typing messages at the keyboard.

3.               In 2006 hackers stole the credit card details of almost 20,000 AT&T online customers.

4.               Since 2012, I’ve been a computer operator for Promoprint.

5.               When my mom came I was surfing the net.

6.               They hope that people will interact naturally with hundreds of smart devices at a time.

7.                He’s organizing the paintings into themes now.

8.               She’s added a sound track.

9.               In a few years, doctors will be using expert systems to diagnose illnesses.

10.         Soon, engineers  will have built different types of android.

Exercise2: Open the brackets and put the verbs  in the correct tense forms: Present simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Future Simple, Past Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous.

1.      In 2001, The Code Red worm (infect) tens of thousands of machines.

2.    When Kevin Minick (begin) hacking?

3.    I already (scan) in about a third of these photographs.

4.    The best database packages also (include) network facilities, which can make businesses more productive.

5.   In the future, gesture recognition systems (produce) photo-realistic images.

6.   My laptop has crashes! Don’t worry. I (lend) you mine.

7.    At the moment I (work) on my project. I (search) the Web for sites on digital cameras.

8.   In 1992 David L. Smith (be) prosecuted for writing the Melissa virus, which was passed in Word files sent via email.

9.   Thanks to ICT, by the year 2030 we (find) cures for the major diseases of our time.

10.                     By this time next week, I (work) for IBM.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct variant.

1.                Sun Microsystems …… Java in 1995.

2.    has developed   b) developed   c) was developing   d) have developed

3.               By this time next month, I …… that Blackberry that I’ve been wanting to buy for months.

4.   will have bought   b) will buy   c) will be buying   d) buy

5.               People in every country …… high speed access to the internet within five years.

6.   will be having   b) will have had   c) will have   d) have

7.               Modern games and stimulations …… a great deal of adventure and challenge.

Offers   b) are offering   c) is offering   d) offer

                    She …… a soft engineer since 2010.

       is   b) has been   c) have been    d) was

                   They ….. five candidates today.

       Have been interviewing b) interviewed   c) have interviewed   d) interview.

                   I …… Microsoft Access for many years.

       Use   b) am using   c) have used   d) have been using

                   Hey, Nick, be careful, you …… that coffee on the computer!

                   will spill    b) spill   c) are going to spill   d) going to spill

                   When the user ….. an infected program, it is loaded into memory carrying the virus.

                   run   b) runs   c) is running   d) ran

10. A program that has a payload but …… a reproduction routine is known as a Trojan.

a) doesn’t have   b) has   c) don’t have   d) have



Exercise1.Underline all the examples of passive. What tense are they? Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.               Neural networks looks at the rules of using data, which are based on the connections found or on a sample set of data.

2.               Once the data to be mined is identified, it should be cleansed.

3.               The power of data mining is being used for many purposes, such as analysing Supreme Court decisions, discovering patterns in health care, pulling stories about competitors from newswires, etc.

4.               I’m frequently asked which online service is ‘best, but the answer is there is no best.

5.               Some operating systems are adopted as ‘industry standards’ and these are the ones which should be evaluated because they normally have a good software base.

6.               An operating system is stored on disk and has to be booted into the internal memory (RAM) where it must reside throughout processing so that commands are instantly available.

7.               Virtual reality systems are being developed throughout the world for a range of uses.

8.               Robert T. Morris Jr, the son of a prominent National Security Agency computer consultant, was sentenced for his offence yesterday. As punishment, he was required to contribute 400 hours of community service, and to pay a $10,000 fine.

9.               Telecoms applications will soon be bundled together in much the same way as office application suites are today.

10.          He has been charged with 10 courts of downloading unauthorised information.

Exercise 2. Complete these sentences with passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1.  In future the whole suite of services ……..(base) on voice processing, allowing a natural voice interface to talk to the computer.

2.               Electronic money doesn’t have to ……….(link) to any national currency, so can be independent of local currency fluctuations.

3.                Microprocessors (make)………………. of silicon

4.                Call centres (use)……….. to deal with telephone enquiries.

5.               In recent years, most mobile phones (equip) ………… with Bluetooth.

6.               GPS (develop) ……………..in the 1970s as a military navigation system.

7.               Sorry about the mess – the computer (replace) ……………at the moment.

8.               In the near future the internet (access) ………………more frequently from PDAs and mobile phones than from desktop computers.

