Автор - к.ф.н. Мишаева М.В.



Question 1.Is the statement below
1. not used in the text
2. true
3. false
Recycled glass is used in construction industry.
Choose the right variant
Question 2.Is the statement below
1. true
2. false
3. not used in the text
Plastics must be sorted before recycling because the number of their types is enormous.
Choose the right variant
Question 3.Is the statement below
1. false
2. not used in the text
3. true
Steel is downgraded from prime to lower quality material when processed.
Choose the right variant
Question 4.Is the statement below
1. true
2. not used in the text
3. false
Recycling has been a common practice throughout human history.
Choose the right variant
Question 5.Point the part of the text (1, 2, 3, 4) where you can find the information:
Before recycling glass is sorted according to its colour.
Choose the right variant:
1. 3
2. 1
3. 2
4. 4
Question 6.Point the part of the text (1, 2, 3, 4) where you can find the information:
About a half of all steel produced is recycled material.
Choose the right variant:
1. 3
2. 1
3. 4
4. 2
Question 7.Answer the question
Why is the process of plastics recycling costly?
Choose the right variant:
1. Because it is difficult to sort plastics for reprocessing.
2. Because it is almost impossible to cut it into pieces.
3. Because it can’t be melted.
4. Because it is difficult to collect plastic wastes.
Question 8.What is the main idea of the text?
Choose the right variant:
1. Aluminium is an infinitely recyclable material.
2. The recycling facilities for paper and metal are more numerous than for plastics.
3. The structure of glass doesn’t deteriorate when recycled.
4. Recycling of different wastes varies from type to type.
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