

I.              Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

чудо света; испугаться до смерти; образ жизни; черно-белый фильм; короткометражный фильм; качество звука; по этой причине; боле часто; отдавать предпочтение; обычные люди; вызывать чувство симпатии или ненависти.


II.           Find in the text Russian equivalents for the following:

available form of art; an audience of thirty-three spectators; moving pictures; rushing from the screen; subtitle; convenient seats in the hall; surround sound; to be short of time; manage to; something to laugh at; true-to-life film; to move deeply; as a rule; to leave a deep and lasting impression upon smb.


III.      Match the following words and phrases to make complete expressions from the text:

form of



the sound

frightened to



a snack

quality of







wonders of





in the life


the modern



of the ordinary



of sympathy


the life


or hatred

the feelings


of life


IV.              Complete the sentences with the words from the box below:

screen        audience        impression         cinema        sound   

  cinema-goer       laugh        feeling       picture


1.  The producer organizes the money for the film and how the public will see it (for example in … s, television or on video).

2.  There was no picture on the TV … .

3.  They could still receive the … but the picture was gone.

4.  The nowadays …s are in much better taste than those of a few years ago.

5.  These teachers easily found attentive ….

6.  I’m not a great … .

7.  Everyone …ed about the incident.

8.  I made a bad … by arriving late for the interview.

9.  It gave me a … of satisfaction.


V.       Answer the following questions:

1)   Who gave the world's first real cinema show in Paris? 2) What was the title of the first film? 3) Why was the audience frightened to death? 4) What kind of film do you know? 5) Why do many cinema-goers prefer to watch a film in cinemas? 6) Why does the author give his preference to comedies? 7) What do true-to-life films describe? 8) What feelings do such films arouse?


VI.   Are these statements true or false?

1)   Cinematograph is the eighth wonder of the modern world.

2)   In 1924 the Lumiere brothers gave the world's first real cinema show in London.

3)   The first film they showed was "The Arrival of a Train at a Station".

4)   Films may be only color or black-and-white.

5)   Modern cinema halls are not comfortable.

6)   In most cinemas spectators can buy popcorn and coca-cola.

7)   True-to-life films describe the life of the ordinary people, their feelings and problems.


VII.    1) Rewrite these sentences using reported speech.

Model: Sam says: “I live in London.” - Sam says (that) he lives in London.

1)   The narrator says: “I am not a great cinema-goer”.

2)   He says: “I saw the film that was produced by the Mosfilm Studio - "The Diamond Arm".

3)   Jane: “This comedy is a funny mixture of fiction and reality.”

4)   Mark and John: “Finally the militia traced down the smugglers.”

5)   Boys say: “Nikulin who was in the title-role is a real favourite with the public.”

6)   He says: “I am not terribly fond of him though he is an actor of some talent.”

7)   She says: “I couldn't call it exactly a very good film.”

2) Rewrite the sentences above in Past tense, using reported speech.

Model: Sam says (that) he lives in London. - Sam told (that) he lived in London.


VIII.      Translate the following sentences into English:

1.    Он говорит, что они пойдут смотреть музыкальную комедию сегодня. 2. Такая толпа людей устремилась к автобусу, что люди едва смогли выйти из него. 3. Кино – это доступный и популярный вид искусства. 4. У меня практически нет времени ходить в кинотеатры. 5. Он снял фильм про её жизнь. 6. Было очень забавно смотреть представление с дрессированными слонами. 7. Они смеялись над нашими усилиями. 8. Я был по-настоящему растроган его слезами. 9. У меня складывается такое впечатление, что вы совершенно не готовы к занятию. 10. Я отдаю предпочтение комедиям и реалистическим фильмам. 


Listening and speaking


1.  George Brown and Margaret Snow often go to the cinema together. It is Saturday today. They decided to see a new film, which is not yet on DVD. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.

1)   Is the film they decide to watch considered the best of the year?

2)   What time does the film start?

3)   Where do George and Margaret find two vacant seats?

4)   Who is an inveterate cinema-goer in their class?

5)   What is the Tom’s opinion about this film?


2.    Listen to the dialogue once more and complete the sentences.

1)   It is the ____________  and it is considered the best of the year.

2)   The film is playing ___________________.

3)   Unfortunately, it was impossible _______________________ .

