Горизонтальный свиток: Unit VII


Organic and inorganic chemistry



Step I. Answer the questions

Ø What do you know about organic chemistry? What does it study?

Ø What do you know about inorganic chemistry? What does it study?

Ø Do properties of organic compounds differ from inorganic compounds?


Step II. Find in the text sentences with the following word combinations and try to guess their meaning:

Ø beneficial in the treatment; crystalline active substance; in the terms of the molecular terms; industrial uses; existence of chains.




The Chemistry of Carbon and Silicon


Описание: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/55/Ch4-structure.pngOrganic chemistry is the chemistry of the compounds of car­bon. Organic chemistry is a scientific study of the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds and organic materials, i.e., matter in its various forms that contain carbon atoms.

There are two principal ways in which organic chemists work. One of these ways is to begin the investigation of some natural material, such as a plant, which has some special properties. This plant might, for example, have been found to be beneficial in the treatment of malaria. The chemist makes an extract from the plant, and divides the extract into fractions. After each fractionation a study is made to see which fraction still contains the active substance. Finally this process may be carried so far that a pure, crystalline active sub­stance is obtained. The chemist then analyzes the substance, and determines its molecular weight. Then he investigates the chemical properties of the substance. When the structure has been determined, he attempts to synthesize the substance; if he is successful, the active material may be made available in large quantity and at low cost.

Описание: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR96PGqOD7_MSQqozzegBP7VoQG2dUkTTbtRYp4L9tZrdufwddkzg&reload=onThe other way in which organic chemists work involves the synthesis and study of a large number of organic compounds. The ultimate goal of this branch of organic chemistry is the complete understand­ing of the physical and chemical properties, and also the physiolo­gical properties of substances in terms of their molecular structure.

        Silicon plays an important part in inorganic world, similar to that played by carbon in organic world. Most of the rocks that constitute the earth's crust are com­posed of the silicate minerals, of which silicon is the most important elementary constituent. Silicon is a chemical element, which has the symbol Si and atomic number 14. It is less reactive than its chemical analog carbon.

Silicon rarely occurs as the pure free element in nature. It is more widely distributed in dusts, sands.

Silicon has many industrial uses. It is the principal component of most semiconductor devices because it remains a semiconductor at higher temperatures than the semiconductor germanium. In the form of silica and silicates, silicon forms useful glasses, cements, and ceramics. It is also a constituent of silicones.

The importance of carbon in organic chemistry results from its ability to form carbon—carbon bonds, permitting complex molecules, with the most varied properties, to exist. The importance of silicon in the inorganic world results from a different property of the element. The characteristic feature of the silicate minerals is the existence of chains and more complex structures in which the silicon atoms are not bonded directly to one another but are connected by oxygen atoms.


Topical vocabulary:

beneficialполезный;  cement [sə'ment] – цемент; constituent [kən'stɪtjuənt] – компонент, составная часть; crystalline ['krɪst(ə)laɪn] – кристаллический; fractionationфракционирование; investigate исследовать, investigation – исследование; malaria [mə'leərɪə] – малярия;  molecular [mə'lekjulə] – молекулярный; semiconductorполупроводник; silica ['sɪlɪkə] кремнезём; кварц; диоксид кремния; silicate ['sɪlɪkeɪt] – силикат; silicon ['sɪlɪkən] – кремний;  silicone [ʹsılıkəun] – силикон; treatmentлечение; ultimate ['ʌltɪmət] – конечный, окончательный.


Step III. Translate the following word combinations from English into Russian.

Begin the investigation ______________________________________

Synthesize the substance ____________________________________

Available in large quantity ___________________________________

Ultimate goal ______________________________________________

Complete understanding ______________________________________

Important elementary constituent_______________________________

Widely Distributed_________________________________________________

Silica and silicates__________________________________________

Characteristic feature_________________________________________


Step IV. Translate the following Russian word combinations into English:

научное изучение, два основных направления, исследование некоторых природных материалов, особые свойства, анализировать вещество,  синтез и изучение большого количества органических соединений, силикатные минералы,  полупроводниковые устройства.


Step V. Match two halves of the sentences.

1. Organic chemistry deals with …

a. … to see which fraction still contain active substance.

2. One of these ways is to begin investigation…

b. … its ability to form carbon—carbon bonds, permitting complex molecules, with the most varied properties, to exist.

3. After each fractionation a study is made …

c. … that played by carbon inorganic world.

