Soil contamination


Задания к Health effects of soil contamination


Задание 1. Соотнесите синонимы

1.               hazard

2.               operation

3.               via

4.               soil

a)              trough

b)              ground

c)              threat

d)              activity



1.               incidence

2.               to induce

3.               to link

4.               damage

a)              to cause

b)              level

c)              harm

d)              to bind



1.               to affect

2.               source

3.               to cause

4.               vulnerability        

a)               origin

b)              to influence

c)               endangerment

d)              to result



Задание 2. Соотнесите антонимы

1.               to exposure

2.               healthy

3.               natural                 

4.               to depend on

a)              sick

b)              to be independent

c)              industrial

d)              to resist



Задание 3 Соотнесите


1.               infiltration into groundwater

2.               inhalation of pollutants

3.               groundwater aquifer

4.               to use for human consumption

a)               использовать для нужд человека

b)              вдыхание ядовитых веществ

c)               проникновение в грунтовую воду

d)              подземный водоносный слой



1.               health consequences

2.               to vary greatly

3.               to be carcinogenic

4.               health hazard

a)              значительно различаться

b)              последствия для здоровья

c)              угроза здоровью

d)              быть канцерогенным



1.               pollutant type

2.               congenital disorders

3.               at sufficient dosage

4.               chain of responses                             

a)              цепь последствий

b)              тип загрязняющего вещества

c)              врожденные пороки

 d)             при определенной дозировке





Задание 4. Переведите словосочетания


1.    herbicide formulation                  

2.    agricultural operations

3.    naturally-occurring substance

4.    chronic health conditions

5.    apparent source

6.    livestock manure

7.    vaporized contaminants

8.    pathway of attack



Задание 5. Словообразование. Употребление суффиксов (Suffixes).

Which of the following cannot use the suffix -ance?


a. allow-

b. brief-

c. deliver-

d. repent-

e. vigil-



Задание 6. Обратите внимание на слова обозначающие симптомы заболеваний.


Headache, nausea, fatigue, skin rash, eye irritation.


Обратите внимание на слова обозначающие последствия отравлений.


kidney damage, liver toxicity, neuromuscular blockage, liver changes, kidney changes, depression of the central nervous system, leukemia.



Задание 7. Переведите слова. Укажите способ словообразования.


Reversible - irreversible, responsible – irresponsible, regular – irregular.

Direct – indirect, organic – inorganic, equitable – inequitable.

Available – unavailable, expectedly – unexpectedly, suitable – unsuitable.

To vitalize – to devitalize, to press – to depress, nomination – denomination.

Act - interact, dependent – interdependent, change – interchange, flow – interflow.

Population – overpopulation, production – overproduction, to value – to overvalue, to whelm – to overwhelm, to predictto overpredict.

Danger – dangerous, hazard – hazardous, nerve – nervous, gas – gaseous, oxygen – oxygenous.

Economy – economic, climate – climatic, symbol – symbolic.

Agriculture – agricultural, technology – technological, physics – physical, electromechanic – electromechanical, environment- environmental.

Geographical – geographically, direct - directly, apparent – apparently, potential – potentially.


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