9.               Networks (can connect)………………..via satellite.

10.          I had to use my laptop this morning while my PC (fix).

Exercise 3. Make the sentences passive

1.                    Companies are developing products that organize information graphically in more intuitive ways.

2.   We will not soon require keyboards and mice for using personal computers.

3.   Doctors use the system to access a number of databases.

4.   You can download single tracks.

5.   Musicians record their music into a computer system.

6.   In March 2000, a Welsh teenager allegedly stole information from more than 26,000 credit card accounts across Britain, The Us, Japan, Canada and Thailand.

7.   In 2007 hackers got into the Yahoo.

8.   Her computer sends the message via lines and fibro-optic cable to a local microwave station.

9.   You need a scanner to import photographs and possibly a video digitiser to capture video images.

10.                     We recommend a high resolution monitor with a 21 inch screen for easy working.

Exercise 4. Make the sentences active.

1.               Last September Hotmail, Microsoft’s free email service , was hacked into by a group calling itself Hackers Unite, exposing the correspondence of more than 40m users.

2.                Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) or Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) technology are used by most desktop displays.

3.               The image is projected on a large screen by video projectors.

4.               Cashpoints, or ATMs (automatic teller machines) are controlled by computers.

5.               Information is transmitted by devices such as the telephone, radio, television, satellite, or computer networks.

6.               In recent years, TV and radio broadcasting has been revolutionized by developments in satellite and digital transmission.

7.               A hacker was arrested by police officers near a bank cashpoint last month.

8.               Government officials say that new anti-hacking legislation will be introduced in the EU next year.

9.               He had been caught coping hundreds of computer programs illegally.

10.         The information is stored on a smart card by the microprocessor.



Exercise 1. Mark modals and translate:

         Everybody ought to know safety rules.

          They may take any manual.

3. Any student must know the difference between the digital and analog computer.

4. Under these conditions you will not be able to control windows and will have to reboot the system.

5. You must have worked for at least two years in systems analysis.

6. You don`t have to be an expert in everything.

7. You must be an IBM MVS support technician.

8. IT managers have to take responsibility for budgets.

9. Firms of three or even fewer people can benefit from computerization. A firm buying a computer must see the prospects of doing it. It may save money and time.

10. A computer may open up new business chances. A company must decide its computing strategy in line with its business plan. First you should ask: “How should business develop?” then ask: “Can computers help me?”

11. A computer may be able to process information and people would be able to act on it. Computers can bring direct benefits. They may also bring indirect benefits. These must be very important considerations for computerization.

Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English:

1. Я не могу скопировать изображение с веб-страницы. 2. Мне необходимо сохранить цифровые фотографии в формате TIFF. 3. Можно мне воспользоваться вашей сетью Вай-фай? 4. В наши дни можно ограбить банк не выходя из дома. 5. Нет необходимости вкладывать большие суммы, чтобы купить оборудование. 6. Если ежедневная работа на компьютере превышает четыре часа, следует делать регулярные перерывы или менять вид деятельности. 7. Мы должны заказать копировальную бумагу для ксерокса. 8. В каких сферах жизни мы можем использовать мультимедийные программы? 9. Вместо того, чтобы покупать акции непосредственно на бирже, можно вложить деньги в паевой инвестиционный фонд. 10. Страны специализируются на производстве продукции, которую они могут делать лучше всего.

Exercise 3. Study the requirements for a Computing Technical Salesperson which are essential and which are desirable. Then describe each requirement using must have/be or should have/be.

Ex.: They must have normal colour vision. They should be physically fit.

1. a certificate or diploma in computing

2. experience in the computer industry

3. able to put technical ideas into everyday language

4. able to persuade and negotiate

5. a qualification in marketing

6. a through understanding of the product

7. a driving license

8. a high level of communication skills

9. patient, persistent, and diplomatic

10. able to work away from home

Exercise 4. Translate these sentences paying attention to modal verbs and their equivalents.