4)   I wonder, are ____________________ still available?

5)   Let’s wait there and ________________________ .

6)   He said it was a talented and _________________.


3.    a) Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue using the following expressions:

to go to the cinema; to be on; the favourite; to be very popular with cinema-goers; to be able to get seats; vacant seats; to start in … minutes;  to buy popcorn and coca-cola; to enjoy.

b) Act out your dialogue.


Supplementary text

(Andrew Littlejohn, Diana Hicks with Olga Vinogradova. Cambridge English for Schools in Russia. Student’s Book Three. – Cambridge University Press and Drofa Publishers,


1)     Usually at the end of a film there is a long list of people who made it. Look at this list. Do you know what each person does?

a producer   a director   a writer   an editor  an actor

Tell the group your ideas. Are you right?


2)     Read about the steps in making a film.

How do they make a film?


A film starts with an idea. Often this comes from a producer who is interested in making a particular type of film. The producer contacts a writer. The writer writes a script. If the producer likes it, the producer then contacts a director. The director plans how they can make the film. If the producer agrees, the director then chooses the people who will help to make the film.


The director decides exactly what will happen in each scene. The director of special effects organizes the special effects for the film. The producer organizes the money for the film and how the public will see it (e.g. in cinemas, television or on video). Often, there are one or two main actors or actresses (‘stars’), some supporting actors and “extras” who appear in the crowd scenes. The casting director has the job of choosing the actors. The director of photography is in charge of directing all the camera operators. The designers are responsible for choosing the clothes and the make-up for the actors and for deciding what the “set” will look like.


Every day, the editors produce film for the director to check. They cut the film and join it together the way the director wants it.


When the film is ready, the producer contacts the distributors who sell the film to video shops, television companies and cinemas and we see it!


3)     Answer the following questions:

1.    What is the title of the text? Give your own variants.

2.    What are the steps in making a film?

3.    What kind of directors do you know?

4.    Whose job in making a film is the most difficult?


4)     Match the following professions related to film making with their duties:


plans how they can make the film


produces film for the director to check


plays the best role of the film


writes a script


sells the film to video shops or television companies


is interested in making a particular type of film


is responsible for choosing the clothes and the make-up for the actors



Can you write the correct words in the puzzle?

1.      Someone who is in charge of making a film or programme, or getting a play ready for performance. (d . . . . . . .)

2.      The flat surface in a cinema where the picture is shown. (s . . . . .)

3.      A film, especially for children, that is made by photographing a series of drawings so that people and things in them seem to move. (с . . . . . .)

4.      The casting director decides (с . . . . .) who will be the actors and actresses in a film.

5.      Someone who is to be in charge of cutting and checking the film. (e . . . . .)

6.      A large number of people in the same place (с . . . . )

7.      Someone who writes books, stories as their job. (w . . . . .)

8.      At . . . . . . . . . object or substance is clear or thin enough for you to see things through..

9.      A film about cowboys is called a w……………….

10. A piece of equipment used for taking photographs. (с . . . . .)

11. A woman who performs in plays and films. (a . . . . . . )

















































































































































I.             Study the active vocabulary of the text:

cinema n (syn. movie, picture)

~ verite

-  кинематография, кинотеатр, фильм


-         правдивоекино, документальный фильм

cinematograph n

-  кино, кинематограф

wonder n

the seven ~s of the world

It is no ~ that ...

What a ~!

- чудо; нечто удивительное

- семь чудес света


- Неудивительно, что...

- Поразительно!