4. When the structure has been determined…

d. … structure, properties and reactions of organic compounds.

5. The ultimate goal of organic chemistry is …

e. … the characteristic feature of the silicate minerals, namely, the existence of chains and more complex structures in which the silicon atoms are not bonded directly to one another but are connected by oxygen atoms.

6. Silicon plays an important  similar to …

f. … for example, plant which has some special properties. 

7. The importance of carbon in organic chemistry results from…

g. … he attempts to synthesize the substance.

8. The importance of silicon in  inorganic world results from …

h. … the complete understanding of physical, chemical and physiological properties of substances in terms of their molecular structure.


Step VI. Make up diagrams


Овал: compound



Овал: activity
Овал: component


















Овал: inorganic                                              


Овал: reactive










Step VII. True or false?

1. Organic chemistry includes all the chemical components except the many which are based upon chains of carbon atoms.

2. Inorganic chemistry studies matter in its various forms that contain carbon atoms.

3. Organic chemists create and explore new uses for new or exciting organic materials. 

4. The work of inorganic chemists is based on understanding the behavior and analogues for inorganic elements, and how these materials can be modified, separated or used – often in product applications.

5. Silicon doesn’t play any important part in the inorganic world.

6. Atomic number of Si is 15. 

7. Silicon often occurs as the pure free element in nature.

8. Silicon is used in many industries.

9. Germanium is used as a principal component of most semiconductor devices because it remains a semiconductor at higher temperatures than semiconductor silicon.


Step VШ. Find for every word synonym and antonym from the box


Скругленный прямоугольник: lose, compose, inert, receive, include, similar, bonded, complicated, different, disconnected, active, destroy, simple, exclude 





























Step IX. Answer the following questions.

1.  What is the difference between organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry?

2. Are there any similarities between organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry?

3. What are the ways in which organic chemists work?

4. What is the point of the work of inorganic chemists?

5. What is the goal of organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry?

6. What is the chemical analog of carbon that plays an important part in inorganic world like carbon in organic world?

7. Why is carbon so important in organic world?

8.  Why is silicon important in inorganic world?


Step X. Inorganic chemists may consider inorganic chemistry the hub of the universe, but organic chemists will be of quite the opposite opinion. Discuss with your partner which chemistry is more important: organic or inorganic? Say what you think and find out if your partner agrees or disagrees with you.


Step XI. Choose any topic you like and make a short presentation.

v The history of the development of organic chemistry (inorganic chemistry).

v Modern methods and ways in which organic (inorganic) chemists work.

v The great scientists working in the field of organic (inorganic) chemistry.




Fun Time

Organic and inorganic quiz


1. Which element is present in all organic compounds?

a) carbon;

b) nitrogen;

c) oxygen;

d) phosphorous.

2. Which property is generally characteristic of an organic compound?

a) low melting point;

b) high melting point;

c) soluble in polar solvents;

d) insoluble in nonpolar solvents.

3. Compared to the rate of inorganic reactions, the rate of organic reactions generally is:

a) slower because organic particles are ions;

b) slower because organic particles contain covalent bonds;

c) faster because organic particles are ions;

d) faster because organic particles contain covalent bonds.

4. Which statement explains why the element carbon forms so many compounds?
a) Carbon atoms combine readily with oxygen.

b) Carbon atoms have very high electronegativity.

c) Carbon readily forms ionic bonds with other carbon atoms.

d) Carbon readily forms covalent bonds with other carbon atoms.

5. Which compound is an organic acid?

a) CH3OH;

b) CH3OCH3;



6. This noble gas is used in the practice of organic chemistry when reactions need to be kept dry and out of the atmosphere.

a) helium;

b) xenon;

c) neon;

d) argon.

7. Silicon is a member of the _________ group.

a) semi metal;

b) alkali metal;

c) transition metal;

d) basic metal.

8. What is the appearance of amorphous silicon?

a) silver-white;

b) black crystals;

c) pale yellow crystals;

d) brown powder.

9. How many stable isotope does Silicon have?

a) 0;

b) 1;

c) 2;

d) 3.

10. Silicon is found in which of the following  gemstones?

a) ruby;

b) amethyst;

c) diamond;

d) pearl.

11. Silicon expands when it freezes.

a) true;

b) false.

12. Silica is a compound of silicon and which element?

a) carbon;

b) hydrogen;

c) sulfur;

d) oxygen.