1. The importance of software can’t be overestimated. 2. You might have whatever you like for this money. 3. Without software to “feed” it, the computer can do nothing more than take up space. 4. If you had the necessary programs, you could maintain personnel records, update an inventory system, calculate a budget. 5. Could you tell me if you have any payroll programs? 6. We shall be able to buy a program «off the shelf», I think. 7. They were able to calculate the budget very quickly. 8. You will be allowed to compare the effectiveness of these two programs. 9. They could have purchased a program off the shelf, but they have preferred to have it made to order.



Exercise 1. Translate into Russian paying attention to Participle I and Participle II.

1.               They have allowed users to view content, including local and network files, within a single browser interface.

2.   Recycle bins allows you to recover deleted documents.

3.   The StickyKeys feature helps disabled people to operate two keys simultaneously.

4.   Each MP3 file has a tag permitting extra information to be stored on the performer and other track details.

5.   You can legally download some music allowing you to sample a new group before buying their CD.

6.   The network can simulate the owner`s presence making sure vital tasks are carried out in her absence.

7.   The virus is not infected, until you open the infected file.

8.    A computer keyboard is a rather sophisticated electromechanical component.

9.   The software program you are using determines how the function keys are used.

10.         These terminals have components called modems built into them that convert data being transmitted into a form suitable for sending and receiving over the phone.

Exercise 2. Form Participles I and II from these verbs and translate them.

Use, connect, dedicate, design, create, press, transmit, analyze, covert, position, locate, store, computerize.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the necessary form of the Participle I or II.

1. Once the OK button is clicked, the (to copy) process begins.

2.     The percentage of file (to transfer) is displayed as your browser downloads from the Internet.

3.     In addition to the (to exist) PCs at reception and in the office, she will need one for accountant and one in the bar and restaurant.

4.     It displays client names until there are no more names (to remain).

5.     Most hotels use (to computerize) systems.

6.     You can protect data by purring it in a form only (to authorize) users can understand.

7.      Philip likes the post because of the bills (to deliver) to her house.

8.     In a market economy, economic decisions are (to make) by entrepreneurs whose incentive is profit, while the market does the complex job of economic decisions coordination by price signals.

9.     The non-keyboard input devices, (to call)  direct-entry devices, include optical scanners, mice, light pens, touch screens, digitizers and voice recognition equipment.

10.                       The terminal – typically (to consist) of a video-display screen, a keyboard, and a communications link – is (to use) for inputting data to and retrieving data from a remotely located main system.

Exercise 4. Translate into English

1. Помятая или разорванная страница может стать причиной ошибки при сканировании.

2.   Рукопись, написанную карандашом, сложно прочитать (lacks legibility).

3.   Желтый цвет сборки маркирует компьютеры, собранные в Юго-Восточной Азии.

4.   У нее есть доступ к делам работников, хранящихся в компьютере.

5.   Вводимую информацию стоит время от времени записывать на гибкий или жесткий магнитный диски для того, чтобы в случае сбоя в работе компьютера ваша информация сохранилась.

6.   Центральный блок содержит множество микросхем, герметичную коробку с жестким магнитным диском (винчестером) и обычно один или два дисковода, предназначенных для работы с внешними накопителями информации – гибкими или жесткими магнитными дисками.

7.   Обладание информацией -  одно из первостепенных условий успешного ведения бизнеса. Это аксиома, подтвержденная веками предпринимательской практики.

8.   Капитал, мобилизованный путем выпуска облигаций, используется для приобретения активов, легко обратимых в наличные.

9.   Как правительство расходует деньги, собранные в виде налогов,

10.                     В последнее время на бирже все больше используются компьютеры и мониторы.



Exercise 1. Underline the gerund forms and translate the sentences.

1)Keeping up with your favourite team is easy on the web. 2) By visiting the site you can pick up with the latest news. 3) Browsing the web is popular. 4) Some people like shopping online. 5) Without leaving home you can visit and country on the web. 6) By clicking on the link you can move to another page. 7) Managing the computer’s resources is an important function of the operating system. 8) The operating system starts running the user interface as soon as the PC is switched on. 9) Another function of the operating system is executing and providing services for applications software. 10) Without the user being aware of the details,  the operating system manages the computer’s resources. 11) We begin by focusing on the interaction between a user and a PC operating system. 12) By defining your own markup tags, you can explicitly define the content in the document. 13) The low-cost dumb terminal cannot do any processing of its own and is used only for data input (by keyboard) and retrieval (data is displayed on the monitor). 14) The terminal is used for inputting data to and retrieving data from a remotely located main system. 15) A smart terminal can input and retrieve data and also do some limited processing on its own – such as editing or verifying data. 16) These terminals have components called modems built into them that convert the data being transmitted into a form suitable for sending and receiving over the phone. 17) A typesetter transfers the data into the computerized system after reading it on a microcomputer screen.