audience n

appreciative ~

to attract / draw  ~

to electrify / move ~

- публика; зрители

- благодарная аудитория

- привлечь внимание публики

-  раскалить, разогреть публику

spectator n

-  зритель, посетитель

frighten v

-  пугать

rush v

-  мчаться, нестись, устремляться

screen n

television / tv ~

- кино, экран, кинематография

- телевизионный экран

film n

color ~

black-and-white ~

full-length ~

sound ~

silent ~

dubbed ~

true-to-life ~

- фильм; снимать фильм

- цветной фильм

- черно-белый фильм

- полнометражный фильм

- звуковой фильм

- немой фильм

- дублированный фильм

- реалистический, правдивый фильм

hall n

-  кинозал

row n

back ~s of the cinema

-  ряд

-   последние ряды кинотеатра

surround sound

-  объемный звук


-  зритель, любитель кино

snack n

to have a ~

-  лёгкая закуска

-  перекусить

frequently adv

-  часто

amusing adj

-  забавный, смешной

laugh v

to ~ at a joke

to ~ to scorn

-   смеяться, рассмеяться

-   смеяться над шуткой

-   высмеять

comedy n

musical ~

- комедия, смешной случай,

- музыкальная комедия

describe v

to ~ in detail / minutely

to ~ vividly

-  описывать, характеризовать

-  подробно описывать

-  живо описывать

move v

-  тронуть,  волновать; вызывать

arouse v  

to ~ interest

-  будить, пробуждать, вызвать

-  возбуждать интерес

hatred n

deep-rooted/profound  ~

consumed /filled with  ~

to arouse / stir up  ~

-  ненависть

-  глубокая ненависть

-  полный ненависти

-  вызывать чувство ненависти

hero n

-  герой, кумир

impression n

deep/profound /strong ~

to gain an ~

I'm under the ~ that…

-  впечатление

-   сильное впечатление

-   получать впечатление

-   У меня складывается такое впечатление, что…


II.              Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

чудо света; испугаться до смерти; образ жизни; черно-белый фильм; короткометражный фильм; качество звука; по этой причине; боле часто; отдавать предпочтение; обычные люди; вызывать чувство симпатии или ненависти.


III.           Find in the text Russian equivalents for the following:

available form of art; an audience of thirty-three spectators; moving pictures; rushing from the screen; subtitle; convenient seats in the hall; surround sound; to be short of time; manage to; something to laugh at; true-to-life film; to move deeply; as a rule; to leave a deep and lasting impression upon smb.


IV.      Match the following words and phrases to make complete expressions from the text:

form of



the sound

frightened to



a snack

quality of







wonders of





in the life


the modern



of the ordinary



of sympathy


the life


or hatred

the feelings


of life


V.              Complete the sentences with the words from the box below:

screen        audience        impression         cinema        sound   

  cinema-goer       laugh        feeling       picture


1.  The producer organizes the money for the film and how the public will see it (for example in … s, television or on video).

2.  There was no picture on the TV … .

3.  They could still receive the … but the picture was gone.

4.  The nowadays …s are in much better taste than those of a few years ago.

5.  These teachers easily found attentive ….

6.  I’m not a great … .

7.  Everyone …ed about the incident.

8.  I made a bad … by arriving late for the interview.

9.  It gave me a … of satisfaction.


VI.       Answer the following questions:

1)   Who gave the world's first real cinema show in Paris? 2) What was the title of the first film? 3) Why was the audience frightened to death? 4) What kind of film do you know? 5) Why do many cinema-goers prefer to watch a film in cinemas? 6) Why does the author give his preference to comedies? 7) What do true-to-life films describe? 8) What feelings do such films arouse?


VII.   Are these statements true or false?

1)   Cinematograph is the eighth wonder of the modern world.

2)   In 1924 the Lumiere brothers gave the world's first real cinema show in London.

3)   The first film they showed was "The Arrival of a Train at a Station".

4)   Films may be only color or black-and-white.

5)   Modern cinema halls are not comfortable.

6)   In most cinemas spectators can buy popcorn and coca-cola.

7)   True-to-life films describe the life of the ordinary people, their feelings and problems.


VIII.    1) Rewrite these sentences using reported speech.

Model: Sam says: “I live in London.” - Sam says (that) he lives in London.

1)   The narrator says: “I am not a great cinema-goer”.

2)   He says: “I saw the film that was produced by the Mosfilm Studio - "The Diamond Arm".

3)   Jane: “This comedy is a funny mixture of fiction and reality.”

4)   Mark and John: “Finally the militia traced down the smugglers.”

5)   Boys say: “Nikulin who was in the title-role is a real favourite with the public.”

6)   He says: “I am not terribly fond of him though he is an actor of some talent.”

7)   She says: “I couldn't call it exactly a very good film.”

2) Rewrite the sentences above in Past tense, using reported speech.

Model: Sam says (that) he lives in London. - Sam told (that) he lived in London.


