Soil contamination


Задания к Pollution


Задание 1. Соотнесите антонимы

1.               cold

2.               natural

3.               good

4.               interesting     

a.                artificial

b.               hot

c.                boring

d.               bad


Задание 2. Соотнесите глаголыантонимы

1. shrink

2. stop

3. take

4. take off (clothes)      

5. take off (plane)

6. tighten

7. weep

8. win

9. withdraw

a. laugh

b. deposit

c. loosen

d. expand

e. land

f. start

g. lose

h. put on

i. give


Задание 3. Стихийные бедствия (Disaster vocabulary). Закончите предложения, используя слова данные ниже.

Blizzard, tornado, famine, drought, epidemic, earthquake, explosion, tidal wave or tsunami, riot, pollution.


1.               A ___ is a violent and heavy snowstorm.

2.               When absence of rain causes fail of crops and death of livestock it is called a ___.

3.               A drought causes massive extinction through lack of food. This situation is called a ___

4.               An ___is a violent movement or shaking of the land especially around fault lines.

5.               When the earthquake causes a huge body of seawater to move in towards the shore it is known as a ___

6.               A ___ is a violent outbreak of lawlessness by people.

7.               The release of huge force caused by bomb is known as an ___

8.               A ___ is a violently rotating column of air in contact with the ground and pendant from a thunderstorm.

9.               An ___ is a disease affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time.

10.          Something that makes the air, rivers, or seas dirty is called ___



Задание 4. Соотнесите символы химических элементов с их названиями.

1.               H

2.               He

3.               Hg        

4.               I


a)               Hydrogen

b)              Mercury

c)               Iodine

d)              Helium

1.               K

2.               Li

3.               Mg

4.               Mn


a)               Manganese

b)              Lithium

c)               Potassium

d)              Magnesium

Задание 5. Переведите словосочетания:

To exceed natural levels, natural environment, to be classified as, foreign substance, chemical substance, top nominees.


Задание 6. Обратите внимание на словарную группу. Переведите предложения.

waste a отработанный

waste n отбросы, отходы

wasteland n неудобье, неиспользуемая земля

wastewater n сточные воды

Pollutants. A pollutant is a waste material that pollutes air, water or soil. Three factors determine the severity of a pollutant: its chemical nature, the concentration and the persistence.


Задание 7. Обратите внимание на изображения. Закончите выссказывания.






Industrial point sources                      Muddy river

of air pollution                                   polluted by sediment



1.               A point source of pollution is ….

2.               Non-point source (NPS) pollution is …


a)               water pollution affecting a water body from diffuse sources, such as polluted runoff from agricultural areas draining into a river, or wind-borne debris blowing out to sea. Nonpoint source pollution can be contrasted with point source pollution, where discharges occur to a body of water at a single location, such as discharges from a chemical factory, urban runoff from a roadway storm drain, or from ships at sea.


b)              a single identifiable localized source of air, water, thermal, noise or light pollution. A point source has negligible extent, distinguishing it from other pollution source geometries. The sources are called point sources because in mathematical modeling, they can be approximated as a mathematical point to simplify analysis.


Задание 8. Соотнесите антонимы

1.               dangerous

2.               intelligent

3.               rich                  

4.               dark

a.               stupid

b.               safe

c.               light

d.               poor


Задание 9. Закончите высказывания. Выберите правильные варианты.


1.               Pollution affects ecosystem and causes its ….

a)               stability

b)              disorder

c)               harm

d)              discomfort


2.               Energy pollution can take such form as …

a)               noise

b)              liquid substances

c)               heat

d)              light


Задание 10. Обратите внимание на словообразование. Переведите слова.

View – overview, illumination – over-illumination, ground – underground, water – underwater, used – disused, comfort – discomfort, treated – untreated, suitable – unsuitable.

Sun+ light=sunlight, land+form=landform, bill+board=billboard, ground+water=groundwater, radio+active=radioactive, gas+work=gasworks.


Задание 11. Дополните таблицу формами неправильных глаголов (Irregular Verbs).

































































Задание 12. Соотнесите символы химических элементов с их названиями.

1. Ag

2. Al

3. Ar

4. Au

a)               Silver

b)              Argon

c)               Gold

d)              Aluminium

1.   B          

2.   Ba

3.   Be

4.   Br

a)               Bromine

b)              Boron

c)               Barium

d)              Beryllium


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