Exercise 2. Rewrite each of the sentences following the model.

An important function of the operating system is to manage the computer’s resources.

Managing the computer’s resources is an important function of the operating system.

1.               One task  of the supervisor program is to load into memory non-resident programs as required.

2.               The role of operating system is to communicate directly with the hardware.

3.               One of the key function of the the operating system is to establish a ser interface.

4.               An additional role is to provide services for applications services software.

5.               Part of the work of mainframe operating system is to support  multiple programs and users.

6.               The task in most cases is to facilitate  interaction between a single user a PC.

7.               One of the most important functions of a computer is to process large amounts  of data quickly.

8.               The main reason for installing  more memory  is to allow the computer to process data faster.


Exercise 1. Make the sentences using the following model.

Not easy  write insructions in COBOL.

It’s not easy to write instructions in COBOL.

1. Expensive/ set up a data-proccesing area

2.     Advisable/ test the programs under different conditions

3.     Unusual/ write a program that works correctly the first time it’s tested

4.     Important/ use a good debugger to fix errors

5.     Easy/ learn visul BASIC

6.     Tempting/ spice up pages with graphics

Exercise 2. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1.We use high-level languages because machine code is too difficult …… understand and debug.

      a)read   b) reading    c) to read

2. I went on the course …… how to be a better programmer.

a)learn   b) to learn   c) for to learn

3.I’m not interested in …… that computer language.

                                a)learn   b) learning   c) to learn

4. He refuses …… the project with me.

                                a)do   b) doing   c) to do

5.The ingineers warned the employees not …… the cables.

                                a)touch   b) touching   c) to touch

6. They may not …… to the conference.

                                a)come   b) coming   c) to come

7. Spyware can make your PC …… more slowly.

                               a)perform   b) performimg   c) to perform

8.This program is too slow …… the simulation

                              a)do   b) doing   c) for doing

Exercise 3.Underline the infinitives and translate the sentences.

1)   Programs make computers perform specific tasks. 2) Unfortunately computers can’t understand spoken English. 3) HTML allows us to describe how information will be displayed on web pages. 4) A lot of companies are now trying to develop voice applications for web access. 5) Machine code is too difficult to write. 6) These smart machines are designed to take over some of the basic tasks previously performed by people. 7) Expert systems software enables computers to “think” like experts. 8) The idea is to use a small number of very fast memory chips as a buffer or a cache between main memory and the processor. 9) To open a menu, click on its name in the menu bar. 10) To choose one  of the menu options, just click on it. 11) It’s a good idea to vist a few larger sites. 12) I’m going to update the Movie Journal section and I’d like to build in new links. 13) A speech synthesis system is used to read aloud the work on the computer.



Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks correct form of the word given in brackets.

1. If money supply in most countries (comprise) ________________    only currency in the past, business transactions would have been impossible.

2.   If the public had not begun to expect inflation, lenders (not, insist) ____________ on higher interest rates.

3.   Your computer could process data faster if you ( install) a faster process.

4.   The demand for labor (not, increase)_____________  if there had not been the increase in business activity.

5.   If it weren’t for a new manager, this company (to be)_______________ in a mess.

Exercise 2. Translate into Russian:

1.      I wish the post were not late as usual.

2.     I wish the letter hadn`t been so long.

3.     I wish you wouldn’t be slow.

4.     I wish I could go to work by car.

5.     I wish it would stop raining.

6.     If your computer is on, can you do some operations?

7.     If you don`t virus-check floppies, you could get a virus.

8.     If there were a power cut while you were using your computer, you might lose data.

9.     I wish I could find more relevant results using this search engine.

10.                       If you hold down the mouse button over an icon, you can drag it across the screen.

11.                       If the interest rate increases, the mortgages become more expensive.

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1. Если бы у меня было достаточно денег, я бы купил новый телевизор с плоским экраном.

2. Если бы я был преподавателем, я бы поставил всем студентам хорошие оценки на экзамене.

