Автор - к.ф.н. Мишаева М.В.



Question 1. Is the statement below
1. not used in the text
2. true
3. false
The structure of communities can change with time.
Choose the right variant
Question 2.Is the statement below
1. true
2. not used in the text
3. false
It’s necessary to preserve the environment for people to be healthy.
Choose the right variant
Question 3.Is the statement below
1. true
2. false
3. not used in the text
The pollution of the oceans by radioactive waste is called greenhouse effect.
Choose the right variant
Question 4.Is the statement below
1. true
2. false
3. not used in the text
Overcutting trees for centuries man has been damaging his environment.
Choose the right variant
Question 5.Point the part of the text (1, 2, 3, 4) where you can find the information:
The ecosystem a concept that unifies plant and animal ecology, population dynamics, behaviour, and evolution.
Choose the right variant:
1. 1
2. 3
3. 4
4. 2
Question 6.Point the part of the text (1, 2, 3, 4) where you can find the information:
Environmental problems causing global ecological crisis
Choose the right variant:
1. 3
2. 1
3. 2
4. 4
Question 7.Answer the question:
What was meant by “ecology” in ancient Greece?
Choose the right variant:
1. Ancient Greeks considered “ecology” to be the study of the organisation and functioning of communities.
2. Ancient Greeks considered “ecology” to be interrelationships between different organisms and between organisms and their nonliving environment.
3. Ancient Greeks considered “ecology” to consist of various aspects of terrestrial ecosystems.
4. Ancient Greeks considered “ecology” to be the study of the behavioural responses of animals to their environment
Question 8.What is the main idea of the text?
Choose the right variant:
1. Ecology concerns numerous areas of studies.
2. All modern ecological problems are caused by the man.
3. Ecosystems are deeply interrelated.
4. The history of ecology is not long.
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