IX.      Translate the following sentences into English:

1.    Он говорит, что они пойдут смотреть музыкальную комедию сегодня. 2. Такая толпа людей устремилась к автобусу, что люди едва смогли выйти из него. 3. Кино – это доступный и популярный вид искусства. 4. У меня практически нет времени ходить в кинотеатры. 5. Он снял фильм про её жизнь. 6. Было очень забавно смотреть представление с дрессированными слонами. 7. Они смеялись над нашими усилиями. 8. Я был по-настоящему растроган его слезами. 9. У меня складывается такое впечатление, что вы совершенно не готовы к занятию. 10. Я отдаю предпочтение комедиям и реалистическим фильмам. 


Listening and speaking


1.  George Brown and Margaret Snow often go to the cinema together. It is Saturday today. They decided to see a new film, which is not yet on DVD. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.

1)   Is the film they decide to watch considered the best of the year?

2)   What time does the film start?

3)   Where do George and Margaret find two vacant seats?

4)   Who is an inveterate cinema-goer in their class?

5)   What is the Tom’s opinion about this film?


2.    Listen to the dialogue once more and complete the sentences.

1)   It is the ____________  and it is considered the best of the year.

2)   The film is playing ___________________.

3)   Unfortunately, it was impossible _______________________ .

4)   I wonder, are ____________________ still available?

5)   Let’s wait there and ________________________ .

6)   He said it was a talented and _________________.


3.    a) Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue using the following expressions:

to go to the cinema; to be on; the favourite; to be very popular with cinema-goers; to be able to get seats; vacant seats; to start in … minutes;  to buy popcorn and coca-cola; to enjoy.

b) Act out your dialogue.


Supplementary text

(Andrew Littlejohn, Diana Hicks with Olga Vinogradova. Cambridge English for Schools in Russia. Student’s Book Three. – Cambridge University Press and Drofa Publishers,


1)     Usually at the end of a film there is a long list of people who made it. Look at this list. Do you know what each person does?

a producer   a director   a writer   an editor  an actor

Tell the group your ideas. Are you right?


2)     Read about the steps in making a film.

How do they make a film?


A film starts with an idea. Often this comes from a producer who is interested in making a particular type of film. The producer contacts a writer. The writer writes a script. If the producer likes it, the producer then contacts a director. The director plans how they can make the film. If the producer agrees, the director then chooses the people who will help to make the film.


The director decides exactly what will happen in each scene. The director of special effects organizes the special effects for the film. The producer organizes the money for the film and how the public will see it (e.g. in cinemas, television or on video). Often, there are one or two main actors or actresses (‘stars’), some supporting actors and “extras” who appear in the crowd scenes. The casting director has the job of choosing the actors. The director of photography is in charge of directing all the camera operators. The designers are responsible for choosing the clothes and the make-up for the actors and for deciding what the “set” will look like.


Every day, the editors produce film for the director to check. They cut the film and join it together the way the director wants it.


When the film is ready, the producer contacts the distributors who sell the film to video shops, television companies and cinemas and we see it!


3)     Answer the following questions:

1.    What is the title of the text? Give your own variants.

2.    What are the steps in making a film?

3.    What kind of directors do you know?

4.    Whose job in making a film is the most difficult?


4)     Match the following professions related to film making with their duties:


plans how they can make the film


produces film for the director to check


plays the best role of the film


writes a script


sells the film to video shops or television companies


is interested in making a particular type of film


is responsible for choosing the clothes and the make-up for the actors



Can you write the correct words in the puzzle?

1.      Someone who is in charge of making a film or programme, or getting a play ready for performance. (d . . . . . . .)

2.      The flat surface in a cinema where the picture is shown. (s . . . . .)

3.      A film, especially for children, that is made by photographing a series of drawings so that people and things in them seem to move. (с . . . . . .)

4.      The casting director decides (с . . . . .) who will be the actors and actresses in a film.

5.      Someone who is to be in charge of cutting and checking the film. (e . . . . .)

6.      A large number of people in the same place (с . . . . )

7.      Someone who writes books, stories as their job. (w . . . . .)

8.      At . . . . . . . . . object or substance is clear or thin enough for you to see things through..

9.      A film about cowboys is called a w……………….

10. A piece of equipment used for taking photographs. (с . . . . .)

11. A woman who performs in plays and films. (a . . . . . . )
















































































































































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