3. Если бы у меня был компьютер, я написал бы курсовую работу быстрее.

4. Если бы я  не пропускал занятия, декан факультета не вызвал бы меня в свой кабинет.

5. Если вы забываете периодический сохранять информацию, вы можете потерять данные.

6. Если вы разольете кислоту на клавиатуру, она может повредить контакты.

Exercise 4. Match the actions in Column A with appropriate effects from Column B. Then join each action and effect using an if-sentence.

Column A


Column B


             you press Print Screen

             you press Ctrl+Alt+Del in Windows XP

             you added more memory

             you installed a modem

             you used a better search engine

             you forget to save regularly

             you hold down the mouse button over an icon

             you used an LCD display


             you can drag it across the screen

             it would speed up the computer

             you may lose data

             you would have more space at you desk

             you would be able to connect to a telephone line

             you can make a copy of the screen

             you would find more relevant results

             it displays the Windows security dialog box



Exercise 5. Continue sentences

1.               I can`t log in. I wish ___________

2.               I haven`t got a printer. I wish ___________

3.               George isn`t online. I wish ___________

4.               There is something wrong with my webcam. I wish____________

5.               I have to work tomorrow. I wish____________

6.               I don`t know anything about handheld PCs. I wish____________


Exercise 6. Match the sentence halves to form complete sentences.

1.    If you want to play back anything from your computer on a TV monitor,

a)  it will have a vertical refresh rate of 60kHz.

2.    If your computer system follows the American TV standard,

b)  you must use a scan converter.

3.    If you use a monitor with interlaced video for word processing,

c)  you need a print-to-tape device.

4.    If you use a display adaptor that can produce PAL-standard video,

d)  you cannot use a standard computer monitor, but must use a video or multi-sync monitor instead.

5.    If you want to use the standard display signal from your computer,

e)  you will get a headache!




Exercise 1. Underline Complex Object. Translate the sentences.

1. I saw her turn on the computer.

2.   I want the report to be done by you.

3.   I know him to be a good programmer.

4.   I know him to have bought a new digital camera.

5.   We cannot imagine him to take risks.

6.   I know him to have checked sales report.

7.   We expected them to intensify the whole process.

8.   They expected the hacker to be caught by the police.

9.   I saw them playing computer games.

10.                     We expected him to find all the necessary information in the Net.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets and use the Complex Object.

Example: He expected (they, arrive) at 5. – He expected them to arrive at 5.

1.               We expect (he, arrange) everything by the time we come.

2.               We want (she, introduce) us to the president.

3.               We consider (it, be) a reliable anti-virus program.

4.               I would like (he, download) this book from the Internet.

5.               I noticed (she, write) and email and (send) it.

6.               They expected (he, buy) a more expensive mobile.

7.               We expect (he, manage) the business himself.

8.               We consider (it, be) the worst virus of recent years.

9.               We believe (he, work) at an urgent problem now.

10.          We consider (they, be) good specialists.

Exercise 3. Translate into English using Complex Object.

1. Мне оставить ноутбук включенным или ты бы хотел, чтобы я его выключил?

2.   Я заметила, что ты много времени проводишь за компьютером.

3.   Я не ожидала, что ты знаешь как работать в Excel.

4.   Я не хочу, чтобы она пользовалась моим компьютером.

5.   Я не заставлю тебя готовить отчеты.

6.   Я видел как она проверяла почту.

7.   Пусть они войдут.

8.   Я знаю, что он хороший работник.

9.   Я видел как она выходила из офиса.



Exercise 1. Translate into Russian paying attention to Complex Subject

1.      These devices are considered to be very effective.

2.   Surplus is supposed to measure the utility that the consumer gains from his purchase.

3.   The interest rate is believed to be determined by the levels of supply and demand in the money market.

4.   Michael was known to leave his job and getting a new one as an It support engineer.

5.   These hackers were announced to gain access to this network system.

6.   The company is known to store data on customers in its main computer file.

7.   The experiments were reported to be successful.

8.   A bank is considered to be an intermediary between a depositor and a borrower.

9.   Economics is supposed to deal with data on income, employment, expenditure, interest rates, prices and individual activities of production, consumption, transportation and trade.

10.                     Desktop Publishing programs, such as Adobe PageMaker and QuarkXpress, are supposed to combine texts and graphics in creative ways to produce stylish greeting cards, newsletters, sales catalogues, etc.

Exercise 2. Write the sentence in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined word in your sentence.

1. It is said that the company is losing a lot of money.

2.   It is expected that the company lost a lot of money last year.

3.   It is believed that they changed the password to prevent hackers getting into the database.

4.   It is reported that more than half of the United States` sales of personal computers were for home use.

5.   It is often said that the quality of assembly defines the quality and reliability of a computer itself.

6.   It is alleged that white computers usually exceed its yellow and red counterparts in quality.

7.   It was supposed that multimedia became popular after the mid-1990s when the price of hardware began to fall.

8.   It is considered that the Stock Exchange is a world market where shares and securities of public companies, the British government, local governments, foreign governments and other organizations are bought and sold.

9.   It is known that advertising by word of mouth is the most effective advertising of all.

10.                     It is reported that the government will raise taxes.

11.                     It turns out that in this country the social status of qualified engineers engaged in industry is lower than in the US.

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1. Общеизвестно, что компании «Apple» удалось создать уникальную репутацию в отрасли потребительской электроники.

2.   Полагают, что успех “Microsoft” состоит в непоколебимой убежденности Гейтса в своих собственных идеях.

3.   Сообщают, что в Интернете началась  атака нового сетевого червя Lovesan.

4.   Ожидается, что развитие мультимедийных технологий будет вызвано реальными потребностями бизнеса.

5.   Утверждают, что память играет очень важную роль во всех типах компьютеров.

6.   Как известно, Билл Гейтс еще в школе заинтересовался программным обеспечением и начал программировать компьютеры еще в 13 лет.

7.   Считается, что одна из самых важных проблем, связанных с Интернетом – это безопасность.

8.   Было объявлено, что собрание акционеров состоится в Глазго.

9.   Оказалось, что в основном загрязнение окружающей среды было вызвано промышленными работами.

10.                      Казалось, что все идет по плану, если не принимать во внимание опоздание автобуса.



Exercise 1. Report the following sentences.

1)Jack said: “I’m downloading music from the internet”. 2) Alice said: “I haven’t added a sound track”. 3) She said: “I bought a tablet yesterday”. 4) John said: “I’m going to update the Movie Journal section”. 5) She said: “I’ve spilled my coffee on the keyboard”. 6) The cleark said: “I will remove and arrange document pages tomorrow”. 7) My brother said: “I use microphone for inputting sound”. 8) He said: “This print quality is excellent”. 9) She said: “I don’t check my email every day”. 10) He said: “At the moment I’m working on a program for schools”. 11) She said: “Don’t use a floppy without checking it”. 12) She said: “Download email attachments onto a floppy”.

Exercise 2. Report the following questions.

She asked: 1) “Who are you sending email to?” 2) What email program did you use? 3) Are you surfing the net now? 4) Where did you buy this digital camera? 5) Have you virus-checked the email attachment before opening it? 6) What is your job? 7) What qualifications do you have? 8) Have you ever tried to access other people’s data? 9) “Is he a good programmer?”10) Where is the IT manager?

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences using the reported speech.

1)Он сказал, что хочет стать программистом. 2 ) Она сказала, что он веб дизайнер. 3) Он спросил есть ли у меня доступ к интернету дома. 4) Он спросил сделал ли я резервную копию своей работы. 5) Он спросил что случилось с моим компьютером. 6) Я сказал, что не разбираюсь в компьютерах. 7) Я попросил помочь мне. 8) Я сказал, что у меня проблемы с компьютером. 9) Я сказал, что в последненн время мой компьютер начал внезапно выключаться. 10) Он сказал, что ему нужно зайти ко мне и посмотреть компьютер. 11) Я сказал, что вчера мне не удалось открыть некоторые свои файлы. 12) Я сказал, что не могу слушать музыку на компьютере. 13) Я сказал, что вероятно мой компьютер устарел. 14) Он сказал, что возьмет некоторые компьютерные программы и оборудование и придет в шесть. 15) Он сказал, что проблемы с отключением компьютера возможно связаны с  перегревом. 16)  Он сказал, что мне нужно сменить батарейку. 17) Он сказал, что установит надежную антивирусную программу.
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